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Algebre: Chapitre 8 (Elements de Mathematique)
N. Bourbaki (Springer 2012年04月30日)
Theory Of Algebraic Invariants In Pseudo-Riemannian Geometry
RAYMOND G. MCLENAGHAN、Roman G. Smirnov (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2012年04月30日)
Paulo Ney De Souza、Jorge-Nuno Silva (Springer 2012年04月)
Boolean Reasoning: The Logic of Boolean Equations (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Frank Markham Brown、Mathematics (Dover Publications 2012年03月16日)
Elementary Matrix Algebra (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Franz E. Hohn、Mathematics (Dover Publications 2012年01月25日)
Universal Algabraic Logic: Dedicated to the Unity of Science (Studies in Universal Logic)
Hajnal Andreka (Birkhauser (Architectural) 2011年12月29日)
Proofs from the Book: Edizione Italiana a Cura Di Alfio Quarteroni
Martin Aigner、Gunter Ziegler (Springer-Verlag 2011年12月12日)
Applied Algebra and Functional Analysis (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Anthony N. Michel、Charles J. Herget、Mathematics (Dover Publications 2011年11月30日)
Linear Algebra and Matrix Computations for Statistics (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)
Sudipto Banerjee、Anindya Roy (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2011年11月26日)
Algebra With Trigonometry for College Students
Charles P. McKeague (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2011年08月30日)
Algebra & Trigonometry
Mustafa A. Munem、James P. Yizze (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2011年08月15日)
Additive Number Theory: Density Theorems and the Growth of Sumsets (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Melvyn B. Nathanson (Springer-Verlag 2011年07月30日)
Quadratic Diophantine Equations (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
Titu Andreescu、Dorin Andrica (Springer-Verlag 2011年07月30日)
Numerical Methods for Roots of Polynomials - Part II, Volume ? (Studies in Computational Mathematics)
J.M. McNamee (Elsevier Science 2011年07月27日)
Algebra / College Algebra
Charles H. Lehmann (Limusa 2011年06月30日)
Construction And Decoding Of Algebraic Geometry Codes
Ruud Pelikaan (Cambridge Univ Pr (Sd) 2011年06月30日)
Cremona Transformations: In Plane and Space (Cambridge Mathematical Library)
Hilda P. Hudson (Cambridge University Press 2011年06月30日)
Curvature and Homology: Enlarged Edition (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Samuel I. Goldberg、Mathematics (Dover Publications 2011年06月16日)
Construction And Decoding Of Algebraic Geometry Codes
Ruud Pelikaan (Cambridge Univ Pr (Txp) 2011年05月30日)
Introducci al チlgebra
Phares G. O'Daffer、Stanley R. Clemens、Charles I. Randall (Prentice Hall 2011年04月25日)
Geometry of Algebraic Curves (Grundlehren Der Mathematischen Wissenschaften)
Enrico Arbarello、Maurizio Cornalba、Phillip A. Griffiths (Springer-Verlag 2011年03月29日)
Introduction to Linear Algebra (6th Edition)
Lee W. Johnson、R. Dean Riess、Jimmy T. Arnold (Addison Wesley 2011年03月25日)
Introduction to Algebric Geometry and Commutative Algebra
Patil、Storch、D. P. Patil、U. Storch (Anshan Pub 2011年01月30日)
Introduction to Group Theory
Michael J. Collins (Chapman & Hall 2011年01月15日)
Algebraic Programming With Magma 2
John Cannon、Catherine Playoust、Wieb Bosma (Springer-Verlag 2011年01月03日)
Mathematical Bridges
Titu Andreescu、Cristinel Mortici (Birkhauser 2011年01月)
Mathematics for Economics and Business
Ian Jacques (Prentice Hall 2010年12月16日)
Advanced Algebra Through Data Exploration: Blackline Masters for Calculator Notes - Casio CFX-9800G/CFX-9900G/CFX-9850G/CFX-9950G
Eric Kamischke (Key Curriculum Press 2010年12月)
Additive Number Theory: Festschrift in Honor of the Sixtieth Birthday of Melvyn B. Nathanson
(Springer-Verlag 2010年11月30日)
Zahlentheorie Und Arithmetik (Mathematik Primar- Und Sekundarstufe)
Friedhelm Padberg (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Gmbh 2010年11月11日)
Zahlbereiche (Mathematik Primar- Und Sekundarstufe)
Friedhelm Padberg、Rainer Danckwerts、Martin Stein (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Gmbh 2010年11月04日)
Introduction to Quantum Groups (Modern Birkhauser Classics)
George Lusztig (Birkhaeuser Boston 2010年11月02日)
Mathematik Fur Ingenieure: Ein Anwendungsorientiertes Lehrbuch (Springer-Lehrbuch)
Thomas Westermann (Springer 2010年11月)
Algebra And Trigonometry
David Cohen (Wadsworth Pub Co 2010年10月30日)
Geometric Etudes in Combinatorial Mathematics
Alexander Soifer (Springer New York 2010年10月30日)
An Introduction to Algebraic Structures (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Joseph Landin、Mathematics (Dover Publications 2010年10月18日)
Elliptische Funktionen Und Modulformen (Springer-Lehrbuch Masterclass)
Max Koecher、Aloys Krieg (Springer 2010年10月13日)
Algebraic Analysis On Painleve Equations
Yousuke Ohyama (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2010年10月10日)
Topics in Hyperplane Arrangements, Polytopes and Box-Splines (Universitext)
Corrado De Concini、Claudio Procesi (Springer-Verlag 2010年10月02日)
How to Count: An Introduction to Combinatorics, Second Edition (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
R.B.J.T. Allenby、Alan Slomson (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2010年09月02日)
Algebraic Approach to Differential Equations
(World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2010年07月30日)
Gruppi: Una Introduzione a Idee E Metodi Della Teoria Dei Gruppi (Unitext)
Antonio Machi (Springer Verlag 2010年06月30日)
Matrix Partial Orders, Shorted Operators and Applications (Series in Algebra)
Sujit Kumar Mitra、P. Bhimasankaram、Saroj B. Malik (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2010年05月31日)
Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
(Birkhauser 2010年03月30日)
Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry: In Honor of Y.I. Manin (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
(Birkhauser 2010年03月30日)
Colege Algebra, Enhanced Review Edition
James Stewart、Lothar Redlin、Saleem Watson (Thomson Brooks/Cole 2010年02月)
Applied Abstract Algebra (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
Chris Godsil (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2010年01月15日)
Algebra, Student Solutions Manual: Form and Function
William G. McCallum、Eric Connally、Deborah Hughes-Hallett、Philip Cheifetz、Ann Davidian、Patti Frazer Lock、David Lovelock、Ellen Schmierer、Pat Shure、Carl Swenson、Elliot J. Marks (Wiley 2010年01月07日)
Automorphic Functions and the Geometry of Classical Domains (Mathematics and Its Applications)
I. Pyatekskii-Shapiro (Gordon & Breach Science Pub 2009年12月31日)
Tight Closure in Equal Characteristic Zero: With an Introduction to the Characteristic P Theory (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
Hochster Mel、Craig Huneke (Springer-Verlag 2009年12月31日)
Modern Mathematics: Fundamentals and Concepts
Ruric E. Wheeler、Ed R. Wheeler (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2009年12月29日)
Introduction to Applied Algebraic Systems
Norman R. Reilly (Oxford Univ Pr (Sd) 2009年12月04日)
Applications of Automata Theory and Algebra: Via the Mathematical Theory of Complexity to Biology, Physics, Psychology, Philosophy, and Games
John Rhodes (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2009年11月30日)
Applications of Automata Theory and Algebra: Via the Mathematical Theory of Complexity to Biology, Physics, Psychology, Philosophy, and Games
John Rhodes (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2009年11月30日)
Vistas of Special Functions II
Kalyan Chakraborty、Shigeru Kanemitsu、Yoshio Tanigawa (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2009年11月30日)
A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram's New Kind of Science (World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science, Series a Monographs and Treatises)
Leon O. Chua (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2009年10月30日)
Algebraic Topology: The Abel Symposium 2007, Proceedings of the Fourth Abel Symposium, Oslo, Norway, August 5-10, 2007 (Abel Symposia)
(Springer-Verlag 2009年10月)
Differential Tensor Algebras and their Module Categories (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
R. Bautista、L. Salmerón、R. Zuazua (Cambridge University Press 2009年09月17日)
Simple Lie Algebras Over Fields of Positive Characteristic: Classifying the Absolute Toral Rank Two Case (De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics)
Helmut Strade (Walter De Gruyter Inc 2009年09月15日)
Algebra For Winners
Dorothy Johnson、Jeff Koleno (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2009年09月09日)
Trigonometry, Student Solutions Manual
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2009年09月08日)
Codes over Rings: Proceedings of the Cimpa Summer School, Ankara, Turkey, 18-29 August 2008 (Series on Coding Theory and Cryptology)
(World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2009年08月30日)
Symmetry, Representations, and Invariants (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Roe Goodman、Nolan R. Wallach (Springer-Verlag 2009年08月30日)
Algebra and Trigonometry: Graphs and Models (Alternative Etext Formats)
Marvin L. Bittinger、Judith A. Beecher、David J. Ellenbogen、Judith A. Penna (Addison Wesley 2009年08月21日)
Schaum's Outline of College Algebra, Third Edition (Schaum's Outline Series)
Murray Spiegel、Robert Moyer (McGraw-Hill 2009年08月20日)
Unitary Reflection Groups (Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series)
Gustav I. Lehrer、Donald E. Taylor (Cambridge University Press 2009年08月13日)
How Does One Cut a Triangle?
Alexander Soifer (Springer New York 2009年08月05日)
Collected Papers: Bertram Kostant: 1955-1966
Bertram Kostant (Springer-Verlag 2009年08月04日)
Abstract and Concrete Categories: The Joy of Cats (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Jiri Adamek、Horst Herrlich、George E Strecker、Mathematics (Dover Publications 2009年08月03日)
Barron's E-Z Algebra
Douglas, Ph.d. Downing (Barrons Educational Series Inc 2009年08月)
Conceptual Mathematics: A First Introduction to Categories
F. William Lawvere、Stephen H. Schanuel (Cambridge University Press 2009年07月30日)
Conceptual Mathematics: A First Introduction to Categories
F. William Lawvere、Stephen H. Schanuel (Cambridge University Press 2009年07月30日)
Basic Algebra II: Second Edition (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Nathan Jacobson、Mathematics (Dover Publications 2009年07月22日)
College Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann、Vernon C. Barker、Richard D. Nation (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2009年07月17日)
Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)
Tamás Szamuely (Cambridge University Press 2009年07月16日)
The Racah-Wigner Algebra in Quantum Theory (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
L. C. Biedenharn、J. D. Louck (Cambridge University Press 2009年07月16日)
Words: Notes on Verbal Width in Groups (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
Dan Segal (Cambridge University Press 2009年07月16日)
College Algebra
Swanson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2009年07月15日)
Gcm to Accompany College Algebra
Swanson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2009年07月15日)
Higher Topos Theory (Annals of Mathematics Studies)
Jacob Lurie (Princeton Univ Pr 2009年07月06日)
Higher Topos Theory (Annals of Mathematics Studies)
Jacob Lurie (Princeton Univ Pr 2009年07月06日)
Groebner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography
(Springer-Verlag 2009年07月04日)
Introduction to Mathematical Proofs: A Transition (Textbooks in Mathematics)
Charles Roberts (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2009年07月03日)
Differential Equations Geometry, Symmetries and Integrability: The Abel Symposium 2008 Proceedings of the Fifth Abel Symposium, Tromso, Norway, June 17-22, 2008 (Abel Symposia)
(Springer-Verlag New York Inc (C) 2009年07月)
Mathematical Methods in Counterterrorism
(Springer-Verlag New York Inc (C) 2009年07月)
Analisis matematico / Introduction to Analysis: Curso de introduccion / Introductory Course (Biblioteca De Matematica Superior)
Norman Haaser、Joseph LA Salle、Joseph Sullivan (Trillas 2009年06月30日)
Applied Algebraic Dynamics (De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics)
Vladimir Anashin、Andrei Khrennikov (Walter De Gruyter Inc 2009年06月30日)
Oeuvres Scientifiques / Collected Papers: 1926-1951
Andre Weil (Springer-Verlag 2009年06月30日)
Oeuvres Scientifiques / Collected Papers: 1951-1964
Andre Weil (Springer-Verlag 2009年06月30日)
Oeuvres Scientifiques / Collected Papers: 1964-1978
Andre Weil (Springer-Verlag 2009年06月30日)
Abels Beweis
Peter Pesic (Springer 2009年06月22日)
Basic Algebra I: Second Edition (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Nathan Jacobson、Mathematics (Dover Publications 2009年06月22日)
Algebraic Structure and Matrices Book 2
E. A. Maxwell (Cambridge University Press 2009年06月18日)
Precalculus: Graphs and Models
Marvin L. Bittinger、Judith A. Beecher、David J. Ellenbogen、Judith A. Penna (Addison Wesley 2009年06月05日)
Purity, Spectra and Localisation (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
Mike Prest (Cambridge University Press 2009年06月04日)
Shortcut Algebra, 2nd ed
Kaplan (Kaplan Publishing 2009年06月01日)
Mastering Math Facts: Multiplication & Division (Best Practices in Action)
Richard Piccirilli (Scholastic Prof Book Div 2009年06月)
Polytopes, Rings, and K-Theory (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
Winfried Bruns、Joseph Gubeladze (Springer-Verlag 2009年06月)
Structural Data and Invariants of Nine Dimensional Real Lie Algebras with Nontrivial Levi Decomposition
R. Campoamor-stursberg (Nova Science Pub Inc 2009年06月)
Number Theory: Structures, Examples, and Problems
Titu Andreescu、Dorin Andrica (Birkhauser 2009年05月30日)
Master Math: Calculus (Master Math Series)
Debra Anne Ross (Course Technology Ptr 2009年05月29日)
Master Math! Trigonometry (Master Math Series)
Debra Anne Ross (Course Technology Ptr 2009年05月26日)
Master Math: Pre-Calculus (Master Math Series)
Debra Anne Ross (Course Technology Ptr 2009年05月26日)
Mathematics as Problem Solving
Alexander Soifer (Springer New York 2009年05月26日)
Algebra and Trigonometry, Student Solutions Manual
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2009年05月18日)
Master Math: Basic Math and Pre-algebra (Master Math Series)
Debra Anne Ross (Course Technology Ptr 2009年05月12日)
Algebras, Representations and Applications: Conference in Honour of Ivan Shestakov's 60th Birthday, August 26- September 1, 2007, Maresias, Brazil (Contemporary Mathematics)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2009年05月09日)
The Center and Cyclicity Problems: A Computational Algebra Approach
Valery G. Romanovski、Douglas Shafer (Birkhaeuser Boston 2009年05月05日)
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2009年04月20日)
Visual Group Theory (MAA Problem Book Series)
Nathan Carter (The Mathematical Association of America 2009年04月09日)
An Algebraic Introduction to Complex Projective Geometry: Commutative Algebra (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)
Christian Peskine (Cambridge University Press 2009年04月09日)
MAT1033: Intermediate Algebra w/CD (Beta)
FCCJ (Learning Solutions 2009年04月07日)
Uncommon Mathematical Excursions: Polynomia and Related Realms (Dolciani Mathematical Expositions)
Dan Kalman (The Mathematical Association of America 2009年04月02日)
Core-Plus Mathematics: Contemporary Mathematics In Context, Course 2, Student Study Guide
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2009年04月01日)
Donaldson Type Invariants for Algebraic Surfaces: Transition of Moduli Stacks (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Takuro Mochizuki (Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2009年04月)
Aspects of Infinite Groups: A Festschrift in Honor of Anthony Gaglione (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics)
(World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2009年03月31日)
Algebra in 15 Minutes a Day (Junior Skill Builders)
Learningexpress (Learning Express Llc 2009年03月30日)
Generalized Inverses of Linear Transformations (Classics in Applied Mathematics)
Stephen L. Campbell、Carl D. Meyer (Society for Industrial Mathematics 2009年03月26日)
Universal Algebra and Coalgebra
Klaus Denecke、Shelly L. Wismath (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2009年03月26日)
Pre-Algebra, Spanish Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2009年03月20日)
Linear and Projective Representations of Symmetric Groups (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
Alexander Kleshchev (Cambridge University Press 2009年03月19日)
A. A. Ivanov (Cambridge University Press 2009年03月19日)
The Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
James (Cambridge University Press 2009年03月19日)
Advanced Algebra, Part 1
E. A. Maxwell (Cambridge University Press 2009年03月12日)
Foundations of Grothendieck Duality for Diagrams of Schemes (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Joseph Lipman、Mitsuyasu Hashimoto (Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2009年03月06日)
Modules over Operads and Functors (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Benoit Fresse (Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2009年03月06日)
Student Solutions Manual for Linear Algebra with Applications
Otto Bretscher (Prentice Hall 2009年03月02日)
Elements of Algebra
Charles Davies (BiblioLife 2009年03月)
Elements of Algebra
Charles Davies (BiblioLife 2009年03月)
Stable Homotopy Around the Arf-Kervaire Invariant (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
Victor P. Snaith (Birkhauser 2009年03月)
Elements of Algebra: Including Sturm's Theorem
Charles Davies (BiblioLife 2009年02月28日)
Elements of Algebra: Including Sturm's Theorem
Charles Davies (BiblioLife 2009年02月28日)
Introduction to Siegel Modular Forms and Dirichlet Series (Universitext)
Anatoli Andrianov (Springer New York 2009年02月28日)
Recent Developments in Algebra and Related Areas (Advanced Lectures in Mathematics)
(Intl Pr 2009年02月28日)
Ring Theory 2007, Proceedings Of The Fifth China-Japan-Korea Conference: Tokyo, Japan 10-15 September 2007
(World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2009年02月28日)
Topics in Number Theory (Monographs in Number Theory)
Minking Eie (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2009年02月28日)
Algebra and Trigonometry: An Early Functions Approach (2nd Edition)
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2009年02月26日)
Algebra and Trigonometry
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2009年02月24日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry, Student Solutions Manual
Deborah Hughes-Hallett (Wiley 2009年02月23日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry, Student Study Guide
Deborah Hughes-Hallett (Wiley 2009年02月23日)
Beginning & Intermediate Algebra (3rd Edition) (Tobey/Slater Developmental Math Series)
John Jr Tobey、Jeffrey Slater、Jamie Blair (Prentice Hall 2009年02月20日)
Abstract Algebra (Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts)
Ronald Solomon (Amer Mathematical Society 2009年02月19日)
Student Solutions Manual for College Algebra
John Coburn (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2009年02月19日)
Applied Algebra: Codes, Ciphers and Discrete Algorithms, Second Edition (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
Darel W. Hardy、Fred Richman、Carol L. Walker (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2009年02月15日)
Elementary & Intermediate Algebra (2nd Edition) (The Sullivan/Struve/Mazzarella Algebra Series)
Michael Sullivan、Katherine R. Struve、Janet Mazzarella (Prentice Hall 2009年02月15日)
Developmental Mathematics: Basic Mathematics and Algebra (2nd Edition) (Lial Developmental Mathematics)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis、Stanley A. Salzman、Diana L. Hestwood (Addison Wesley 2009年02月14日)
Summary Notebook for MyMathLab for College Algebra Student Access Kit by Trigsted
Kirk Trigsted (Prentice Hall 2009年02月14日)
Algebra & Trigonometry
John Coburn (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2009年02月13日)
Precalculus (4th Edition)
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2009年02月13日)
Student Solutions Manual t/a College Algebra Essentials
John Coburn (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2009年02月11日)
Algebra With Applications: Technique and Thought
William J. Adams (Xlibris Corp 2009年02月09日)
Algebra With Applications: Technique and Thought
William J. Adams (Xlibris Corp 2009年02月09日)
Precalculus Essentials (3rd Edition)
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2009年02月07日)
3-Transposition Groups (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
Michael Aschbacher (Cambridge University Press 2009年02月05日)
Beginning Algebra: Early Graphing (2nd Edition) (Tobey/Slater Developmental Math Series)
John Jr Tobey、Jeffrey Slater、Jamie Blair (Prentice Hall 2009年02月05日)
Equivalence, Invariants and Symmetry
Peter J. Olver (Cambridge University Press 2009年02月05日)
College Algebra, Student Solutions Manual
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2009年02月03日)
Random Trees: An Interplay Between Combinatorics and Probability
Michael Drmota (Springer-Verlag 2009年02月03日)
Elementary & Intermediate Algebra: Concepts and Applications (5th Edition) (The Bittinger Concepts and Applications Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen、Barbara L. Johnson (Addison Wesley 2009年02月02日)
Algebra and Trigonometry with Modeling and Visualization (4th Edition) (The Rockswold Precalculus Series)
Gary K. Rockswold (Addison Wesley 2009年02月01日)
Introductory and Intermediate Algebra (4th Edition) (Lial Developmental Mathematics)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison Wesley 2009年02月01日)
Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra (3rd Edition) (Lial Developmental Mathematics)
Margaret L. Lial、Diana L. Hestwood、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison Wesley 2009年02月01日)
Precalculus with Modeling and Visualization (4th Edition) (The Rockswold Precalculus Series)
Gary K. Rockswold (Addison Wesley 2009年02月01日)
College Algebra
John W. Coburn (McGraw-Hill 2009年02月)
Elements of Algebra
Charles Davies (BiblioLife 2009年02月)
Elements of Algebra
Charles Davies (BiblioLife 2009年02月)
From a Geometrical Point of View: A Study of the History and Philosophy of Category Theory (Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science)
Jean-pierre Marquis (Springer-Verlag 2009年02月)
Proof Theory for Fuzzy Logics (Applied Logic)
George Metcalfe、Nicola Olivetti、Dov Gabbay (Springer-Verlag 2009年02月)
Regularity and Substructures of Hom (Frontiers in Mathematics)
Friedrich Kasch、Adolf Mader (Birkhäuser Basel 2009年02月)
Compactification of the Drinfeld Modular Surfaces (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)
Thomas Lehmkuhl (Amer Mathematical Society 2009年01月31日)
Elementary Algebra: Embracing the First Principles of the Science
Charles Davies (BiblioLife 2009年01月31日)
First Year Algebra Scales
Henry Gustave Hotz (BiblioLife 2009年01月31日)
Intermediate Algebra: Concepts and Applications (8th Edition) (The Bittinger Concepts and Applications Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen (Addison Wesley 2009年01月31日)
Lectures on Fundamental Concepts of Algebra and Geometry
John Wesley Young (BiblioLife 2009年01月31日)
Lectures on Fundamental Concepts of Algebra and Geometry
John Wesley Young (BiblioLife 2009年01月31日)
The Recognition Theorem for Graded Lie Algebras in Prime Characteristic (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)
Georgia Benkart、Thomas Gregory、Alexander Premet (Amer Mathematical Society 2009年01月31日)
Sum Formula for SL2 over a Totally Real Number Field (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)
Roelof W. Bruggeman、Roberto J. Miatello (Amer Mathematical Society 2009年01月31日)
Algebra: A Graduate Course (Graduate Studies in Mathematics)
I. Martin Isaacs (Amer Mathematical Society 2009年01月29日)
TI-Nspire For Dummies (For Dummies (Math & Science))
Steve Ouellette (For Dummies 2009年01月27日)
Intermediate Algebra
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill、Nancy Hyde (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2009年01月26日)
Intermediate Algebra (alt ed. hardcover)
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill、Nancy Hyde (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2009年01月23日)
Math Triumphs--Foundations for Algebra 1
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2009年01月22日)
Math Triumphs--Foundations for Algebra 2
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2009年01月22日)
Student Solutions Manual for Prealgebra
Donald Hutchison、Barry Bergman、Stefan Baratto (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2009年01月22日)
Factoring Groups into Subsets (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
Sandor Szabo、Arthur D. Sands (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2009年01月20日)
College Algebra: An Early Functions Approach (2nd Edition)
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2009年01月19日)
Multilinear Algebra
D. G. Northcott (Cambridge University Press 2009年01月18日)
Schur Algebras and Representation Theory (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
Stuart Martin (Cambridge University Press 2009年01月18日)
Basic Mathematics
Charles P. McKeague (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2009年01月16日)
Student Solutions Manual for Introductory Algebra
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill、Nancy Hyde (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2009年01月13日)
Algebra 2, Student Edition
Glencoe McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2009年01月12日)
An Engineering Approach to Linear Algebra
W. W. Sawyer (Cambridge University Press 2009年01月11日)
Introduction to Categories, Homological Algebra and Sheaf Cohomology
J. R. Strooker (Cambridge University Press 2009年01月11日)
College Algebra Essentials
John Coburn (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2009年01月09日)
College Algebra
John Coburn (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2009年01月08日)
An Introduction to Homological Algebra
Northcott (Cambridge University Press 2009年01月08日)
Lie Group
P. M. Cohn (Cambridge University Press 2009年01月08日)
Simple Noetherian Rings (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
John Cozzens、CArl Faith (Cambridge University Press 2009年01月08日)
Algebra 1, StudentWorks Plus CD-ROM
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2009年01月07日)
Algebra and Trigonometry (4th Edition)
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2009年01月07日)
Beginning Algebra (7th Edition) (The Tobey/Slater/Blair Developmental Mathematics Series)
John Jr Tobey、Jeffrey Slater (Prentice Hall 2009年01月07日)
College Algebra (5th Edition)
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2009年01月07日)
College Algebra Essentials (3rd Edition)
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2009年01月07日)
College Algebra in Context with Applications for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences (3rd Edition)
Ronald J. Harshbarger、Lisa S. Yocco (Addison Wesley 2009年01月07日)
College Algebra with Modeling and Visualization (4th Edition) (The Rockswold Precalculus Series)
Gary K. Rockswold (Addison Wesley 2009年01月07日)
Elementary Algebra (2nd Edition) (The Sullivan/Struve/Mazzarella Algebra Series)
Michael Sullivan、Katherine R. Struve、Janet Mazzarella (Prentice Hall 2009年01月07日)
Elementary Algebra: Concepts and Applications (8th Edition) (The Bittinger Concepts and Applications Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen (Addison Wesley 2009年01月07日)
Intermediate Algebra (2nd Edition) (The Sullivan/Struve/Mazzarella Algebra Series)
Michael Sullivan、Katherine R. Struve (Prentice Hall 2009年01月07日)
Intermediate Algebra (6th Edition) (Tobey/Slater Developmental Math Series)
John Jr Tobey、Jeffrey Slater (Prentice Hall 2009年01月07日)
Intermediate Algebra (9th Edition) (Lial Developmental Mathematics)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison Wesley 2009年01月07日)
Introductory Algebra (9th Edition) (Lial Developmental Mathematics)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison Wesley 2009年01月07日)
Prealgebra (4th Edition) (Lial Developmental Mathematics)
Margaret L. Lial、Diana L. Hestwood (Addison Wesley 2009年01月07日)
Prealgebra (4th Edition) (The Tobey/Slater/Blair Developmental Mathematics Series)
Jamie Blair、John Jr Tobey、Jeffrey Slater (Prentice Hall 2009年01月07日)
Prealgebra (The Prior Developmental Mathematics Series)
Robert Prior (Addison Wesley 2009年01月07日)
A Course in Formal Languages, Automata & Groups (Universitext)
Ian Chiswell (Springer-Verlag 2009年01月06日)
Mastering the Achieve ADP Algebra II EOC Exam
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2009年01月06日)
Algebra 2, StudentWorks Plus CD-ROM
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2009年01月05日)
Homological Mirror Symmetry: New Developments and Perspectives (Lecture Notes in Physics)
(Springer-Verlag 2009年01月03日)
Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Chapters 4-6 (Elements of Mathematics)
Nicolas Bourbaki (Springer-Verlag 2009年01月03日)
Precalculus With Calculus Previews (Jones and Bartlett Publisher Series in Mathematics)
Dennis G. Zill、Jacqueline M. Dewar (Jones & Bartlett Pub 2009年01月03日)
Head First Algebra
Tracey Pilone、Dan Pilone (Oreilly & Associates Inc 2009年01月02日)
Mathematical Olympiad Challenges
Titu Andreescu、Razvan Gelca (Birkhäuser Boston 2009年01月02日)
The Q-theory of Finite Semigroups (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
John Rhodes、Benjamin Steinberg (Springer-Verlag 2009年01月02日)
For All Pratical Purposes, 8th Ed + Solutions Manual + Student Study Guide: Mathematical Literacy in Today's World
Comap (W H Freeman & Co (Sd) 2009年01月)
Instructor's Solutions Manual for Elementary & Intermediate Algebra
Mark Tom、George Woodbury (Addison Wesley Longman 2009年01月)
Pa Algebra 1 Workbook 2009
Rheinhart And Winston Holt (Holt McDougal 2009年01月)
Spn Know-It Notebook Hlt CA Math 2008 C1
Roby (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2009年01月)
Beyond the Quartic Equation (Modern Birkhauser Classics)
R. Bruce King (Birkhäuser Boston 2008年12月31日)
Lattices and Ordered Sets
Steven Roman (Springer-Verlag 2008年12月31日)
Essential Algebra: A Workbook Approach
Elaine Previte (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2008年12月30日)
Graduate Algebra: Noncommutative View (Graduate Studies in Mathematics)
Louis Halle Rowen (Amer Mathematical Society 2008年12月30日)
The Heat Kernel and Theta Inversion on SL2(C) (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
Jay Jorgenson、Serge Lang (Springer-Verlag 2008年12月30日)
Introduction to Boolean Algebras (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
Steven Givant、Paul Halmos (Springer-Verlag 2008年12月30日)
An Introduction to Homological Algebra (Universitext)
Joseph J. Rotman (Springer New York 2008年12月30日)
Models, Modules and Abelian Groups: In Memory of A. L. S. Corner
(Walter De Gruyter Inc 2008年12月30日)
Finite Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Groups (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs)
Bangming Deng、Jie Du、Brian Parshall、Jianpan Wang (Amer Mathematical Society 2008年12月20日)
Fundamentals of Algebraic Modeling: An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling With Algebra and Statistics
Daniel L. Timmons、Catherine W. Johnson、Sonya M. McCook (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2008年12月19日)
Learn Algebra by Yourself: Ideal for Classes 7 to 10
Sarabjeet Singh Pal (Booksurge Llc 2008年12月16日)
Factorization Problems in Integral Domains And Monoids (Pure and Applied Mathematics)
Scott T. Chapman、Jim Coykendall (Crc Pr I Llc 2008年12月15日)
Class Field Theory (Universitext)
Nancy Childress (Springer 2008年12月12日)
The Geometry of Heisenberg Groups: With Applications in Signal Theory, Optics, Quantization, and Field Quantization (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs)
Ernst Binz、Sonja Pods (Amer Mathematical Society 2008年12月12日)
Lessons on Rings, Modules and Multiplicities
D. G. Northcott (Cambridge University Press 2008年12月11日)
Algebra 1, Homework Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月10日)
Algebra 1, Spanish Homework Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月10日)
Algebra 1, Study Guide & Intervention Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月10日)
Algebra 1, Study Notebook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月10日)
Algebra 2, Homework Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月10日)
Algebra 2, Spanish Homework Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月10日)
Algebra 2, Study Guide & Intervention Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月10日)
Algebra 2, Study Notebook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月10日)
Pre-Algebra, Homework Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月10日)
Pre-Algebra, Spanish Homework Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月10日)
Pre-Algebra, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月10日)
Pre-Algebra, StudentWorks Plus CD-ROM
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月10日)
Pre-Algebra, Study Guide & Intervention Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月10日)
Pre-Algebra, Study Notebook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月10日)
IMPACT Mathematics, Course 1, Spanish Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月09日)
IMPACT Mathematics, Course 2, Spanish Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月09日)
IMPACT Mathematics, Course 3, Spanish Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月09日)
Ramanujan's Lost Notebook
George E. Andrews、Bruce C. Berndt (Springer-Verlag 2008年12月06日)
A Concrete Introduction To Higher Algebra (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
Lindsay N. Childs (Springer-Verlag 2008年12月05日)
A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra (World Trade Organization)
Victor Shoup (Cambridge University Press 2008年12月04日)
IMPACT Mathematics, Course 1, Spanish Investigation Notebook and Reflection Journal
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月04日)
IMPACT Mathematics, Course 2, Spanish Investigation Notebook and Reflection Journal
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月04日)
Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Chapters 7-9 (Elements of Mathematics)
Nicolas Bourbaki (Springer-Verlag 2008年12月04日)
A Mathematical Introduction to Conformal Field Theory (Lecture Notes in Physics)
Martin Schottenloher (Springer-Verlag 2008年12月04日)
College Algebra
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2008年12月03日)
College Algebra
R. David Gustafson、Peter D. Frisk、Jeffrey D. Hughes (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2008年12月02日)
IMPACT Mathematics, Course 3, Spanish Investigation Notebook and Reflection Journal
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年12月02日)
Algebraic Function Fields and Codes (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Henning Stichtenoth (Springer-Verlag 2008年12月)
Assessing Childhood Psychopathology and Developmental Disabilities
(Springer 2008年12月)
A Course in Commutative Banach Algebras (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Eberhard Kaniuth (Springer-Verlag 2008年12月)
Unitals in Projective Planes (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
Susan Barwick、Gary Ebert (Springer-Verlag 2008年12月)
Beginning Algebra With Graphics Calculator
Miller (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2008年11月30日)
Distribution Theory of Algebraic Numbers (De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics)
Pei-Chu Hu、Chung-Chun Yang (Walter De Gruyter Inc 2008年11月30日)
Elements of Algebra
Arthur Schultze (Becker Press 2008年11月30日)
Groups of Prime Power Order (De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics)
Yakov Berkovich、Zvonimir Janko (Walter De Gruyter Inc 2008年11月30日)
Groups of Prime Power Order (de Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics)
Yakov Berkovich (Walter De Gruyter Inc 2008年11月30日)
L'endoscopie Tordue N'est Pas Si Tordue (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)
J. l. Waldspurger (Amer Mathematical Society 2008年11月30日)
Lower Central and Dimension Series of Groups (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Roman Mikhailov、Inder Bir S. Passi (Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2008年11月28日)
Characteristic Classes and the Cohomology of Finite Groups (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)
C. B. Thomas (Cambridge University Press 2008年11月27日)
Computational Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra (Symposia Mathematica)
(Cambridge University Press 2008年11月27日)
Injective Modules (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
Sharpe (Cambridge University Press 2008年11月27日)
A Gateway to Abstract Mathematics
E. A. Maxwell (Cambridge University Press 2008年11月20日)
Module Categories of Analytic Groups (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
Andy R. Magid (Cambridge University Press 2008年11月20日)
K-Theory: An Introduction (Classics in Mathematics)
Max Karoubi (Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2008年11月19日)
Representation Theory of Real Reductive Lie Groups: Ams-ims-siam Joint Summer Research Conference June 4-8, 2006 Snowbird, Utah (Contemporary Mathematics)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2008年11月16日)
Introductory Algebra
Julie Miller (Mcgraw-Hill College 2008年11月14日)
Introductory Algebra
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill、Nancy Hyde (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2008年11月10日)
Galois Theory (Universitext)
Steven H. Weintraub (Springer-Verlag 2008年11月07日)
An Essay by the Uniquely Wise 'Abel Fath Omar Bin Al-Khayyam on Algebra and Equations: Algebra Wa Al-muqabala (Great Books of Islamic Civilization)
Omar Al-khayyam (Garnet Pub Ltd 2008年11月03日)
The Geometry of Infinite-Dimensional Groups (Ergebnisse Der Mathematik Und Ihrer Grenzgebiete 3 Folge)
Boris Khesin、Robert Wendt (Springer-Verlag 2008年11月03日)
Catalan's Conjecture (Universitext)
Rene Schoof (Springer-Verlag 2008年11月)
Computability of Julia Sets (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics)
Mark Braverman、Michael Yampolsky (Springer-Verlag 2008年11月)
Fuzzy Implications (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)
Michal Baczynski、Balasubramaniam Jayaram (Springer-Verlag 2008年11月)
Primary Algebra: Developing Algebraic Reasoning
Hope Martin (Goodyear Pub Co 2008年11月)
Primary Algebra: Developing Algebraic Reasoning
Hope Martin (Goodyear Pub Co 2008年11月)
Matrix Convolution Operators on Groups (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Cho-Ho Chu (Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2008年10月30日)
Signal Transduction in the Cardiovascular System in Health and Disease (Advances in Biochemistry in Health and Disease)
(Springer-Verlag 2008年10月30日)
New York Algebra 1, Studentworks Plus CD-ROM
Glencoe McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年10月22日)
College Algebra, Student Solutions Manual
Deborah Hughes Hallett (Wiley 2008年10月17日)
Generalized Galois Logics: Relational Semantics of Nonclassical Logical Calculi (Csli Lecture Notes)
Katalin Bimbo、J. Michael Dunn (Stanford Univ Center for the Study 2008年10月15日)
Generalized Galois Logics: Relational Semantics of Nonclassical Logical Calculi (Csli Lecture Notes)
Katalin Bimbo、J. Michael Dunn (Stanford Univ Center for the Study 2008年10月15日)
Emerging Applications of Algebraic Geometry (Ima Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications)
(Springer-Verlag 2008年10月02日)
Algebra: Gruppen - Ringe - Korper
Christian Karpfinger、Kurt Meyberg (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag 2008年10月)
Angewandte Mathematik Mit MathCAD: Band 1: Einfuhrung In MathCAD
Josef Trala (Springer 2008年10月)
Angewandte Mathematik Mit MathCAD: Band 2: Komplexe Zahlen Und Funktionen, Vektoralgebra Und Analytische Geometrie, Matrizenrechnung, Vektoranalysis
Josef Trala (Springer 2008年10月)
Angewandte Mathematik Mit MathCAD: Band 3: Differential, Und Integralrechnung
Josef Trala (Springer 2008年10月)
Angewandte Mathematik Mit MathCAD: Band 4: Reihen, Transformationen, Differential- Und Differenzengleichungen
Josef Trala (Springer 2008年10月)
Elementare Algebra Und Zahlentheorie (Springer-Lehrbuch)
Rainer Schulze-Pillot (Springer 2008年10月)
Endliche Karper: Verstehen, Rechnen, Anwenden (Springer-Lehrbuch)
Hans Kurzweil (Springer 2008年10月)
Polynomial Identity Rings (Advanced Courses in Mathematics, Crm Barcelona)
Vesselin S. Drensky、Edward Formanek (Birkhauser 2008年10月)
Weight Filtrations on Log Crystalline Cohomologies of Families of Open Smooth Varieties (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Yukiyoshi Nakkajima、Atsushi Shiho (Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2008年10月)
Activity Workbook With Real-world Applications for College Algebra
Gisela Acosta、Margie Karwowski (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2008年09月30日)
Introduccion Al Algebra
Jose Fernando Diaz Martin、Eider Arsuaga Uriarte、Jesus M. Riano Sierra (Netbiblo S.L. 2008年09月30日)
Map of My Life
Goro Shimura (Springer-Verlag 2008年09月29日)
Mathematics for Schools, Colleges and Tutoring Centers
Rubik Yegoryan (Authorhouse 2008年09月25日)
Core-Plus Mathematics: Contemporary Mathematics In Context, Course 3, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年09月24日)
Diophantine Approximation: Festschrift for Wolfgang Schmidt (Developments in Mathematics)
(Springer-Verlag 2008年09月23日)
Algebra & Functions For Alabama AHSGE (Ready, Set, Go!)
Mel Friedman (Research & Education Assn 2008年09月22日)
Algebra & Functions New Jersey HSPA (Ready, Set, Go!)
Mel Friedman (Research & Education Assn 2008年09月22日)
IMPACT Mathematics, Course 1, Investigation Notebook and Reflection Journal
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年09月22日)
IMPACT Mathematics, Course 2, Investigation Notebook and Reflection Journal
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年09月22日)
Ready, Set, Go! Algebra & Functions
Mel Friedman (Research & Education Assn 2008年09月22日)
IMPACT Mathematics, Course 3, Investigation Notebook and Reflection Journal
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年09月19日)
A Survey of Modern Algebra (Akp Classics)
Garrett Birkhoff、Saunders Mac Lane (A K Peters/CRC Press 2008年09月15日)
Galois Modules in Arithmetic (Universitext)
Boas Erez (Springer-Verlag 2008年09月03日)
4000 Jahre Algebra: Geschichte. Kulturen. Menschen (Vom Zahlstein Zum Computer)
H. -W Alten、A. Djafari-Naini、M. Folkerts (Springer 2008年09月)
Compactifying Moduli Spaces for Abelian Varieties (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Martin C. Olsson (Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2008年09月)
Einfuhrung in Algebra Und Zahlentheorie (Springer-Lehrbuch)
Rainer Schulze-Pillot-Ziemen (Springer 2008年09月)
Endliche Korper: Verstehen, Rechnen, Anwenden (Springer-Lehrbuch)
Hans Kurzweil (Springer 2008年09月)
Multiaccess, Reservations & Queues (Philips Research)
Dee Denteneer、Johan S. H. Leeuwaarden (Springer-Verlag New York Inc (C) 2008年09月)
College Algebra: Precalculus I: Study of Functions
Lonnie Hass、Larry Taylor (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2008年08月30日)
Passport to Intermediate Algebra
Michael Anderson (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2008年08月30日)
Pre-algebra and Word Problem Applications
Anna Fisher (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2008年08月30日)
Linear Algebra: A First Course with Applications (Textbooks in Mathematics)
Larry E. Knop (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2008年08月25日)
Schaum's Outline of Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables, 3ed (Schaum's Outline Series)
Murray Spiegel、Seymour Lipschutz、John Liu (McGraw-Hill 2008年08月25日)
Introduction to Abstract Algebra (Textbooks in Mathematics)
Jonathan D. H. Smith (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2008年08月22日)
Representations of Semisimple Lie Algebras in the BGG Category O (Graduate Studies in Mathematics)
James E. Humphreys (Amer Mathematical Society 2008年08月17日)
Boolean Functions in Cryptology and Information Security (Nato Science for Peace and Security)
(Ios Pr Inc 2008年08月15日)
IMPACT Mathematics, Course 1, Skills Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年08月08日)
IMPACT Mathematics, Course 1, Study Guide and Intervention Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年08月08日)
IMPACT Mathematics, Course 2, Skills Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年08月08日)
IMPACT Mathematics, Course 3, Skills Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年08月08日)
Rational Quadratic Forms (Dover Books on Mathematics)
J. W. S. Cassels (Dover Publications 2008年08月08日)
IMPACT Mathematics, Course 2, Study Guide and Intervention Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年08月07日)
Basic Technical Mathematics (9th Edition) (MyMathLab Series)
Alyn J. Washington (Prentice Hall 2008年08月03日)
Commutative Algebras of Toeplitz Operators on the Bergman Space (Operator Theory Advances and Applications)
Nikolai L. Vasilevski (Birkhauser (Architectural) 2008年08月03日)
College Algebra
Peter Tannenbaum (Addison Wesley 2008年08月)
Finite Fields and Applications: Eighth International Conference on Finite Fields and Applications, July 9-13, 2007, Melbourne, Australia (Contemporary Mathematics)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2008年08月)
Universal Algebra
George Gratzer (Springer New York 2008年08月)
Diophantine Analysis (Mathematical Monographs)
Robert D. Carmichael (Merchant Books 2008年07月31日)
Groups, Graphs and Trees: An Introduction to the Geometry of Infinite Groups (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)
John Meier (Cambridge University Press 2008年07月31日)
Groups, Graphs and Trees: An Introduction to the Geometry of Infinite Groups (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)
John Meier (Cambridge University Press 2008年07月31日)
An Introduction to Lie Groups and Lie Algebras (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)
Alexander Kirillov Jr (Cambridge University Press 2008年07月31日)
Spectral Decomposition and Eisenstein Series: A Paraphrase of the Scriptures (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
C. Moeglin、J. L. Waldspurger (Cambridge University Press 2008年07月31日)
Beginning Algebra
Mustafa A. Munem、Carolyn West (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2008年07月30日)
Discriminants, Resultants, and Multidimensional Determinants (Modern Birkhauser Classics)
I. M. Gelfand、M. M. Kapranov、A. V. Zelevinsky (Birkhaeuser Boston 2008年07月30日)
Essays on the Theory of Numbers
Richard Dedekind (Merchant Books 2008年07月30日)
Matrices, Matrix Subspaces and the Eigenvalue Problem
John Lund (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2008年07月30日)
Philosophy and Fun of Algebra
Mary Everest Boole (Merchant Books 2008年07月30日)
Quantum Algorithms for Graph and Algebra Problems
Sebastian Dorn (VDM Verlag 2008年07月15日)
Algebraic Functions (Colloquium Publications)
Gilbert Ames Bliss (Amer Mathematical Society 2008年07月14日)
College Algebra: Graphs and Models
Raymond Barnett (Mcgraw-Hill (Tx) 2008年07月11日)
Representations and Characters of Finite Groups (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)
M. J. Collins (Cambridge University Press 2008年07月10日)
Some Applications of Modular Forms (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
Peter Sarnak (Cambridge University Press 2008年07月10日)
Field Arithmetic (Ergebnisse Der Mathematik Und Ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge / a Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics)
Michael D. Fried、Moshe Jarden (Springer-Verlag 2008年07月04日)
Institution-Independent Model Theory (Studies in Universal Logic)
Razvan Diaconescu (Birkhäuser Basel 2008年07月04日)
Modules and Comodules (Trends in Mathematics)
(Birkhauser (Architectural) 2008年07月04日)
Naive Lie Theory (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
John Stillwell (Springer-Verlag 2008年07月04日)
Von Zahlen Und Grossen: Dritthalbtausend Jahre Theorie Und Praxis
Heinz Luneburg (Birkhauser 2008年07月04日)
The Humongous Book of Algebra Problems: Translated for People Who Don't Speak Math
W. Michael Kelley (Alpha 2008年07月01日)
IMPACT Mathematics, Course 1, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年07月01日)
IMPACT Mathematics, Course 2, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年07月01日)
IMPACT Mathematics, Course 3, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年07月01日)
Braid Groups (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Christian Kassel、Vladimir Turaev (Springer-Verlag 2008年07月)
100 problemas de astrofisica / 100 Astrophysics Problems (Cien Problemas / 100 Problems)
Eduardo Battaner Lopez、Estrella Florido Navio (Alianza Editorial Sa 2008年06月30日)
Beginning Algebra: Once and for All
Jane Jamsen、Gwen Hetler (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2008年06月30日)
An Essay by the Uniquely Wise 'Abel Fath Omar Bin Al-khayam on Algebra And Equations: Algebra Wa Al-Muqabala (Great Books of Islamic Civilization)
Omar Al-khayam (Ithaca 2008年06月30日)
Geometric Linear Algebra
Lin I-hsiung (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2008年06月30日)
IMPACT Mathematics, Course 3, Study Guide and Intervention Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年06月30日)
Introduction to Algebra & Pharmaceutical Mathematics: An Introductory Course for Students in Nursing, Pharmacy Technology, and Other Health Careers
Jerome B. Hart、Roxane R. Barrows、William Schaller (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2008年06月30日)
Reasoning Algebraically About Operations: Classroom Case Studies: Numbers And Operations (Developing Mathematical Ideas: Numbers and Operations)
(Dale Seymour Pubn 2008年06月30日)
University of Chicago School Mathematics Project: Algebra
Susan A. Brown、R. James Breunlin、Mary Helen Wiltjer (Wright Group/ Mcgraw-Hill 2008年06月30日)
University of Chicago School Mathematics Project: Algebra Complete, Two Volume Set
(Wright Group/ Mcgraw-Hill 2008年06月30日)
Intermediate Algebra: A Graphing Approach (4th Edition) (The Martin-Gay Developmental Algebra Series (hardbacks))
Elayn Martin-Gay、Margaret (Peg) Greene (Prentice Hall 2008年06月21日)
Algebra Know-It-ALL: Beginner to Advanced, and Everything in Between (Know It All)
Stan Gibilisco (McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics 2008年06月20日)
Finite Fields (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
Rudolf Lidl、Harald Niederreiter (Cambridge University Press 2008年06月19日)
Multiplicities and Chern Classes in Local Algebra (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
Paul C. Roberts (Cambridge University Press 2008年06月19日)
Interactive College Algebra, Student Guide with CD-ROM: A Web-Based Course (Key Curriculum Press)
Davida Fischman、Terry Hallett、Dan Rinne、Peter Williams (Wiley 2008年06月16日)
Investigating College Algebra and Trigonometry with Technology with Trigonometry Chapters 12 and 13 Student CD-Rom and Access Code Card (Key Curriculum Press)
Kathy Burgis (Wiley 2008年06月16日)
Investigating College Algebra and Trigonometry with Technology, with Student CD-Rom and Access Code Card (Key Curriculum Press)
Kathy Burgis、Jeff Morford (Wiley 2008年06月16日)
Investigating College Algebra with Technology and Student CD-Rom Access Code Card with WebAssign Set (Key Curriculum Press)
Kathy Burgis (Wiley 2008年06月16日)
Investigating College Algebra with Technology, Student CD-ROM with Access Code Card (Key Curriculum Press)
Kathy Burgis、Jeff Morford (Wiley 2008年06月16日)
Student's Solutions Manual for Introductory Algebra
Ignacio Bello (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2008年06月16日)
Difference Algebra (Algebra and Applications)
Alexander Levin (Springer-Verlag 2008年06月15日)
Higher-Dimensional Geometry over Finite Fields (Nato Science for Peace and Security Series)
(Ios Pr Inc 2008年06月15日)
Noncommutative Rings, Group Rings, Diagram Algebras and Their Applications (Contemporary Mathematics)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2008年06月14日)
Advances In Algebra And Combinatorics: Proceedings of the Second International Congress in Algebra and Cominatorics Guangzhou, China 2 - 4 July 2007; Beijing, China 6 - 11 July 2007; Xian,
(World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2008年06月12日)
Groups as Galois Groups: An Introduction (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)
Helmut Volklein (Cambridge University Press 2008年06月12日)
Planar Graphs: Theory and Algorithms
T. Nishizeki、N. Chiba (Dover Publications 2008年06月11日)
Interactive College Algebra, Student Guide: A Web-Based Course (Key Curriculum Press)
Davida Fischman、Terry Hallett、Dan Rinne、Peter Williams (Wiley 2008年06月10日)
Investigating College Algebra and Trigonometry with Technology (Key Curriculum Press)
Kathy Burgis、Jeff Morford (Wiley 2008年06月10日)
Investigating College Algebra and Trigonometry with Technology: Trigonometry Chapters 12 and 13 (Key Curriculum Press)
Kathy Burgis (Wiley 2008年06月10日)
Investigating College Algebra Student Study and Solutions Companion (Key Curriculum Press)
Kathy Burgis、Jeff Morford (Wiley 2008年06月10日)
Investigating College Algebra with Technology (Key Curriculum Press)
Kathy Burgis (Wiley 2008年06月10日)
CliffsTestPrep Regents Integrated Algebra Workbook
American BookWorks Corporation (Cliffs Notes 2008年06月03日)
Operator Algebras, Operator Theory and Applications (Operator Theory Advances and Applications)
(Birkhauser (Architectural) 2008年06月03日)
Quadratic Mappings and Clifford Algebras
Jacques Helmstetter、Artibano Micali (Springer-Verlag 2008年06月03日)
New York Algebra 2 and Trigonometry, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2008年06月02日)
Algebraic Groups and Lie Groups With Few Factors (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Alfonso Di Bartolo、Giovanni Falcone、Peter Plaumann、Karl Strambach (Springer 2008年06月)
The Modern Algebra of Information Retrieval (Information Retrieval Series)
Sandor Dominich (Springer 2008年06月)
Symplectic 4-Manifolds and Algebraic Surfaces: Lectures Given at the C. I. M. E. Summer School Held in Cetraro, Italy, September 2-10, 2003 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Denis Auroux、Fabrizio Catanese、Marco Manetti、Paul Seidel、Bernd Siebert、Ivan Smith、Gang Tian (Springer 2008年06月)
Iterative Regularization Methods For Nonlinear Ill-Posed Problems (Computational and Applied Mathematics)
Barbara Kaltenbacher、Andreas Neubauer、Otmar Scherzer (Walter De Gruyter Inc 2008年05月31日)
Vivek Sahai、Bist Vikas (Alpha Science Intl Ltd 2008年05月30日)
Algebraic Cycles and Lawson Homology
Wenchuan Hu (VDM Verlag 2008年05月30日)
Algebre: Chapitre 4 a 7 (Elements de Mathematique)
N. Bourbaki (Springer-Verlag 2008年05月30日)
Applied Algebra and Trigonometry
Joseph Witkowski、Eileen Phillips (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2008年05月30日)
Jacopa Da Firenze's: Tractatus Algorismi and Early Italian Abbacus Culture (Science Networks - Historical Studies)
Jens Hoyrup (Birkhauser (Architectural) 2008年05月30日)
Modules and Rings
John Dauns (Cambridge University Press 2008年05月29日)
Insights Into Algebra: A Journey Through Space and Time
Robert C. Wrede (Booksurge Llc 2008年05月27日)
Algebraic Models in Geometry (Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Yves Felix、John Oprea、Daniel Tanre (Oxford Univ Pr (Txt) 2008年05月25日)
Algebraic Models in Geometry (Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Yves Felix、John Oprea、Daniel Tanre (Oxford Univ Pr (Txt) 2008年05月25日)
Analysis on Lie Groups: An Introduction (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)
Jacques Faraut (Cambridge University Press 2008年05月22日)
Algebraic Theory of Numbers: Translated from the French by Allan J. Silberger (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Pierre Samuel (Dover Publications 2008年05月19日)
Operators and Representation Theory: Canonical Models for Algebras of Operators Arising in Quantum Mechanics (Dover Books on Physics)
Palle E.T. Jorgensen (Dover Publications 2008年05月19日)
Factorization: Unique and Otherwise (Cms Treatises in Mathematics)
Steven H. Weintraub (A K Peters/CRC Press 2008年05月15日)
Geometry of Sporadic Groups: Volume 1, Petersen and Tilde Geometries (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
A. A. Ivanov (Cambridge University Press 2008年05月15日)
Introductory Lectures on Siegel Modular Forms (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)
Helmut Klingen (Cambridge University Press 2008年05月15日)
Skew Fields: Theory of General Division Rings (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
P. M. Cohn FRS (Cambridge University Press 2008年05月15日)
The 1-2-3 of Modular Forms: Lectures at a Summer School in Nordfjordeid, Norway (Universitext)
Jan Hendrik Bruinier、Gerard Van Der Geer、Gunter Harder、Don Zagier (Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2008年05月04日)
Handbook of Algebra, Volume 5
(North Holland 2008年05月02日)
Angewandte Mathematik Mit MathCAD. Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch: Band 2: Komplexe Zahlen Und Funktionen, Vektoralgebra Und Analytische Geometrie, Matrizenrec
Josef Trl、Josef Trala (Springer 2008年05月)
Angewandte Mathematik Mit MathCAD. Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch: Band 3: Differential- Und Integralrechnung
Josef Trl、Josef Trala (Springer 2008年05月)
Angewandte Mathematik Mit MathCAD. Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch: Band 4: Reihen, Transformationen, Differential- Und Differenzengleichungen
Josef Trl、Josef Trala (Springer 2008年05月)
Daily Warm-ups: Pre-algebra, Nctm Standards
Walch (J Weston Walch Pub 2008年05月)
Von Zahlen Und Graaen: Dritthalbtausend Jahre Theorie Und Praxis - Band 1
Heinz Luneburg、Heinz La1/4neburg (Birkhauser Basel 2008年05月)
Von Zahlen Und Graaen: Dritthalbtausend Jahre Theorie Und Praxis - Band 2
Heinz Luneburg、Heinz La1/4neburg (Birkhauser Basel 2008年05月)
Algebra from a Different Angle
Suzanne S. Austin-hill (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2008年04月30日)
Historia de las matematicas/ The Story of Mathematics: Del Calculo Al Caos/ from Calculation to Chaos (Origenes)
Richard Mankiewicz (Paidos Iberica Ediciones S a 2008年04月30日)
Mathematics Fundamentals for Algebraic Thinking
Richard Goldthwait、Deanna Oles、Ward Shaffer (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2008年04月30日)
Pre-Algebra Skills: Easy-to-use Assessments to Show Proof of Mastery (I've Got It!)
Marjorie Frank、Jill Norris (Incentive Pubns 2008年04月30日)
Complicial Sets Characterising the Simplicial Nerves of Strict ? Categories (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)
Dominic Verity (Amer Mathematical Society 2008年04月27日)
Realizability, Volume 152: An Introduction to its Categorical Side (Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics)
Jaap van Oosten (Elsevier Science 2008年04月24日)
Three Lectures on Commutative Algebra (University Lecture Series)
Holger Brenner、Jurgen Herzog、Orlando Villamayor (Amer Mathematical Society 2008年04月21日)
Kazhdan's Property (T) (New Mathematical Monographs)
Bachir Bekka、Pierre de la de la Harpe、Alain Valette (Cambridge University Press 2008年04月17日)
Introductory Algebra
Ignacio Bello (Mcgraw-Hill (Tx) 2008年04月16日)
Algebra preuniversitaria/ Pre-university Algebra
Adriana Lazo ( 2008年04月09日)
Elementary Vector Geometry
Seymour Schuster (Dover Publications 2008年04月04日)
Representation Theory and Complex Analysis: Lectures Given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Venice, Italy June 10 - 17, 2004 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Michael Cowling、Edward Frenkel、Masaki Kashiwara、Alain Valette、David A., Jr. Vogan (Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2008年04月03日)
Curvas Algebraicas
( 2008年04月02日)
Ejercicios De Algebra Lineal Y C lculo De Una Vari
(Booksurge Llc 2008年04月02日)
Introducci¢n A La Topolog¡a Algebraica
( 2008年04月02日)
La Matem tica Aplicada A La Vida Cotidiana (Biblioteca de Aula)
Fernando Corbalan Yuste (Booksurge Llc 2008年04月02日)
Teor¡a De Grupos
Paul Dubreil (Reverte 2008年04月02日)
Codierungstheorie Und Kryptographie (Mathematik Kompakt)
Wolfgang Willems (Birkhauser Basel 2008年04月)
Relations and Kleene Algebra in Computer Science: 10th International Conference on Relational Methods in Computer Science, and 5th International Conference on Applications of Kleene Algebra, ReLMiCS/A (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
(Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2008年04月)
Algebra 1 California Edition Textbook
Edward B. Burger (Houghton Mifflin School 2008年03月30日)
Basic Algebra and Advanced Algebra (Conerstone)
Anthony W. Knapp (Birkhauser 2008年03月30日)
C*-Algebras & Elliptic Theory II (Trends in Mathematics)
(Birkhauser 2008年03月30日)
Holt California Algebra 2
Edward B. Burger、David J. Chard、Earlene J. Hall、Paul A. Kennedy、Steven J. Leinwand (Houghton Mifflin School 2008年03月30日)
Algebra For College Students (6th Edition) (The Blitzer Developmental Algebra Series)
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2008年03月23日)
Notes on Coxeter Transformations and the Mckay Correspondence (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
R. Stekolshchik (Springer-Verlag 2008年03月11日)
Student's Solutions Manual t/a Intermediate Algebra
Ignacio Bello、Fran Hopf (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2008年03月11日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra (2nd Edition) (Woodbury Developmental Algebra Series)
George Woodbury (Addison Wesley 2008年03月10日)
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Algebra
David Alan Herzog (Visual 2008年03月10日)
Classical Algebra: Its Nature, Origins, and Uses
Roger Cooke (Wiley-Interscience 2008年03月07日)
Beginning & Intermediate Algebra (4th Edition) (The Martin-Gay Developmental Algebra Series (hardbacks))
Elayn Martin-Gay (Prentice Hall 2008年03月06日)
Algebraic Cycles, Sheaves, Shtukas, and Moduli: Impanga Lecture Notes (Trends in Mathematics)
(Birkhauser (Architectural) 2008年03月05日)
Standard Monomial Theory: Invariant Theoretic Approach (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences)
Venkatramani Lakshmibai、Komaranapuram N. Raghavan (Springer-Verlag 2008年03月05日)
Michael Kaplan (Springer 2008年03月04日)
Poisson Geometry in Mathematics and Physics: International Conference June 5-9, 2006, Tokyo, Japan (Contemporary Mathematics)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2008年03月02日)
Sporadic Groups (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
Michael Aschbacher (Cambridge University Press 2008年03月01日)
Barron's Regents Exams and Answers: Integrated Algebra
Lawrence S. Leff (Barrons Educational Series Inc 2008年03月)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Europe 2008年03月)
Integrated Algebra Power Pack (Regents Power Packs)
Lawrence S. Leff (Barrons Educational Series Inc 2008年03月)
College Algebra With Applications for Business and The Life Sciences
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2008年02月28日)
Intermediate Algebra
Mustafa A. Munem、Carolyn West (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2008年02月28日)
Introductory & Intermediate Algebra for College Students (3rd Edition) (The Blitzer Developmental Algebra Series)
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2008年02月28日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry:: Building Concepts and Connections
Revathi Narasimhan (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2008年02月26日)
Student Solutions Manual for use with College Algebra: Graphs and Models
Raymond Barnett、Michael Ziegler、Karl Byleen、Dave Sobecki (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2008年02月22日)
A Method Of Computing The Common Logarithm Of A Number Without Making Use Of Any Logarithm But That Of Some Power Of 10
Artemas Martin (Kessinger Pub Co 2008年02月21日)
Student Solution Manual t/a Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
Sherri Messersmith (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2008年02月19日)
Differential Geometry, Lie Groups and Symmetric Spaces over General Base Fields and Rings (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)
Wolfgang Bertram (Amer Mathematical Society 2008年02月15日)
Explorations in College Algebra, Graphing Calculator Guide & Student Solutions Manual
Linda Almgren Kime、Judy Clark、Beverly K. Michael (Wiley 2008年02月15日)
The Generalized Triangle Inequalities in Symmetric Spaces and Buildings with Applications to Algebra (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)
Michael Kapovich、Bernhard Leeb、John J. Millson (Amer Mathematical Society 2008年02月15日)
Precalculus: Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (5th Edition) (The Sullivan Enhanced with Graphing Utilities Series)
Michael Sullivan (Prentice Hall 2008年02月14日)
Introductory and Intermediate Algebra through Applications (2nd Edition) (Akst & Bragg Developmental Mathematics Series)
Geoffrey Akst、Sadie Bragg (Addison Wesley 2008年02月10日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry (4th Edition) (The Lial/Hornsby/Schneider College Algebra Series)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、David I. Schneider (Addison Wesley 2008年02月09日)
Introduction to Algebra
Peter J. Cameron (Oxford Univ Pr (Txt) 2008年02月09日)
Introduction to Algebra
Peter J. Cameron (Oxford Univ Pr (Txt) 2008年02月09日)
Precalculus (4th Edition) (The Lial/Hornsby/Schneider College Algebra Series)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、David I. Schneider (Addison Wesley 2008年02月09日)
College Algebra
James Stewart、Lothar Redlin、Saleem Watson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2008年02月08日)
Diophantine Analysis and Related Fields: Darf 2007/2008, DARF 2007, Yokohama, Japan 7-9 March 2007, DARF 2008, Kyoto, Japan 5-7 March 2008 (Aip Conference Proceedings)
(Amer Inst of Physics 2008年02月05日)
Intermediate Algebra: An Applied Approach
Richard N. Aufmann、Vernon C. Barker、Joanne S. Lockwood (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2008年02月05日)
Precalculus: Building Concepts and Connections
Revathi Narasimhan (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2008年02月05日)
Algebra and Trigonometry: Graphs & Models and Graphing Calculator Manual Package (4th Edition) (Bittinger Graphs & Models Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger、Judith A. Beecher、David J. Ellenbogen、Judith A. Penna (Addison Wesley 2008年02月04日)
Probabilities on Algebraic Structures (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Ulf Grenander (Dover Publications 2008年02月04日)
Group Theory: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Brixen/bressanone, Italy, May 25-31, 1986 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Otto H. Kegel、Federico Menegazzo、Giovanni Zacher (Springer 2008年02月03日)
Teoria Delle Equazioni E Teoria Di Galois (Unitext)
Stefania Gabelli (Springer Verlag 2008年02月03日)
Intermediate Algebra (5th Edition) (The Martin-Gay Developmental Algebra Series (hardbacks))
Elayn Martin-Gay (Prentice Hall 2008年02月02日)
College Algebra: Graphs and Models
Raymond Barnett、Michael Ziegler、Karl Byleen、Dave Sobecki (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2008年02月01日)
Algebraic Geometry: An Introduction (Universitext)
Daniel Perrin (Springer London 2008年02月)
Daily Warm-ups: Algebra, Nctm Standards
Walch (J Weston Walch Pub 2008年02月)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
Sherri Messersmith (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2008年01月31日)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
Sherri Messersmith (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2008年01月31日)
Modules Over Discrete Valuation Domains (De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics)
Piotr A. Krylov、Askar A. Tuganbaev (Walter De Gruyter Inc 2008年01月31日)
Advanced Algebra (Cornerstones)
Anthony W. Knapp (Birkhauser 2008年01月30日)
Beginning Algebra
K. Elayn Martin-Gay ( 2008年01月30日)
Intersection Cohomology (Modern Birkhauser Classics)
A. Borel (Birkhauser 2008年01月30日)
Pathway to Pre-algebra Proficiency: 30 Puzzles and Mini-Lessons Designed With the Pre-teen in Mind
Susan Mercer (Outskirts Pr 2008年01月30日)
Algebra for College Students
Mark Dugopolski (Mcgraw-Hill College 2008年01月18日)
College Algebra Through Functions and Models
Scott R. Herriott (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2008年01月18日)
Introductory Algebra through Applications (2nd Edition) (Akst & Bragg Developmental Mathematics Series)
Geoffrey Akst、Sadie Bragg (Addison Wesley 2008年01月18日)
Workingman's Algebra
Rhett Allain (Wiley 2008年01月18日)
Algebra for College Students
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2008年01月14日)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra with Applications & Visualization (2nd Edition) (Rockswold Developmental Mathematics Series)
Gary K. Rockswold、Terry A. Krieger (Addison Wesley 2008年01月13日)
Intermediate Algebra through Applications (2nd Edition) (Akst & Bragg Developmental Mathematics Series)
Geoffrey Akst、Sadie Bragg (Addison Wesley 2008年01月13日)
Intermediate Algebra (Woodbury Developmental Algebra Series)
George Woodbury (Addison Wesley 2008年01月12日)
Elementary Algebra
Mark Dugopolski (Mcgraw-Hill College 2008年01月11日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
Mark Dugopolski (Mcgraw-Hill College 2008年01月11日)
Intermediate Algebra
Mark Dugopolski (Mcgraw-Hill College 2008年01月11日)
Intermediate Algebra
Ignacio Bello、Fran Hopf (Mcgraw-Hill College 2008年01月11日)
Introductory Algebra
Ignacio Bello (Mcgraw-Hill College 2008年01月11日)
Elementary Algebra
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2008年01月10日)
Explorations in College Algebra, Printed Test Bank
Linda Almgren Kime (Wiley 2008年01月10日)
Intermediate Algebra
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2008年01月10日)
Algebra: Form and Function
William G. McCallum、Eric Connally、Deborah Hughes-Hallett (Wiley 2008年01月09日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2008年01月09日)
Student's Solutions Manual for use with Intermediate Algebra
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2008年01月09日)
Student's Solutions Manual for with Algebra for College Students
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2008年01月09日)
Student's Solutions Manual for Elementary Algebra
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2008年01月08日)
Algebra and Trigonometry Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (5th Edition) (The Sullivan Enhanced with Graphing Utilities Series)
Michael Sullivan、Michael SullivanIII (Prentice Hall 2008年01月07日)
Beginning Algebra (5th Edition) (The Martin-Gay Developmental Algebra Series (hardbacks))
Elayn Martin-Gay (Prentice Hall 2008年01月07日)
College Algebra Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (5th Edition) (The Sullivan Enhanced with Graphing Utilities Series)
Michael Sullivan、Michael SullivanIII (Prentice Hall 2008年01月07日)
Intermediate Algebra for College Students (5th Edition) (The Blitzer Developmental Algebra Series)
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2008年01月07日)
Introductory Algebra for College Students (5th Edition) (The Blitzer Developmental Algebra Series)
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2008年01月07日)
Basic Mathematics through Applications (4th Edition) (Akst & Bragg Developmental Mathematics Series)
Geoffrey Akst、Sadie Bragg (Addison Wesley 2008年01月06日)
Beginning Algebra with Applications & Visualization (2nd Edition) (Rockswold Developmental Mathematics Series)
Gary K. Rockswold、Terry A. Krieger (Addison Wesley 2008年01月06日)
College Algebra (10th Edition) (The Lial/Hornsby/Schneider College Algebra Series)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、David I. Schneider (Addison Wesley 2008年01月06日)
College Algebra: Graphs and Models with Graphing Calculator Manual Package (4th Edition) (Bittinger Graphs & Models Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger、Judith A. Beecher、David J. Ellenbogen、Judith A. Penna (Addison Wesley 2008年01月06日)
Elementary Algebra (Woodbury Developmental Algebra Series)
George Woodbury (Addison Wesley 2008年01月06日)
Fundamental Mathematics through Applications (4th Edition) (Akst & Bragg Developmental Mathematics Series)
Geoffrey Akst、Sadie Bragg (Addison Wesley 2008年01月06日)
Intermediate Algebra with Applications and Visualization (3rd Edition) (Rockswold Developmental Mathematics Series)
Gary K. Rockswold、Terry A. Krieger (Addison Wesley 2008年01月06日)
College Algebra
Jerome E. Kaufmann、Karen L. Schwitters (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2008年01月04日)
Basic Bundle Theory and K-Cohomology Invariants (Lecture Notes in Physics)
D. Husemoller、M. Joachim、B. Jurco、M. Schottenloher (Springer-Verlag 2008年01月03日)
Determinantal Ideals (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
Rosa M. Miro-roig (Birkhauser (Architectural) 2008年01月03日)
A Singular Introduction to Commutative Algebra
Gert-Martin Greuel、Gerhard Pfister (Springer-Verlag 2008年01月03日)
Student Solution Manual t/a Elementary & Intermediate Algebra
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2008年01月03日)
Zeta Functions of Groups and Rings (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Marcus Du Sautoy、Luke Woodward (Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2008年01月03日)
Intermdiate Algebra
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2008年01月02日)
Algebra for Athletes
Cameron Bauer (Nova Science Pub Inc 2008年01月)
Algebra Success in 20 Minutes a Day (Skill Builders)
(Learning Express Llc 2008年01月)
Elemente der Arithmetik und Algebra
Harald Scheid、Wolfgang Schwarz (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag 2008年01月)
Holt California Algebra Readiness, Volume 1
(Holt McDougal 2008年01月)
Holt California Algebra Readiness, Volume 2
(Holt McDougal 2008年01月)
Holt California Mathematicas Curso 2 Cuaderno de Aprendizaje
(Holt McDougal 2008年01月)
Holt California Preparacion Para Algebra, Volumen 1
(Holt McDougal 2008年01月)
Holt California Preparacion Para Algebra, Volumen 2
(Holt McDougal 2008年01月)
Holt California Preparacion Para Algebra, Volumen 3
(Holt McDougal 2008年01月)
Holt California Preparacion Para Algebra, Volumen 4
(Holt McDougal 2008年01月)
Holt Mathematics Algebra Fundamentals
(Holt McDougal 2008年01月)
Linear Algebra Thoroughly Explained
Milan Vujicic (Springer-Verlag 2008年01月)
Precalculus: Raymond A. Barnett, Michael R. Ziegler, Karl E. Byleen.
Raymond A. Barnett (McGraw-Hill Companies 2008年01月)
Se Vol 3 Holt CA Alg Readiness 2008
Roby (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2008年01月)
Se Vol 4 Holt CA Alg Readiness 2008
Roby (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2008年01月)
Spn Focus CA Stnd W/B Holt CA Alg 1 2008
Roby (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2008年01月)
Spn Homewk&prac Wkbk Holt CA Alg 1 2008
Roby (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2008年01月)
Spn Know-It Notebook Holt CA Alg 1 2008
Roby (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2008年01月)
Spn Review Mastery W/B Hlt CA Alg 1 2008
Roby (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2008年01月)
Algebra Identified With Geometry
Alexander J. Ellis (Merchant Books 2007年12月30日)
Algebra, Geometry and their Interactions: International Conference Midwest Algebra, Geometryo and Their Interactions October 7o - 11, 2005 University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana (Contemporary Mathematics)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2007年12月30日)
Beginning Algebra: Mastering the Basics
Will Summers (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2007年12月30日)
The Math Problems Notebook
Valentin Boju、Louis Funar (Birkhaeuser Boston 2007年12月30日)
Putnam And Beyond
Razvan Gelca、Titu Andreescu (Springer New York 2007年12月30日)
Student Solutions Manual for Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: Graphs & Models
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen、Barbara L. Johnson (Addison Wesley 2007年12月30日)
Introduction to Field Theory: Second Edition (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Iain T. Adamson (Dover Publications 2007年12月26日)
Finite Fields and Applications (Student Mathematical Library)
Gary L. Mullen、Carl Mummert (Amer Mathematical Society 2007年12月23日)
A Parent's Guide to Basic Math: Assist Your Child in Math with This Guide to Basic Math and Pre-algebra
L.L. Nelson (Trafford Publishing 2007年12月19日)
Calculus And Techniques Of Optimization With Microeconomic Applications
John Hoag (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2007年12月18日)
Anemias and Other Red Cell Disorders
Kenneth Bridges、Howard A. Pearson (McGraw-Hill Professional 2007年12月13日)
Yisheng Huang (Elsevier Science 2007年12月12日)
Virtual Topology and Functor Geometry (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
Fred Van Oystaeyen (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2007年12月11日)
Algebra with Galois Theory (Courant Lecture Notes)
Emil Artin (Amer Mathematical Society 2007年12月07日)
Algebra: Fields With Structure, Algebras and Advanced Topics (Universitext)
Falko Lorenz (Springer-Verlag 2007年12月07日)
History Of Mathematics: A Supplement
Craig Smorynski (Springer-Verlag 2007年12月07日)
Human Communication: Principles and Contexts
Stewart Tubbs、Sylvia Moss (McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages 2007年12月07日)
Larson College Algebra - A Graphing Approach + dvd + Student Solutions Manual 5th Ed
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年12月06日)
Algebraische Zahlentheorie (Springer-Lehrbuch Masterclass)
Jurgen Neukirch (Springer-Verlag 2007年12月04日)
Evolution Algebras and Their Applications (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Paul Jianjun Tian (Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2007年12月04日)
Positivity (Trends in Mathematics)
(Birkhauser (Architectural) 2007年12月04日)
Pythagorean-Hodograph Curves: Algebra and Geometry Inseparable (Geometry and Computing)
Rida T. Farouki (Springer-Verlag 2007年12月04日)
Rational Algebraic Curves: A Computer Algebra Approach (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics)
J. Rafael Sendra、Franz Winkler、Sonia Perez-diaz (Springer-Verlag 2007年12月04日)
Aufmann College Algebra And Trigonometry + Student Study Guide + dvd 6th Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年12月03日)
Simplicial Complexes of Graphs (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Jakob Jonsson (Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2007年12月)
Diophantus Of Alexandria: A Study in the History of Greek Algebra
Thomas L. Heath (Kessinger Pub Co 2007年11月30日)
Principles Of The Algebra Of Logic, With Examples
Alexander Macfarlane (Kessinger Pub Co 2007年11月30日)
Yangians and Classical Lie Algebras (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs)
Alexander Molev (Amer Mathematical Society 2007年11月30日)
Conformal Groups In Geometry And Spin Structures (Progress in Mathematical Physics)
Pierre Angles (Birkhauser 2007年11月29日)
Computer Algebra 2006: Latest Advances in Symbolic Algorithms: Proceedings of the Waterloo Workshop in Computer Algebra 2006, Ontario, Canada, 10-12 April 2006
(World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2007年11月28日)
Algebra 1, Spanish Study Guide and Intervention Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年11月26日)
Algebra 2, Spanish Study Guide and Intervention Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年11月26日)
Local Cohomology: An Algebraic Introduction with Geometric Applications (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)
M. P. Brodmann、R. Y. Sharp (Cambridge University Press 2007年11月26日)
Explorations in College Algebra, Fourth Edition Binder Ready Version
Linda Almgren Kime、Judy Clark、Beverly K. Michael (Wiley 2007年11月19日)
Explorations in College Algebra
Linda Almgren Kime、Judy Clark、Beverly K. Michael (Wiley 2007年11月16日)
Algebra 2, Spanish Practice Workbook (Matematicas De Glencoe)
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年11月15日)
Algebra in the Early Grades (Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning Series)
(Routledge 2007年11月15日)
On The Algebraical And Numerical Theory Of Errors Of Observations And The Combination Of Observations
George Biddell (Kessinger Pub Co 2007年11月10日)
Aufmann College Algebra + Student Solutions Manual 6th Ed + Blackboard Webct
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年11月09日)
Aufmann College Algebra And Trigonometry + Student Study Guide 6th Ed
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年11月07日)
Algebra 1, Spanish Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年11月06日)
Algebra 1, Spanish Word Problems Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年11月06日)
Loop Spaces, Characteristic Classes and Geometric Quantization (Modern Birkhauser Classics)
Jean-Luc Brylinski (Birkhaeuser Boston 2007年11月05日)
Elayn Martin-Gay (Prentice Hall 2007年11月03日)
Integrated Arithmetic and Basic Algebra (4th Edition)
Bill E. Jordan、William P. Palow (Addison Wesley 2007年11月02日)
Topics in Galois Theory, Second Edition (Research Notes in Mathematics)
Jean-Pierre Serre (A K Peters/CRC Press 2007年11月02日)
Beginning Algebra
Stefan Baratto (McGraw-Hill Higher Education 2007年11月)
California Algebra Readiness: Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving
Jack Price (McGraw-Hill/Glencoe 2007年11月)
Lie Algebras, Vertex Operator Algebras and Their Applications (Contemporary Mathematics)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2007年11月)
Representation Theory And Automorphic Forms (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
(Birkhauser 2007年11月)
An Introduction To Algebra: Being the First Part of a Course of Mathematics, Adapted to the Method of Instruction on the American Colleges
Jeremiah Day (Kessinger Pub Co 2007年10月30日)
An Introduction to Manifolds (Universitext)
Loring W. Tu (Springer 2007年10月30日)
Theory Of Functions Of A Complex Variable
Heinrich Burkhardt (Kessinger Pub Co 2007年10月30日)
Math Word Problems For Dummies (For Dummies (Math & Science))
Mary Jane Sterling (For Dummies 2007年10月29日)
Beginning Algebra With Applications
Richard N. Aufmann、Vernon C. Barker、Joanne S. Lockwood (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年10月23日)
Kaseberg Introductory Algebra 4th Ed + Nolting Math Study Skills Workbook 3rd Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年10月22日)
Trigonometry (2nd Edition)
Judith A. Beecher、Judith A. Penna、Marvin L. Bittinger (Addison Wesley 2007年10月20日)
Enumeration of Finite Groups (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
Simon R. Blackburn、Peter M. Neumann OBE、Geetha Venkataraman (Cambridge University Press 2007年10月18日)
Aufmann Algebra Introductory and Intermediate + Student Solutions Manual + Mathspace C.D. + D.V.D. 4th Ed + Eduspace
Aufmann Barker Lockwood (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年10月17日)
Elements Of Algebra: Being an Abridgment of Day's Algebra
James B. Thomson (Kessinger Pub Co 2007年10月17日)
A History of Abstract Algebra
Israel Kleiner (Birkhauser Boston 2007年10月15日)
Algebra and Trigonometry with Limits: Kirkwood Custom Spring
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2007年10月12日)
Algebra and Trigonometry with Limits: UCF Custom
Cynthia Y. Young (John Wiley & Sons 2007年10月12日)
Precalculus, The MyMathLab Edition (8th Edition)
Michael Sullivan (Prentice Hall 2007年10月12日)
Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras: Volume 3, Representation-infinite Tilted Algebras (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)
Daniel Simson、Andrzej Skowronski (Cambridge University Press 2007年10月11日)
Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras: Volume 3, Representation-infinite Tilted Algebras (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)
Daniel Simson、Andrzej Skowronski (Cambridge University Press 2007年10月11日)
Student Solutions Manual for Intermediate Algebra: Graphs & Models
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen、Barbara L. Johnson (Addison Wesley 2007年10月07日)
Algebraic Multiplicity of Eigenvalues of Linear Operators (Operator Theory Advances and Applications)
J. Lopez-Gomez、C. Mora-corral (Birkhauser (Architectural) 2007年10月04日)
Algorithmic Lie Theory for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations (Chapman & Hall/CRC Pure and Applied Mathematics)
Fritz Schwarz (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2007年10月02日)
Introduction to Non-Linear Algebra
V. Dolotin、A. Morozov (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2007年10月02日)
Aurelio Baldor (Patria 2007年10月)
Algebra and Alalysis for Engineers and Scientists
Anthony N. Michel、Charles J. Herget (Birkhaeuser Boston 2007年10月)
D-Modules, Perverse Sheaves, And Representation Theory (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
Ryoshi Hotta、Kiyoshi Takeuchi、Toshiyuki Tanisaki (Birkhauser 2007年10月)
Aufmann Introductory Algebra + Student Solutions Manual + DVD + Mathspace CD 7th Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年09月28日)
Educational Algebra: A Theoretical and Empirical Approach (Mathematics Education Library)
Eugenio Filloy、Luis Puig、Teresa Rojano (Springer-Verlag 2007年09月28日)
Core-Plus Mathematics: Contemporary Mathematics In Context, Course 2, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年09月27日)
Abstract Algebra
Paul B. Garrett (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2007年09月25日)
Mastering the Michigan Content Expectations for Algebra 1 Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年09月25日)
The Hodge Theory of Projective Manifolds
Mark Andrea De Cataldo (Imperial College Press 2007年09月20日)
Elements of Algebra
Leonhard Euler (Tarquin Pubns 2007年09月15日)
Aufmann Beginning Algebra With Applications 7th Ed + Nolting Math Study Skills Workbook 3rd Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年09月14日)
College Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann、Vernon C. Barker、Richard D. Nation (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年09月13日)
Aufmann College Algebra and Trigonometry
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年09月10日)
Aufmann Algebra For College Students + Student Solutions Manual 2nd Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年09月06日)
Aufmann Algebra For College Students 2nd Ed + Nolting Math Study Skills Workbook 3rd Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年09月06日)
Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras: Volume 2, Tubes and Concealed Algebras of Euclidean type (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)
Daniel Simson、Andrzej Skowroński (Cambridge University Press 2007年09月06日)
Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras: Volume 2, Tubes and Concealed Algebras of Euclidean type (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)
Daniel Simson、Andrzej Skowroński (Cambridge University Press 2007年09月06日)
Topological and Bivariant K-Theory (Oberwolf Seminars)
Joachim Cuntz、Ralf Meyer、Jonathan M. Rosenberg (Birkhäuser Basel 2007年09月03日)
Elementary Algebra MyMathLab Edition
Michael Sullivan III、Katherine Struve (Prentice Hall 2007年09月02日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw Hill Higher Education 2007年09月01日)
College Algebra-Understanding Functions: A Graphing Approach (with CD-ROM and Ilrn)
Arthur Goodman、Lewis R. Hirsch (Thomson Brooks/Cole 2007年09月)
Contemporary College Algebra and Trigonometry: A Graphing Approach
Thomas W. Hungerford (Thomson Brooks/Cole 2007年09月)
Express Review Guide: 18 Copy Math Pack (Speedy Review Guides)
Learning Express LLC (Learning Express (CA) 2007年09月)
Fundamentals of College Algebra
Earl W. Swokowski、Jeffery A. Cole (Thomson Brooks/Cole 2007年09月)
Let's Review: Integrated Algebra (Let's Review Integrated Algebra)
Lawrence S. Leff (Barrons Educational Series Inc 2007年09月)
The Rooster Review: Algebra: Filled with Over 1700 Practice Problems, Because Practice Makes Perfect!
D. P. F. Galli (Lifevest Publishing, Inc. 2007年09月)
Numerical Methods for Roots of Polynomials - Part I, Volume 14 (Studies in Computational Mathematics)
J.M. McNamee (Elsevier Science 2007年08月31日)
Outlines & Highlights for Advanced Modern Algebra (Cram101 Series)
Cram101 Textbook Reviews、Cram101 (Academic Internet Publishers 2007年08月31日)
The Algebra of Logic
Louis Couturat (Merchant Books 2007年08月30日)
Aufmann Algebra - Beginning And Intermediate + Student Solutions Manual 2nd Ed + Nolting Math Study Skills Workbook 3rd Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年08月30日)
Beginning Algebra (Cram101 Textbook Outlines)
Lial、Hornsby、McGinnis、Cram101 (Academic Internet Publishers 2007年08月30日)
College Algebra & Trigonometry
Rama Rao (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2007年08月30日)
Larson College Algebra a Graphing Approach + D.V.D. 5th Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年08月30日)
Outlines & Highlights for Introductory Algebra for College Students (Cram101 Textbook Outlines)
Blitzer (Academic Internet Publishers 2007年08月30日)
Standards Driven Math: 7th Grade Math
Nathaniel Max Rock (Nathaniel Max Rock 2007年08月30日)
Standards Driven Math: Algebra I
Nathaniel Max Rock (Nathaniel Max Rock 2007年08月30日)
Aufmann Algebra For College Students + Student Solutions Manual 2nd Ed + Nolting Math Study Skills Workbook 3rd Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年08月29日)
Aufmann Beginning Algebra With Applications + Student Solutions Manual 7th Ed + Nolting Math Study Skills 3rd Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年08月29日)
Crauder Functions And Change - College Algebra And Trigonometry + Benton Excel Made Easy CD + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年08月28日)
Crauder Functions And Change - College Algebra And Trigonometry + Student Solutions Manual and Technology Guide + Benton Excel Made Easy CD + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年08月28日)
Crauder Functions And Change College Algebra And Trigonometry + Student Solutions Manual And Technology Guide + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年08月28日)
Algebra and Trigonometry With Analytic Geometry
Earl W. Swokowski、Jeffery A. Cole (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2007年08月24日)
My MathLab edition LSU Algebra & Trigonometry (8th Edition)
Michael Sullivan (Prentice Hall 2007年08月24日)
Noncommutative Geometry and Cayley-smooth Orders (Chapman & Hall/CRC Pure and Applied Mathematics)
Lieven Le Bruyn (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2007年08月24日)
(WCS)College Algebra for NEMCC
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2007年08月24日)
College Algebra And Trigonometry + Student Solutions Manual 6th Ed + Eduspace
Richard N. Aufmann、Vernon C. Barker、Richard D. Nation (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年08月23日)
Introductory Algebra: Everyday Explorations
Alice Kaseberg (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年08月22日)
Short Stories Unzipped (Unzipped Guides)
Ceil Cleveland (Peterson's 2007年08月21日)
College Algebra: A Narrative Approach (2nd Edition)
Stephen Majewicz (Pearson Custom Publishing 2007年08月17日)
Elementary & Intermediate Algebra MyMathLab Edition
Michael Sullivan III、Katherine Struve、Janet Mazzarella (Prentice Hall 2007年08月16日)
Larson Elementary Algebra Student Support Ed 4th Ed + Blackboard Webct
Larson、Hostetler (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年08月15日)
Larson Elementary And Intermediate Algebra Student Support Ed 4th Ed + Blackboard Webct
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年08月15日)
(WCS) College Algebra for Harrisburg Area Community College
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2007年08月13日)
Algebra And Trigonometry A Graphing Approach
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年08月09日)
Aufmann Introductory Algebra + Mathspace CD + Student Solutions Manual 7th Ed + Nolting Math Study Skills Workbook 3rd Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年08月09日)
Aufmann Introductory Algebra + Student Solutions Manual + DVD 7th Ed + Nolting Math Study Skills Workbook 3rd Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年08月09日)
Episodes in the History of Modern Algebra, (1800-1950) (History of Mathematics)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2007年08月08日)
Aufmann Algebra Introductory and Intermediate + Student Solutions Manual 4th Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年08月07日)
Hubbard Elementary Algebra Discovery and Visualization with HM Cubed cd + Student Solutions Manual 3rd Ed + Nolting Math Study Skills Workbook 3rd Ed
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年08月07日)
Kaseberg Introductory Algebra Print Student Ed
Sally Jackman (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年08月06日)
Algebras, Rings And Modules (Mathematics and Its Applications)
Michiel Hazewinkel、Nadiya Gubareni、V. V. Kirichenko (Springer-Verlag 2007年08月03日)
Introduction a La Rtsolution Des Systfmes Polynomiaux (Mathtmatiques Et Applications)
Mohamed Elkadi、Bernard Mourrain (Springer 2007年08月03日)
A Dressing Method in Mathematical Physics (Mathematical Physics Studies)
Evgeny V. Doktorov、Sergey B. Leble (Springer-Verlag 2007年08月)
Standards Driven Math: Calculus
Nathaniel Max Rock (Nathaniel Max Rock 2007年08月)
Standards Driven Math: Combo Book: 7th Grade Math, Algebra I, Geometry I, Algebra II, Math Analysis, Calculus
Nathaniel Max Rock (Nathaniel Max Rock 2007年08月)
Essays on the Theory of Numbers
Richard Dedekind (Kessinger Pub Co 2007年07月31日)
Larson Algebra and Trigonometry + Dvd + Mathspace Cd 7th Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月31日)
Aufmann Essentials of College Algebra + Student Solutions Manual + Dvd 1st Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月30日)
Higher Algebra: A Sequel to Elementary Algebra for Schools
Henry S. Hall、Samuel R. Knight (Kessinger Pub Co 2007年07月30日)
Rings and Nearrings: Proceedings of the International Conference of Algebra in Memory of Kostia Beidar, Tainan, Taiwan March 6-12, 2005 (De Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics)
(Walter De Gruyter Inc 2007年07月30日)
College Algebra: Desktop Edition (Wiley Desktop Editions)
Cynthia Y. Young (John Wiley & Sons Inc 2007年07月27日)
Explorations in College Algebra, Desktop Edition (Wiley Desktop Editions)
Linda Almgren Kime、Judith Clark、Beverly K. Michael (John Wiley & Sons Inc 2007年07月27日)
(WCS)Trigonometry for Loyola University
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2007年07月27日)
Algebra and Trigonometry: A Graphing Approach
Ron Larson、Robert P. Hostetler、Bruce H. Edwards (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月26日)
Continuous Symmetries, Lie Algebras, Differential Equations and Computer Algebra
Steeb Willi-hans (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2007年07月26日)
College Algebra, A Graphing Approach
Ron Larson、Robert P. Hostetler、Bruce H. Edwards、David C. Falvo (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月25日)
Larson Algebra And Trigonometry - A Graphing Approach + Blackboard Webct
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月25日)
Larson College Algebra - A Graphing Approach + Student Solutions Manual + DVD 5th Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月25日)
Aufmann Essentials Of College Algebra + DVD + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月24日)
College Algebra Aga Student Solutions Manual
Bruce H. Edwards、Larson、Hostetler (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月24日)
Larson Algebra and Trigonometry + Study and Solutions Guide 7th Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月23日)
Larson College Algebra + D.V.D. 7th Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月23日)
Larson College Algebra Concepts and Models + Study And Solutions Guide 5th Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月23日)
Larson College Algebra Concepts and Models 5th Ed + D.V.D. for Concise College Algebra and College Algebra Concepts and Models 5th Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月23日)
Larson Elementary Algebra Student Support Ed + Study and Solutions Guide 4th Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月23日)
Algebra & Trigonometry, The MyMathLab Edition (8th Edition)
Michael Sullivan (Prentice Hall 2007年07月22日)
College Algebra Aga
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月20日)
Aufmann Beginning Algebra With Applications + DVD + Student Solutions Manual + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月19日)
Perturbation Bounds for Matrix Eigenvalues (Classics in Applied Mathematics)
R. Bhatia (Society for Industrial Mathematics 2007年07月19日)
algebra Preuniversitaria/ High School Algebra
Adria Lazo ( 2007年07月18日)
Aufmann Introductory Algebra + Student Solutions Manual 7th Ed + Eduspace
Aufmann、Barker、Lockwood (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月17日)
Aufmann Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra + Mathspace cd + Student Solutions Manual + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月17日)
Aufmann College Algebra + Student Solutions Manual + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月13日)
Matrix Algebra: Theory, Computations, and Applications in Statistics (Springer Texts in Statistics)
James E. Gentle (Springer-Verlag 2007年07月13日)
Crauder Functions And Change College Algebra + Excel Guide 3rd Ed + Eduspace
Bruce Crauder、Benny Evans、Alan Noell (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月11日)
Crauder Functions and Change College Algebra + Student Solutions Manual and Keystroke Guide + Excel Cd 3rd Ed + Eduspace
Crauder、Evans、Noell (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月11日)
Aufmann Beginning Algebra With Applications + Student Solutions Manual + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月10日)
Larson College Algebra Concise + Study and Solutions Guide + Mathspace C.D. + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月06日)
Symmetric Generation of Groups: With Applications to many of the Sporadic Finite Simple Groups (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
Professor Robert T. Curtis (Cambridge University Press 2007年07月05日)
Functional Identities (Frontiers in Mathematics)
Matej Bresar、Mikhail A. Chebotar、Wallace S., III Martindale (Birkhaeuser Basel 2007年07月04日)
Quantum Probability and Spectral Analysis of Graphs (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics)
Akihito Hora、Nobuaki Obata (Springer-Verlag 2007年07月04日)
Crauder Functions and Change - College Algebra 3rd Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年07月03日)
Abstract Algebra (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Pierre Antoine Grillet (Springer-Verlag 2007年07月)
Express Review Guides: Algebra I
(Learning Express Llc 2007年07月)
Lectures on Fundamental Concepts of Algebra and Geometry: With a Note on the Growth of Algebraic Symbolism
John Wesley Young、William Wells Denton (Kessinger Publishing 2007年07月)
Number and Its Algebra: Syllabus of Lectures on the Theory of Number and Its Algebra
Arthur Lefevre (Kessinger Publishing 2007年07月)
Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra
Ignacio Bello (McGraw-Hill Higher Education 2007年07月)
100 problemas de optica / 100 Optic problems (Cien Problemas)
Pedro M. Arias、Rosario Martinez Herrero (Alianza Editorial Sa 2007年06月30日)
Algebra 1: With Text Purchase, Add All-in-one Student Workbook Adapted Version
Allan E. Bellman、Sadie Chavis Bragg、Randall I. Charles、Basia Hall、William G. Handlin (Pearson Prentice Hall 2007年06月30日)
The Algebra of Invariants
John Hilton Grace、Alfred Young (Kessinger Pub Co 2007年06月30日)
Algebra: For the Use of Colleges, Schools and Private Students, With Numerous Examples
F. G. Landon (Kessinger Pub Co 2007年06月30日)
Binary Quadratics Forms: An Algorithmic Approach (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics)
(Springer-Verlag 2007年06月30日)
College Algebra
Mustafa A. Munem、James P. Yizze (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2007年06月30日)
College Algebra Textbook
Robert Blitzer (Prentice Hall College Div 2007年06月30日)
Data Analysis and Probability (Prentice Hall Mathematics)
(Pearson Prentice Hall 2007年06月30日)
El pensamiento matematico desde la Antiguedad a nuestros dias / The mathematical thought from the ancient times to today days (El Libro Universitario. Ensayo)
Morris Kline (Alianza Editorial Sa 2007年06月30日)
El placer estetico de las matematicas/ The Esthetic Pleasure of Mathematics
Serge Lang (Alianza Editorial Sa 2007年06月30日)
Ensembles Ordonnes Finis: Concepts, Resultats Et Usages (Mathematiques Et Applications)
Nathalie Caspard、Bruno Leclerc、Bernard Monjardet (Springer 2007年06月30日)
Higher Algebra: A Sequel to Elementary Algebra for Schools
Henry S. Hall、Samuel R. Knight (Kessinger Pub Co 2007年06月30日)
Intellectual Algebra: Or Oral Exercises in Algebra for Common Schools
David Bates Tower (Kessinger Pub Co 2007年06月30日)
La ensenanza de las matematicas modernas/ The Education of Modern Mathematics
Jean Piaget、G. Choquet、Jean Dieudonne (Alianza Editorial Sa 2007年06月30日)
La matematica/ Mathematics: Su Contenido, Metodos Y Significado, 1/ Mathematics, It's Contents, Methods and Significance
A. D. Aleksandrov、A. N. Kolmogorov (Alianza Editorial Sa 2007年06月30日)
La matematica/ Mathematics: Su Contenido, Metodos Y Significado/ Mathematics, It's Contents, Methods and Significance
A. D. Aleksandrov、A. N. Kolmogorov (Alianza Editorial Sa 2007年06月30日)
La matematica/ Mathematics: Su Contenido, Metodos Y Significado/ Mathematics, It's Contents, Methods and Significance
A. D. Aleksandrov、A. N. Kolmogorov (Alianza Editorial Sa 2007年06月30日)
Prentice Hall Mathematics - Pre-Algebra
Randall I. Charles、Bonnie McNemar、Alma Ramirez (Pearson Prentice Hall 2007年06月30日)
A Treatise on Algebra: Containing the Latest Improvements. Adapted to the Use of Schools and Colleges
Charles William Hackley (Kessinger Pub Co 2007年06月30日)
Semigroups and Formal Languages: Proceedings of the International Conference
(World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2007年06月29日)
(WCS)Trigonometry for Sierra College
Cynthia Y. Young (John Wiley & Sons 2007年06月29日)
Aufmann Algebra For College Students + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年06月28日)
Langlands Correspondence for Loop Groups (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)
Edward Frenkel (Cambridge University Press 2007年06月28日)
Algebre Commutative : Chapitre 10 (Elements de Mathematique)
N. Bourbaki (Springer-Verlag 2007年06月27日)
Kaseberg Introductory Algebra - Everyday Explorations + Eduspace
Kaseberg (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年06月26日)
Larson Algebra And Trigonometry - A Graphing Approach + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年06月25日)
Crauder Functions And Change - College Algebra And Trigonometry + Eduspace
Crauder、Evans、Noell (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年06月22日)
Algebre: Chapitre 10 Algebre homologique (Elements de Mathematique)
(Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K 2007年06月21日)
Algebre: Chapitre 9 (Elements de Mathematique)
N. Bourbaki (Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K 2007年06月21日)
Larson College Algebra - A Graphing Approach + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年06月21日)
Larson Elementary Algebra Student Support Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年06月21日)
Larson Elementary And Intermediate Algebra Student Support Ed + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年06月19日)
Residuated Lattices: An Algebraic Glimpse at Substructural Logics, Volume 151 (Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics)
Nikolaos Galatos、Peter Jipsen、Tomasz Kowalski、Hiroakira Ono (Elsevier Science 2007年06月19日)
College Algebra (Ratti/McWaters Series)
J. S. Ratti、Marcus S. McWaters (Addison Wesley 2007年06月18日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry (Ratti/McWaters Series)
J. S. Ratti、Marcus S. McWaters (Addison Wesley 2007年06月18日)
Algebra And Trigonometry A Graphing Approach Student Ed
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年06月16日)
Larson Calculus Early Transcendental Functions Single Variable + Eduspace
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年06月13日)
Greatest Hits Tutorial Video Intro & Interm Algebra Combined: A Just in Time Approach
Patrick Ireland (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2007年06月11日)
Aufmann Beginning Algebra With Applications + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年06月07日)
Algebra 1, Study Guide and Intervention Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年06月06日)
Algebra 2, StudentWorks Plus DVD-ROM
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年06月06日)
Shortcut Algebra I: A quick and easy way to increase your algebra I knowledge and test scores (Shortcut (Kaplan))
Kaplan (Kaplan Publishing 2007年06月05日)
Shortcut Algebra II: A quick and easy way to increase your algebra II knowledge and test scores
Andrew Marx (Kaplan Publishing 2007年06月05日)
A Course in Enumeration (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Martin Aigner (Springer-Verlag 2007年06月03日)
Algebra 1, Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年06月01日)
Algebra 1, Skills Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年06月01日)
Algebra 1, Word Problems Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年06月01日)
Lineare Algebra: Fur Naturwissenschaftler Und Ingenieure
Hans-Jurgen Dobner、Gerhard Dobner (Springer 2007年06月)
Number Theory, Vol. 1: Tools and Diophantine Equations (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Henri Cohen (Springer-Verlag 2007年06月)
Pre-Algebra Companion (Straight Forward Math Series)
(Garlic Pr 2007年06月)
A Beginner's Guide to Graph Theory
W. D. Wallis (Birkhauser 2007年05月30日)
The Hilbert Function of a Level Algebra (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)
Anthony V. Geramita、Tadahito Harima、Juan C. Migliore、Yong Su Shin (Amer Mathematical Society 2007年05月30日)
Homework Helpers Pre-calculus
Denise, Ph.D. Szecsei (Career Pr Inc 2007年05月30日)
Trigonometry and Double Algebra
Augustus De Morgan (Merchant Books 2007年05月30日)
Unknown Quantity: A Real and Imaginary History of Algebra
John Derbyshire (Plume 2007年05月29日)
Graphical Approach to Algebra and Trigonometry Value Pack (includes Graphing Calculator Manual & MyMathLab/MyStatLab Student Access Kit )
John Hornsby、Margaret L. Lial、Gary K. Rockswold (Addison Wesley 2007年05月26日)
Intermediate Algebra A Graphing Approach Value Pack (includes MyMathLab/MyStatLab Student Access Kit & Tutor Center Access - Student Study Pak)
Elayn Martin-Gay、Margaret (Peg) Greene (Prentice Hall 2007年05月25日)
College Algebra Essentials Value Package (includes MyMathLab/MyStatLab Student Access)
Michael Sullivan (Addison Wesley 2007年05月24日)
Thomas Harriot's Artis Analyticae Praxis: An English Translation With Commentary (Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences)
(Springer-Verlag 2007年05月22日)
College Algebra Essentials (8th Edition)
Michael Sullivan (Prentice Hall 2007年05月20日)
College Algebra Value Pack (includes Student Study Pack & CD Lecture Series CA )
Michael Sullivan (Addison Wesley 2007年05月20日)
Elementary Algebra for College Students Value Package (includes Student Study Pack)
Allen R. Angel (Addison Wesley 2007年05月20日)
College Algebra Value Package (includes Student Study Pack)
Michael Sullivan (Addison Wesley 2007年05月19日)
Elementary Algebra: Graphs and Authentic Applications Value Package (includes MyMathLab/MyStatLab Student Access)
Jay Lehmann (Addison Wesley 2007年05月19日)
Aufmann Prealgebra + Mathspace Cd + Student Solutions Manual + Dvd 4th Ed
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年05月16日)
Elementary Algebra Media Enhanced Ed
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年05月16日)
Larson Elementary Algebra Student Support Ed + Student Study Guide
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年05月14日)
Algebra for College Students Value Pack (includes Algebra Review Study & MyMathLab/MyStatLab Student Access Kit )
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison Wesley 2007年05月12日)
Aufmann Algebra - Beginning and Intermediate + Student Solutions Manual 2nd Ed
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年05月10日)
Group Representation Theory (Fundametal Sciences: Mathematics)
(EFPL Press 2007年05月07日)
Algebra: Concepts and Applications, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年05月04日)
Noetherian Semigroup Algebras (Algebra and Applications)
Eric Jespers、Jan Okninski (Springer-Verlag 2007年05月04日)
Open Problems in Topology II
(Elsevier Science 2007年05月04日)
Algebraic Cycles and Motives: Volume 1 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
(Cambridge University Press 2007年05月03日)
Algebraic Cycles and Motives: Volume 2 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
(Cambridge University Press 2007年05月03日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry
Richard N. Aufmann、Vernon C. Barker、Richard D. Nation (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2007年05月03日)
Algebra Readiness, Grades 6-9 Practice Workbook: Mcdougal Littell Algebra Readiness
(Mcdougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin 2007年05月)
Handbook of K-Theory
(Springer 2007年05月)
Head First Algebra: A Learner's Guide to Algebra
Harold Davis、Phyllis Davis (Oreilly & Associates Inc 2007年05月)
Pre-algebra, Grades 6-9: Mcdougal Littell Pre-algebra
Laurie Boswell、Timothy Kanold、Lee Stiff (Mcdougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin 2007年05月)
Assessment in the K-12 Classroom Theory and Practice
Jane Benjamin (Learning Solutions 2007年04月30日)
The Geometry of the Word Problem for Finitely Generated Groups (Advanced Courses in Mathematics - Crm Barcelona)
Noel Brady、Tim Riley、Hamish Short (Birkhauser 2007年04月30日)
Historia de las matematicas/ History of Mathematics
R. Mankiewicz (Paidos Iberica Ediciones S a 2007年04月30日)
On Riemann's Theory of Algebraic Functions and Their Integrals: A Supplement to the Usual Treatises
Felix Klein (Cosimo Classics 2007年04月30日)
Polynomial Convexity (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
Edgar Lee Stout (Birkhauser 2007年04月30日)
Prealgebra Value Pack (includes MyMathLab/MyStatLab Student Access Kit & Student's Solutions Manual for Prealgebra)
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen、Barbara L. Johnson (Addison Wesley 2007年04月30日)
A Treatise on the Theory of Algebraical Equations
J. Hymers (Merchant Books 2007年04月30日)
Elementary Algebra: Graphs and Authentic Applications
Jay Lehmann (Prentice Hall 2007年04月29日)
College Algebra: Graphs and Models with Graphing Calculator Manual Value Package (includes Pearson TI Rebate Coupon $15)
Marvin L. Bittinger、Judith A. Beecher、David J. Ellenbogen、Judith A. Penna (Addison Wesley 2007年04月27日)
Algebra 2, Study Guide and Intervention Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年04月26日)
Algebra 2, Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年04月23日)
Algebra 2, Skills Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年04月23日)
Algebra 2, Word Problems Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年04月23日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra for College Students Value Package (includes MyMathLab/MyStatLab Student Access)
Allen R. Angel (Addison Wesley 2007年04月21日)
Algebra for College Students Value Package (includes MyMathLab/MyStatLab Student Access)
Allen R. Angel (Addison Wesley 2007年04月20日)
The Rules of Algebra: (Ars Magna) (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Girolamo Cardano (Dover Publications 2007年04月19日)
College Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann、Vernon C. Barker、Richard D. Nation、Christine S. Verity (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年04月17日)
College Algebra
John Coburn (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2007年04月17日)
Algebra for College Students (6th Edition) (Lial Developmental Mathematics)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison Wesley 2007年04月16日)
Intermediate Algebra: The MyMathLab Edition
Michael Sullivan III、Katherine Struve (Prentice Hall 2007年04月16日)
Prealgebra Value Package (includes MathXL 12-month Student Access Kit)
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen、Barbara L. Johnson (Addison Wesley 2007年04月14日)
Algebra 2, Noteables: Interactive Study Notebook with Foldables
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年04月12日)
Introductory Algebra Value Pack (includes Student's Solutions Manual & Digital Video Tutor with Optional Captioning)
Marvin L. Bittinger (Addison Wesley 2007年04月12日)
Mathematics in Action: An Introduction to Algebraic, Graphicald Numerical Problem Solving Value Package (includes MathXL 12-month Student Access Kit)
Consortium for Foundation Mathematics (Addison Wesley 2007年04月08日)
Mathematics in Action: Prealgebra Problem Solving Value Package (includes MathXL 12-month Student Access Kit)
Consortium for Foundation Mathematics (Addison Wesley 2007年04月06日)
Beginning Algebra Value Package (includes MathXL 12-month Student Access Kit)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison Wesley 2007年04月05日)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra Value Package (includes MathXL 24-month Student Access Kit)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison Wesley 2007年04月05日)
Mathematics in Action: Algebraic, Graphicald Trigonometric Problem Solving Value Package (includes MathXL 12-month Student Access Kit )
Consortium for Foundation Mathematics (Addison Wesley 2007年04月05日)
Algebra 1, Noteables: Interactive Study Notebook with Foldables
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年04月03日)
Algebraic Combinatorics: Lectures at a Summer School In Nordfjordeid, Norway, June 2003 (Universitext)
Peter Orlik、Volkmar Welker (Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2007年04月03日)
Leonhard Euler, Volume 5: Life, Work and Legacy (Studies in the History and Philosophy of Mathematics)
(Elsevier Science 2007年04月03日)
Tool and Object: A History and Philosophy of Category Theory
Ralf Krömer (Birkhauser (Architectural) 2007年04月03日)
Algebra II for Dummies
Mary Jane Sterling ( 2007年04月02日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: Graphs & Models Value Package (includes Graphing Calculator Manual for Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: Graphs & Models)
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen、Barbara L. Johnson (Addison Wesley 2007年04月01日)
Angewandte Mathematik Mit MathCAD. Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch: Band 1: Einfa1/4hrung in MathCAD
Josef Trl、Josef Trala (Springer 2007年04月)
Ideals, Varieties, And Algorithms: An Introduction to Computational Algebraic Geometry And Commutative Algebra (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
David A. Cox、John B. Little、Donal O'Shea (Springer 2007年04月)
Elements of Algebra
Arthur Schultze (Becker Press 2007年03月31日)
The Shaping of Arithmetic - After C.F. Gauss's Disquisitiones Arithmeticae
(Springer-Verlag 2007年03月31日)
Algebra 1/2 - Test Masters (Saxon Algebra)
John Saxon (Saxon Pub 2007年03月30日)
Algebra and Trigonometry Value Pack (includes MyMathLab/MyStatLab Student Access Kit & Student's Solutions Manual for College Algebra & Trigonometry and Precalculus)
Judith A. Beecher、Judith A. Penna、Marvin L. Bittinger (Addison Wesley 2007年03月30日)
Algebraic Cobordism (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
Marc Levine、Fabien Morel (Springer-Verlag 2007年03月30日)
Introduction to Algebra
Richard Rusczyk ( 2007年03月30日)
Matematicas/ Mathematics: Algebra
Santiago Valiente ( 2007年03月30日)
Direct Sum Decompositions of Torsion-Free Finite Rank Groups (Chapman & Hall/CRC Pure and Applied Mathematics)
Theodore G. Faticoni (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2007年03月28日)
Algebra And Trigonometry: A Graphing Approach
Ron Larson、Robert P. Hostetler、Bruce H. Edwards (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年03月27日)
Aufmann Algebra For College Students Student Solution Manual
Emily Keaton、Aufmann、Barker (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年03月26日)
Aufmann Beginning and Intermediate Algebra Student Solution Manual
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年03月26日)
Elementary Math Modeling Updated (2nd Edition)
Mary Ellen Davis、C. Henry Edwards (Prentice Hall 2007年03月22日)
Mathematics in Action: Prealgebra Problem Solving (2nd Edition) (Consortium for Foundation Mathematics Developmental Mathematics Series)
Consortium for Foundation Mathematics (Addison Wesley 2007年03月22日)
Syzygies and Hilbert Functions (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
(Chapman and Hall/CRC 2007年03月20日)
California Algebra 1, Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年03月19日)
California Algebra 1, Skills Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年03月19日)
California Algebra 1, Study Guide and Intervention Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年03月19日)
California Algebra 1, Word Problems Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年03月19日)
Developmental Mathematics THEA (7th Edition) (Bittinger Developmental Mathematics Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger、Judith A. Beecher (Addison Wesley 2007年03月19日)
Funktionentheorie 2 (Springer-Lehrbuch)
Reinhold Remmert、Georg Schumacher (Springer-Verlag 2007年03月19日)
College Algebra Value Package (includes CD Lecture Series CA)
Michael Sullivan (Addison Wesley 2007年03月18日)
Algebra for College Students (3rd Edition) (The Angel Developmental Algebra Series)
Allen R. Angel (Prentice Hall 2007年03月17日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra for College Students (3rd Edition) (The Angel Developmental Algebra Series)
Allen R. Angel (Prentice Hall 2007年03月17日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry Value Pack (includes MyMathLab/MyStatLab Student Access Kit & Digital Video Tutor)
Mark Dugopolski (Addison Wesley 2007年03月16日)
Mathematics in Action: Algebraic, Graphical, and Trigonometric Problem Solving
( 2007年03月16日)
Algebra 1: Korper Und Galoistheorie
Franz Lemmermeyer、Falko Lorenz (Springer 2007年03月15日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: Graphs & Models (3rd Edition) (Bittinger Developmental Mathematics Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen、Barbara L. Johnson (Addison Wesley 2007年03月15日)
Elementary Number Theory: An Algebraic Approach (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Ethan D. Bolker (Dover Publications 2007年03月15日)
Beginning Algebra with Applications
Emily Keaton、Aufmann、Barker、Lockwood (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年03月13日)
College Algebra, The MyMathLab Edition (8th Edition)
Michael Sullivan (Prentice Hall 2007年03月12日)
Quaternions, Clifford Algebras and Relativistic Physics
Patrick R. Girard (Birkhaeuser Basel 2007年03月06日)
Simple Extensions with the Minimum Degree Relations of Integral Domains (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
Susumu Oda、Ken-ichi Yoshida (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2007年03月05日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
Stefan Baratto、Barry Bergman (McGraw Hill Higher Education 2007年03月01日)
Intermediate Algebra for College Students Value Package (includes MyMathLab/MyStatLab Student Access)
Allen R. Angel (Addison Wesley 2007年03月01日)
Algebraic Geometry: Korea-japan Conference in Honor of Igor Dolgachev's 60th Birthday July 5-9, 2004 Korea Institute for Advanced Study Seoul, Korea (Contemporary Mathematics)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2007年03月)
College Algebra with Trigonometry
Raymond A. Barnett (McGraw-Hill Higher Education 2007年03月)
Combinatorial Number Theory: Proceedings of the 'Integers Conference 2005' in Celebration of the 70th Birthday of Ronald Graham Carrollton, Georgia, USA, October 27-30, 2005 ([De Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics])
(Walter De Gruyter Inc 2007年03月)
History of Abstract Algebra
Israel Kleiner (Springer-Verlag 2007年03月)
Algebra for Tutoring: Basics of Algebra
Rubik, Ph.D. Yegoryan、Hayk Yegoryan (Authorhouse 2007年02月28日)
Beginning Algebra - Preliminary Edition
Paula McKenna、Honey Kirk (Addison Wesley 2007年02月25日)
Elementary Algebra Early Graphing for College Students Value Package (includes MyMathLab/MyStatLab Student Access)
Allen R. Angel (Addison Wesley 2007年02月25日)
Aufmann College Algebra + Smarthinking
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年02月23日)
Matrix Theory: From Generalized Inverses to Jordan Form (Chapman & Hall/CRC Pure and Applied Mathematics)
Robert Piziak、P.L. Odell (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2007年02月22日)
College Algebra a Graphing Approach
Ron Larson、Robert P. Hostetler、Bruce H. Edwards (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年02月21日)
Intermediate Algebra: Everyday Explorations
Alice Kaseberg (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2007年02月21日)
Introductory Algebra: Everyday Explorations
Alice Kaseberg (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2007年02月21日)
Mathematics in Action: Algebraic, Graphical, and Trigonometric Problem Solving (3rd Edition) (Consortium for Foundation Mathematics Developmental Mathematics Series)
Consortium for Foundation Mathematics (Addison Wesley 2007年02月19日)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra (4th Edition) (Lial Developmental Mathematics)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison Wesley 2007年02月17日)
Algebra and Trigonometry WileyPLUS Set (Wiley Plus Products)
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2007年02月16日)
Algebra and Trigonometry With Analytic Geometry
Earl W. Swokowski、Jeffery A. Cole (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2007年02月16日)
Algebra and Trigonometry, Student Solutions Manual
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2007年02月16日)
Algebra And Trigonometry: With Analytic Geometry
Earl W. Swokowski、Jeffery A. Cole (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2007年02月16日)
College Algebra with Trigonometry
Raymond A. Barnett、Michael R. Ziegler、Karl E. Byleen (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2007年02月16日)
Raymond A. Barnett、Michael R. Ziegler、Karl E. Byleen (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2007年02月16日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra (MP) (The Streeter Series)
Donald Hutchison、Stefan Baratto、Barry Bergman (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2007年02月15日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra--Alternate Hardcover Edition (MP) (The Streeter Series)
Donald Hutchison、Stefan Baratto、Barry Bergman (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2007年02月15日)
Intermediate Algebra: Graphs & Models (3rd Edition) (Bittinger Developmental Mathematics Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen、Barbara L. Johnson (Addison Wesley 2007年02月15日)
Mathematics in Action: An Introduction to Algebraic, Graphical, and Numerical Problem Solving (3rd Edition) (Consortium for Foundation Mathematics Developmental Mathematics Series)
Consortium for Foundation Mathematics (Addison Wesley 2007年02月15日)
Algebra: Beginning and Intermediate
Aufmann、Lockwood (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2007年02月13日)
Aufmann Beginning Algebra with Applications Student DVD
Dana Mosley (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年02月13日)
Algebra and Trigonometry
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2007年02月12日)
College Algebra with Trigonometry
Raymond Barnett、Michael Ziegler、Karl Byleen (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2007年02月12日)
Functions and Change: A Modeling Approach to College Algebra and Trigonometry
Bruce Crauder、Benny Evans、Alan Noell (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年02月12日)
Elementary Algebra Early Graphing for College Students (3rd Edition) (The Angel Developmental Algebra Series)
Allen R. Angel (Prentice Hall 2007年02月10日)
Algebra and Trigonometry (3rd Edition) (Beecher/Penna/Bittinger Series)
Judith A. Beecher、Judith A. Penna、Marvin L. Bittinger (Addison Wesley 2007年02月08日)
Prealgebra & Introductory Algebra (2nd Edition)
Elayn Martin-Gay (Prentice Hall 2007年02月08日)
Algebra With Trigonometry for College Students, Basic Select
Charles P. McKeague (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2007年02月07日)
Julie Miller (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2007年02月07日)
Julie Miller (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2007年02月05日)
Developmental Mathematics for College Students: Updated Media Edition + 1pass for Enhanced Ilrn Tutorial+ Student Resource Center/mathnow
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2007年02月03日)
Intermediate Algebra
Molly O'Neill、Nancy Hyde (Mcgraw-Hill College 2007年02月03日)
Polynomial Representations of Gln: With an Appendix on Schensted Correspondence and Ittelmann Paths (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
K. H. Erdmann、J. A. Green、M. Schocker (Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2007年02月03日)
Aritmetica, Crittografia E Codici (Unitext / La Matematica Per Il 3+2)
Ciro Ciliberto、Maria Baldoni Welleda、Giulia Maria Piacentini Cattaneo (Springer 2007年02月)
Elementary Algebra (Collins College Outlines)
Joan Van Glabek (Collins 2007年02月)
M. A. Munem、J. P. Yizze (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2007年02月)
Elements of Algebra: On the Basis of M. Bourdon, Embracing Sturm's and Horner's Theorems and Practical Examples
Charles Davies (Kessinger Pub Co 2007年01月31日)
Lectures on Fundamental Concepts of Algebra and Geometry: With a Note on the Growth of Algebraic Symbolism
John Wesley Young、William Wells Denton (Kessinger Pub Co 2007年01月31日)
Lessons on Higher Algebra: With an Appendix on the Nature of Mathematical Reasoning
Ellen Hayes (Kessinger Pub Co 2007年01月31日)
Number and Its Algebra: Syllabus of Lectures on the Theory of Number and Its Algebra
Arthur Lefevre (Kessinger Pub Co 2007年01月31日)
On Riemann's Theory of Algebraic Functions and Their Integrals: A Supplement to the Usual Treatises
Felix Klein (Merchant Books 2007年01月31日)
Algebra elemental/ Basic Algebra
Allen R. Angel (Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana Sa 2007年01月30日)
New Elementary Algebra: Embracing the First Principles of Science
Charles Davies (Kessinger Pub Co 2007年01月30日)
Real and Complex Singularities: Proceedings of the Australian-Japanese Workshop, University of Sydney, Australia, 5-8 September 2005
(World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2007年01月30日)
College Algebra (8th Edition)
Michael Sullivan (Prentice Hall 2007年01月29日)
Intermediate Algebra (10th Edition) (Lial Developmental Mathematics Series)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison Wesley 2007年01月29日)
Intermediate Algebra
Franklin D. Demana (Addison Wesley 2007年01月28日)
Developmental Mathematics (7th Edition) (Bittinger Developmental Mathematics Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger、Judith A. Beecher (Addison Wesley 2007年01月27日)
College Algebra
Raymond A. Barnett、Michael R. Ziegler、Karl E. Byleen (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2007年01月26日)
Core-Plus Mathematics: Contemporary Mathematics in Context, StudentWorks CD-ROM
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年01月25日)
Algebra, Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann、Joanne S. Lockwood (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2007年01月22日)
Intermediate Algebra for College Students (7th Edition) (The Angel Developmental Algebra Series)
Allen R. Angel (Prentice Hall 2007年01月20日)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
James Hall、Brian Mercer (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2007年01月19日)
College Algebra
Raymond Barnett、Michael Ziegler、Karl Byleen (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2007年01月19日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry
Richard N. Aufmann、Vernon C. Barker、Richard D. Nation (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2007年01月19日)
Intermediate Algebra: Functions & Authentic Applications Value Package (includes MyMathLab/MyStatLab Student Access)
Jay Lehmann (Addison Wesley 2007年01月19日)
Quantum Groups: A Path to Current Algebra (Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series)
Ross Street (Cambridge University Press 2007年01月18日)
MP Intermediate Algebra (Hardcover)
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill、Nancy Hyde (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2007年01月17日)
Boolean Algebra
R. L. Goodstein (Dover Publications 2007年01月15日)
College Algebra (3rd Edition) (Beecher/Penna/Bittinger Series)
Judith A. Beecher、Judith A. Penna、Marvin L. Bittinger (Addison Wesley 2007年01月15日)
Essentials of College Algebra, Alternate Edition (Lial/Hornsby/Schneider)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、David I. Schneider (Addison Wesley 2007年01月15日)
The Nature of Mathematics
Philip E. B. Jourdain (Dover Publications 2007年01月15日)
Essentials of College Algebra with Modeling and Visualization (3rd Edition) (Rockswold Series)
Gary K. Rockswold (Addison Wesley 2007年01月13日)
Intermediate Algebra: Functions & Authentic Applications (3rd Edition)
Jay Lehmann (Prentice Hall 2007年01月13日)
Beginning Algebra (10th Edition) (Lial Developmental Mathematics)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison Wesley 2007年01月12日)
MP Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill、Nancy Hyde (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2007年01月12日)
Algebra for College Students
Richard N. Aufmann、Vernon C. Barker、Joanne S. Lockwood (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2007年01月10日)
Algebra II Workbook For Dummies (For Dummies (Math & Science))
Mary Jane Sterling (For Dummies 2007年01月10日)
Beginning Algebra: With Applications
Richard N. Aufmann、Vernon C. Barker、Joanne Lockwood (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2007年01月10日)
College Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann、Vernon C. Barker、Richard D. Nation (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2007年01月10日)
Student Solutions Manual Intermediate Algebra
Julie Miller (Mcgraw-Hill College 2007年01月09日)
Wiley Plus Stand-alone to accompany College Algebra and Trigonometry (Wiley Plus Products)
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2007年01月09日)
Wiley Plus/Blackboard Stand-alone to accompany College Algebra and Trigonometry (Wiley Plus Products)
Cynthia Y. Young (John Wiley & Sons 2007年01月09日)
Wiley Plus/WebCT Stand-alone to accompany College Algebra and Trigonometry (Wiley Plus Products)
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2007年01月09日)
Algebra and Trigonometry (8th Edition)
Michael Sullivan (Prentice Hall 2007年01月07日)
Linear Algebra Solution's Manual
Eric Carlen (W H Freeman & Co (Sd) 2007年01月05日)
Groups St Andrews 2005: Volume 1 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
(Cambridge University Press 2007年01月04日)
Groups St Andrews 2005: Volume 2 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
(Cambridge University Press 2007年01月04日)
Handbook of Tilting Theory (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
(Cambridge University Press 2007年01月04日)
Automorphic Forms and Lie Superalgebras (Algebra and Applications)
Urmie Ray (Springer-Verlag 2007年01月03日)
The Linear Algebra a Beginning Graduate Student Ought to Know (Texts in the Mathematical Sciences)
Jonathan S. Golan (Springer 2007年01月03日)
Algebra 1, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年01月02日)
Core-Plus Mathematics: Contemporary Mathematics In Context, Course 1, Student Study Guide
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年01月02日)
Elementary Mathematical Modeling (2nd Edition)
Mary Ellen Davis、C. Henry Edwards (Prentice Hall 2007年01月02日)
Introduction to Abstract Algebra, Student Solutions Manual
W. Keith Nicholson (Wiley-Interscience 2007年01月02日)
Pre-Algebra, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年01月02日)
Prealgebra: An Integrated Approach (Lial Developmental Mathematics)
Margaret L. Lial、Diana L. Hestwood (Addison Wesley 2007年01月02日)
(WCS)College Algebra with College Algebra Supplement & Wiley Plus Set (Wiley Plus Products)
Cynthia Y. Young (John Wiley & Sons 2007年01月02日)
Core-Plus Mathematics Course 1, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2007年01月01日)
Algebra 1, Grade 9 Algebra Lab Activities With Answers: Holt Algebra 1
(Holt McDougal 2007年01月)
Algebra 1, Grade 9 Cuaderno De Trabajo De Resolucion De Problemas-Problem Solving Workbook: Holt Algebra 1
(Holt McDougal 2007年01月)
Algebra 1, Grade 9 Homework and Practice Workbook: Holt Algebra 1
(Holt McDougal 2007年01月)
Algebra 1, Grade 9 Know-it Notebook: Holt Algebra 1
(Holt McDougal 2007年01月)
Algebra 1, Grade 9 Libro De Trabajo, Tarea Y Practica-Homework and Practice Workbook: Holt Algebra 1
(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2007年01月)
Beginning Algebra: W/Student Access Kit, Students Solution Manual [With Student Solutions Manuel]
(Addison Wesley Longman 2007年01月)
Geometry, Grade 10 State Test Prep Workbook: Holt Geometry
(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2007年01月)
Intro Algebra Math Pk
(Addison Wesley Publishing Company 2007年01月)
Lesson Plans Algebra 1 2007
Rheinhart And Winston Holt (Holt McDougal 2007年01月)
Mathematics Course 1, Grade 6 State Test Prep Workbook: Holt Mathematics
(Holt McDougal 2007年01月)
Mathematics Course 2, Grade7 Homework and Practice Workbook: Holt Mathematics
(Holt McDougal 2007年01月)
Mississippi Holt Algebra 1 Test Prep Workbook: Help for the Algebra 1 Subject Area Test and ACT
(Holt McDougal 2007年01月)
MS Test Prep Wkbk Answer Key Alg1 2007
Burger (Holt McDougal 2007年01月)
Multiplicative Ideal Theory in Commutative Algebra: A Tribute to the Work of Robert Gilmer
(Springer-Verlag 2007年01月)
NM Test Prep Wkbk G9 Hlt Math 2007
Holt Rinehart & Winston (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2007年01月)
Real-Life Math for Algebra, Grade 9-12
Walter Sherwood (J Weston Walch Pub 2007年01月)
State Test Prep Workbook for Grade 8: Holt Mathematics
(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2007年01月)
State Test Prep Workbook for Grade 9 2007
(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2007年01月)
TX Algebra 1 End of Course Tst Prep 2007
Holt Rinehart & Winston (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2007年01月)
TX Spn Taks Prep Wkbk G9 Alg 1 2007
Holt Rinehart & Winston (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2007年01月)
MP Beginning Algebra
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年12月30日)
MP Intermediate Algebra (Hardcover)
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年12月30日)
Partial Algebras (Mathematical Topics)
Peter Burmeister (John Wiley & Sons Inc 2006年12月30日)
Intermediate Algebra (The Streeter Series)
Donald Hutchison、Stefan Baratto、Kelly Kohlmetz、Barry Bergman (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年12月29日)
Prealgebra (5th Edition)
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen、Barbara L. Johnson (Addison Wesley 2006年12月29日)
The Conference on L-functions: Fukuoka, Japan, 18-23 February 2006
(World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2006年12月28日)
Algebra 2, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2006年12月27日)
College Algebra 7th Ed + Mathspace Cd + Eduspace Booklet
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年12月27日)
Prealgebra (5th Edition) (Bittinger Developmental Mathematics Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen、Barbara L. Johnson (Addison Wesley 2006年12月24日)
Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra (2nd Edition) (Bittinger Developmental Mathematics Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen (Addison Wesley 2006年12月21日)
Elementary Algebra for College Students (7th Edition) (The Angel Developmental Algebra Series)
Allen R. Angel (Prentice Hall 2006年12月18日)
Intermediate Algebra + CD-ROM + iLRN Tutorial + InfoTrac
Alice Kaseberg (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年12月18日)
Introductory Algebra + CD-ROM + iLRN Tutorial + InfoTrac
Alice Kaseberg (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年12月18日)
Compact Lie Groups (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Mark R. Sepanski (Springer-Verlag 2006年12月15日)
Exercises on Modules And Rings (Problem Books in Mathematics)
T. Y. Lam (Springer-Verlag 2006年12月15日)
Explorations in College Algebra 3rd Edition with iClicker Radio Free Student Clicker and Wiley Plus Set (Wiley Plus Products)
Linda Almgren Kime (Wiley 2006年12月15日)
The Grothendieck Festschrift
(Birkhauser 2006年12月15日)
Grothendieck Festschrift II: A Collection of Articles Writtenin Honour of the 60th . . . (Modern Birkhauser Classics)
(Birkhauser 2006年12月15日)
The Grothendieck Festschrift Volume III : A Collection of Articles Written in Honour of the 60th Birthday of Alexander Grothendieck (Modern BirkhauserClassics)
(Birkhauser 2006年12月15日)
The Heart of Cohomology
Goro Kato (Springer-Verlag 2006年12月15日)
The Separable Galois Theory of Commutative Rings (Pure and Applied Mathematics)
(Saint Lucie Pr 2006年12月15日)
Groupes et Algebres de Lie : Chapitre 1 (Elements de Mathematique)
N. Bourbaki (Springer-Verlag 2006年12月12日)
Algebre: Chapitres 1 a 3 (Elements de Mathematique)
N. Bourbaki (Springer-Verlag 2006年12月11日)
Trigonometry, Student Solutions Manual
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2006年12月11日)
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2006年12月06日)
Trigonometry Wiley Plus Set (Wiley Plus Products)
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2006年12月06日)
Wiley Plus Stand-alone to accompany Trigonometry (Wiley Plus Products)
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2006年12月06日)
Wiley Plus/Blackboard Stand-alone to accompany Trigonometry (Wiley Plus Products)
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2006年12月06日)
Wiley Plus/WebCT Stand-alone to accompany Trigonometry (Wiley Plus Products)
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2006年12月06日)
Artinian Modules over Group Rings (Frontiers in Mathematics)
Leonid A. Kurdachenko、Javier Otal、Igor Ya Subbotin (Birkhaeuser Basel 2006年12月04日)
Graph Theory in Paris: Proceedings of a Conference in Memory of Claude Berge (Trends in Mathematics)
Jean-Claude Fournier (Birkhauser 2006年12月04日)
Computer Algebra Recipes: An Advanced Guide to Scientific Modeling
Richard H. Enns、George C. McGuire (Springer 2006年12月02日)
Basic Abstract Algebra: For Graduate Students and Advanced Undergraduates (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Robert B. Ash (Dover Publications 2006年12月01日)
Algebra and Its Applications: International Conference; Algebra and Its Applications March 22-26, 2005, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio (Contemporary Mathematics)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2006年12月)
Algebraic Language: A Structural Approach
Ludmila Pomerantsev、Michael Pomerantsev (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2006年11月30日)
An Invitation to Quantum Cohomology: Kontsevich's Formula for Rational Plane Curves (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
Goacnin Kock、Israel Vainsencher (Birkhauser 2006年11月30日)
QuickStudy for Algebra
(Barcharts Inc 2006年11月30日)
Algebra and Trigonometry with Digital Videos Set
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2006年11月29日)
College Algebra with Trigonometry and Wiley Plus (2) Set (Wiley Plus Products)
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2006年11月29日)
Trigonometry with Digital Videos Set
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2006年11月29日)
Trigonometry, Textbook and Student Solutions Manual
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2006年11月29日)
Introduction to Abstract Algebra
W. Keith Nicholson (Wiley-Interscience 2006年11月28日)
MP Beginning Algebra (The Streeter Series)
Donald Hutchison、Stefan Baratto、Barry Bergman (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年11月27日)
Student SM to accompany Beginning Algebra
Donald Hutchison、Stefan Baratto、Barry Bergman (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年11月27日)
Discovering Mathematics With Magma: Reducing the Abstract to the Concrete (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics)
(Springer-Verlag 2006年11月15日)
An Introduction to Quasigroups and Their Representations (Studies in Advanced Mathematics)
Jonathan D. H. Smith (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2006年11月15日)
Algebra and Trigonometry with Wiley Plus WebCT Powerpack Set (Wiley Plus Products)
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2006年11月10日)
Handbook of Linear Algebra (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
(Chapman and Hall/CRC 2006年11月02日)
Intermediate Algebra (Blair Developmental Mathematics Series)
Richelle M. Blair (Addison Wesley 2006年11月02日)
Symbols, Impossible Numbers, and Geometric Entanglements: British Algebra through the Commentaries on Newton's Universal Arithmetick
Helena M. Pycior (Cambridge University Press 2006年11月02日)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill (McGraw Hill Higher Education 2006年11月01日)
Algebra in Der Sekundarstufe: Mathematik Primar-Und Sekundarstufe
Hans-Joachim Vollrath、Hans-Georg Weigand (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag 2006年11月)
Basic Algebra (Cornerstones)
Anthony W. Knapp (Birkhauser 2006年10月31日)
Lectures on Algebra
S. S. Abhyankar (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2006年10月31日)
Algebraic Theory of Locally Nilpotent Derivations
Gene Freudenburg (Springer-Verlag 2006年10月30日)
Discrete Spectral Synthesis And Its Applications (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
Laszlo Szekelyhidi (Springer-Verlag 2006年10月30日)
Error-correcting Linear Codes: Classification by Isometry And Applications (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics)
Michael Braun、Harald Fripertinger、Adalbert Kerber、Axel Kohnert (Springer-Verlag New York Inc (C) 2006年10月30日)
Function Algebras on Finite Sets: A Basic Coruse on Many-valued Logic and Clone Theory (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
Dietlinde Lau (Springer-Verlag 2006年10月30日)
Lie Groups: An Approach Through Invariants And Representations (Universitext)
Claudio Procesi (Springer 2006年10月30日)
WileyPLUS/eCollege Stand-alone Explorations in College Algebra (Wiley Plus Products)
Linda Almgren Kime (John Wiley & Sons 2006年10月23日)
WileyPLUS/eCollege Stand-alone to accompany College Algebra (Wiley Plus Products)
Cynthia Y. Young (John Wiley & Sons 2006年10月23日)
CRC Standard Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica, Second Edition (Chapman & Hall/CRC Applied Mathematics & Nonlinear Science)
David H. von Seggern (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2006年10月20日)
Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing: 9th International Workshop, Casc 2006, Chisinau, Moldova, September 11-15, 2006: Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
(Springer 2006年10月15日)
Integral Closure of Ideals, Rings, and Modules (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
Irena Swanson、Craig Huneke (Cambridge University Press 2006年10月12日)
Elements of Matrix Modeling and Computing with MATLAB: Instructor's Manual
Robert E. White (Chapman & Hall/CRC 2006年10月11日)
Mathematical Problems for Chemistry Students
Gyorgy Pota (Elsevier Science 2006年10月10日)
Algebra for College Students
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年10月09日)
The Analytic Art (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Francois Viete (Dover Publications 2006年10月06日)
Fathom Dynamic Data Software: Version 2: Student Edition
Kcp Technologies (Key Curriculum Pr 2006年10月06日)
Semigroups Underlying First-order Logic (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)
William Craig (Amer Mathematical Society 2006年10月06日)
Mathematical Survey Lectures, 1943-2004
(Springer-Verlag 2006年10月04日)
Algebraische Zahlentheorie
Jurgen Neukirch、Ja1/4rgen Neukirch (Springer 2006年10月)
Unfolding Mathematics With Unit Origami
(Key Curriculum Pr 2006年10月)
Harald Scheid、Andreas Frommer (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag 2006年10月)
Algebraic Geometry And Number Theory: In Honor of Vladimir Drinfeld's 50th Birthday (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
(Birkhauser 2006年09月30日)
Arithmetic Geometry And Number Theory (Number Theory and Its Applications)
(World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2006年09月30日)
Basic Linear Algebra
Gregor Olsavsky (Iuniverse Inc 2006年09月30日)
Elementary Algebra: Embracing the First Principles of the Science
Charles Davies (University of Michigan Library 2006年09月30日)
Elements of Algebra: On the Basis of M. Bourdon, Embracing Sturm's and Horner's Theorems, and Practical Examples
Charles Davies (University of Michigan Library 2006年09月30日)
Infinite Matrices And Their Finite Sections: An Introduction to the Limit Operator Method (Frontiers in Mathematics)
Marko Lindner (Birkhauser Basel 2006年09月30日)
Lifting Modules: Supplements and Projectivity in Module Theory (Frontiers in Mathematics)
Christian Lomp、Narayanaswami Vanaja、Robert Wisbauer (Birkhauser Basel 2006年09月30日)
Logica, conjuntos, algebra y trigonometria / Logic, Sets, Alegebra and Trigonometry
Fernando Perez Godinez ( 2006年09月30日)
The Universal Mandelbrot Set: Beginning of the Story
V. Dolotin、A. Morozov (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2006年09月30日)
Representation Theory and Higher Algebraic K-Theory (Chapman & Hall/CRC Pure and Applied Mathematics)
Aderemi Kuku (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2006年09月27日)
Certain Number-Theoretic Episodes In Algebra (Chapman & Hall/CRC Pure and Applied Mathematics)
R Sivaramakrishnan (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2006年09月22日)
Theory of Finite Simple Groups (New Mathematical Monographs)
Gerhard O. Michler (Cambridge University Press 2006年09月21日)
Mathematical Problems for Chemistry Students
Gyorgy Pota (Elsevier Science 2006年09月20日)
Algebre Commutative : Chapitres 5 a 7 (Elements de Mathematique)
N. Bourbaki (Springer-Verlag 2006年09月18日)
Algebre Commutative : Chapitres 1 a 4 (Elements de Mathematique)
N. Bourbaki (Springer-Verlag 2006年09月15日)
Groupes et Algebres de Lie : Chapitres 7 et 8 (Elements de Mathematique)
N. Bourbaki (Springer-Verlag 2006年09月15日)
Codierungstheorie: Konstruktion Und Anwe
Anton Betten (Springer 2006年09月13日)
Elements of Matrix Modeling and Computing with MATLAB
Robert E. White (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2006年09月12日)
Pre-Algebra, Spanish Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2006年09月12日)
Pre-Algebra, Spanish Skills Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2006年09月12日)
College Algebra with Wiley Plus Set (Wiley Plus Products)
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2006年09月11日)
Moonshine beyond the Monster: The Bridge Connecting Algebra, Modular Forms and Physics (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics)
Terry Gannon (Cambridge University Press 2006年09月07日)
Algebre Commutative : Chapitres 8 et 9 (Elements de Mathematique)
N. Bourbaki (Springer-Verlag 2006年09月05日)
Groupes et Algebres de Lie : Chapitres 2 et 3 (Elements de Mathematique)
N. Bourbaki (Springer-Verlag 2006年09月05日)
Algebra 2: Homeschool Packet (Saxon Calculus)
Saxon Publications (Saxon Pub 2006年09月)
A-Plus Notes for Algebra: Algebra 2 and Pre-Calculus
Rong Yang (A-Plus Notes Learning Center 2006年09月)
A Simple Approach to College Algebra And Trigonometry
Edward L. Green、Jerry Kornbluth (Custom Pub. Co. 2006年09月)
Algebra for Winners
Dorothy Johnson、Jeff Koleno (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2006年08月31日)
Applying Algebraic Thinking to Data: Concepts and Processes for the Intermediate Algebra Student
Phil Demarois、Mercedes A. McGowen、Darlene Whitkanack (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2006年08月31日)
Famous Flights: Understanding And Using Variables (Powermath)
Greg Roza (Rosen Central 2006年08月31日)
Trends in Representation Theory of Algebras and Related Topics: Workshop on Representations of Algebras and Related Topics, August 11-14, 2004, Queretaro, Mexico (Contemporary Mathematics)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2006年08月31日)
Advantage Algebra (Advantage Study Guides)
Del Marlatt (Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd 2006年08月30日)
Algebra & Trigonometry
Mustafa A. Munem、James P. Yizze (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2006年08月30日)
Automorphic Representations of Low Rank Groups
Yuval Z. Flicker (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2006年08月30日)
Axiom of Choice (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Horst Herrlich (Springer 2006年08月30日)
Continued Fractions
Doug Hensley (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2006年08月30日)
Dirac Operators in Representation Theory (Mathematics: Theory and Applications)
Jing-Song Huang、Pavle Pandzic (Birkhauser 2006年08月30日)
Graduate Algebra: Commutative View (Graduate Studies in Mathematics)
Louis Halle Rowen (Amer Mathematical Society 2006年08月30日)
Set Theory: Centre De Recerca Matematica Barcelona 2003-2004 (Trends in Mathematics)
(Birkhauser (Architectural) 2006年08月30日)
Topics in the Theory of Algebraic Function Fields (Mathematics: Theory and Applications)
Gabriel Daniel Villa Salvador (Birkhauser 2006年08月30日)
Aufmann Prealgebra And Introductory Algebra + CD + DVD + Eduspace
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年08月24日)
Pre-Algebra, Skills Practice Workbook (Glencoe Mathematics)
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2006年08月23日)
Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra + Student Solutions Manual + Mathspace Cd
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年08月23日)
MP Introductory Algebra (softcover)
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill、Nancy Hyde (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年08月22日)
College Algebra with Wiley Plus WebCT Powerpack Set (Wiley Plus Products)
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2006年08月21日)
Algebra Intermedia/ Intermediate Algebra
David R. Gustafson ( 2006年08月18日)
Pre-algebra and Introductory Algebra: Mathspace Student Tutorial Cd-rom
Richard N. Aufmann (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年08月18日)
Larson's College Algebra + Student Solutions Guide + Eduspace 7th Edition
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年08月17日)
Algebra, Custom Publication: Beginning and Intermediate
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年08月16日)
Approximations And Endomorphism Algebras of Modules (De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics)
Rudiger Gobel、Jan Trlifaj (Walter De Gruyter Inc 2006年08月15日)
Deformations of Algebraic Schemes (Grundlehren Der Mathematischen Wissenschaften)
E. Sernesi (Springer-Verlag 2006年08月15日)
Operator Algebras: The Abel Symposium 2004 (Abel Symposia)
Norway Abel Symposium 2004 Oslo、Ola Bratteli、Sergey Neshveyev、Christian Skau (Springer-Verlag 2006年08月15日)
College Algebra, Custom Publication
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年08月12日)
Combinatorial Matrix Classes (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
Richard A. Brualdi (Cambridge University Press 2006年08月10日)
Algebra I
Armando Rojo (Magister EOS 2006年08月)
Handbook of Number Theory I
J. Sandor、Dragoslav S. Mitrinovic、B. Crstici (Springer 2006年08月)
Painless Algebra (Painless (Prebound))
Lynette Long (Turtleback Books 2006年08月)
Pre-Algebra: 100 Reproducible Activities (Curriculum Binders (Reproducibles))
Michael Buckley (Saddleback Pub 2006年08月)
Pre-Algebra, Practice Workbook (Glencoe Mathematics)
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2006年07月28日)
Pre-Algebra, Study Guide and Intervention Workbook (Glencoe Mathematics)
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2006年07月28日)
Wiley Plus Stand-alone to accompany College Algebra (Wiley Plus Products)
Cynthia Y. Young (John Wiley & Sons 2006年07月28日)
Wiley Plus Stand-alone to accompany Explorations in College Algebra (Wiley Plus Products)
Linda Almgren Kime、Judy Clark、Beverly K. Michael (John Wiley & Sons 2006年07月28日)
Wiley Plus/Blackboard Stand-alone to accompany College Algebra (Wiley Plus Products)
Cynthia Y. Young (John Wiley & Sons 2006年07月28日)
Wiley Plus/Blackboard Stand-alone to accompany Explorations in College Algebra (Wiley Plus Products)
Linda Almgren Kime、Judith Clark、Beverly K. Michael (John Wiley & Sons 2006年07月28日)
Wiley Plus/Web CT Stand-alone to accompany College Algebra (Wiley Plus Products)
Cynthia Y. Young (John Wiley & Sons 2006年07月28日)
Wiley Plus/Web CT Stand-alone to accompany Explorations in College Algebra (Wiley Plus Products)
Linda Almgren Kime、Judith Clark、Beverly K. Michael (John Wiley & Sons 2006年07月28日)
MP Introductory Algebra
Ignacio Bello (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年07月25日)
Bob Miller's Algebra for the Clueless, 2nd edition (Bob Miller's Clueless Series)
Bob Miller (McGraw-Hill 2006年07月17日)
Preliminary Edition of Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
Sherri Messersmith (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年07月17日)
Classes of Finite Groups (Mathematics and Its Applications)
Adolfo Ballester-bolinches、Luis M. Ezquerro (Springer-Verlag 2006年07月15日)
College Algebra
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年07月14日)
Algebra: Introductory and Intermediate
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年07月13日)
Applications of Abstract Algebra with Maple and MATLAB, Second Edition (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
Richard E. Klima、Neil Sigmon、Ernest Stitzinger (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2006年07月12日)
Begining And Intermediate Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann、Joanne Lockwood (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年07月12日)
Introductory Algebra, Custom Publication
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年07月12日)
Algebra 2: California
Ron Larson、Laurie Boswell、Timothy D. Kanold、Lee Stiff (Mcdougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin 2006年07月10日)
Algebra and Trigonometry
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年07月10日)
College Algebra
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年07月10日)
Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra (2nd Edition)
Margaret L. Lial、Diana L. Hestwood、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison Wesley 2006年07月03日)
Algebra Lineal Con Metodos Elementales
Luis Merino Gonzalez、Evangelina Santos Alaez (Paraninfo 2006年07月)
Algebra And Trigonometry
Ron Larson、Robert P. Hostetler (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年06月30日)
Algebra and Trigonometry
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年06月30日)
Algebra and Trigonometry
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年06月30日)
Algebra and Trigonometry
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年06月30日)
Algebra y trigonometria con geometria analitica/ Algebra And Trigonometry With Analytic Geometry
Earl W. Swokowski、A. Cole Jeffery ( 2006年06月30日)
Cartesian Tensors
K. N. Tripathi (Alpha Science Intl Ltd 2006年06月30日)
Matematicas/ Mathematics
Patricia Ibanez Carrasco、Gerardo Garcia Torres ( 2006年06月30日)
Introductory and Intermediate Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年06月28日)
Algebra - Introductory and Intermediate: Mathspace Student Tutorial Cd-rom
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年06月26日)
College Algebra
Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年06月22日)
Painless Algebra (Barron's Painless)
Lynette Long (Barrons Educational Series Inc 2006年06月22日)
Pre and Introductory Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年06月22日)
Pre-algebra and Introductory Algebra: Instructional Dvd
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年06月21日)
College Algebra, Concise
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年06月20日)
Algebra II For Dummies (For Dummies (Math & Science))
Mary Jane Sterling (For Dummies 2006年06月19日)
Classes of Modules (Chapman & Hall/CRC Pure and Applied Mathematics)
John Dauns、Yiqiang Zhou (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2006年06月19日)
College Algebra
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年06月16日)
Beginning Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年06月15日)
Essentials of College Algebra: A Functions Approach
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2006年06月15日)
Near Polygons (Frontiers in Mathematics)
Bart De Bruyn、Bart De Bruyn (Birkhauser Basel 2006年06月15日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年06月14日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra Textbook + Solutions Guide
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年06月13日)
Student Solutions Manual to accompany Precalculus
John Coburn (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年06月12日)
College Algebra
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年06月09日)
College Algebra
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年06月08日)
College Algebra
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年06月08日)
Free Ideal Rings and Localization in General Rings (New Mathematical Monographs)
P. M. Cohn (Cambridge University Press 2006年06月08日)
Algebra And Algebraic Topology
(Nova Science Pub Inc 2006年06月02日)
Kaplan Shortcut Algebra I: Score Higher on Tests with Proven Strategies
Andrew Marx (Kaplan Publishing 2006年06月01日)
Beginning Algebra Minipak
Margaret L. Lial (Prentice Hall College Div 2006年06月)
Sparknotes 101: Algebra
Anna Medvedovsky (Spark Pub Group 2006年06月)
Computing in Algebraic Geometry: A Quick Start Using Singular (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics)
Wolfram Decker、Christoph Lossen (Springer-Verlag New York Inc (C) 2006年05月31日)
Unknown Quantity: A Real And Imaginary History of Algebra
John Derbyshire (Natl Academy Pr 2006年05月31日)
College Algebra
Mustafa A. Munem、James P. Yizze (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2006年05月30日)
Digital Video Tutor: A Graphical Approach to Algebra and Trigonomtry / a Graphical Approach to Precalculus
John Hornsby (Addison-Wesley 2006年05月30日)
Essays on the Theory of Numbers (Kessinger Publishing's Rare Reprints)
Richard Dedekind (Kessinger Pub Co 2006年05月30日)
Homework Helpers: Algebra (Homework Helpers (Career Press))
Denise, Ph.D. Szecsei (Career Pr Inc 2006年05月30日)
Basic Mathematics with Early Integers (Bittinger Developmental Mathematics Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger、Judith A. Penna (Addison Wesley 2006年05月29日)
College Algebra
Ron Larson、Robert P. Hostetler、David C. Falvo (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年05月26日)
Algebra: Introductory and Intermediate
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年05月24日)
The Brauer-Hasse-Noether Theorem In Historical Perspective (Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Der Heidelberger Akademie Der Wissenschaften)
Peter Roquette (Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2006年05月19日)
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年05月17日)
Self-dual Codes And Invariant Theory (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics)
Gabriele Nebe、Eric M. Rains、N. J. A. Sloane (Springer-Verlag New York Inc (C) 2006年05月16日)
College Algebra
Robert Blitzer (Prentice Hall College Div 2006年05月15日)
The Fourfold Way in Real Analysis: An Alternative To The Metaplectic Representation (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
Andre Unterberger (Birkhauser (Architectural) 2006年05月15日)
College Algebra
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年05月12日)
College Algebra
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年05月12日)
College Algebra
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年05月11日)
College Algebra: Mathspace
Ron Larson、Robert P. Hostetler (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年05月10日)
College Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年05月02日)
Introductory and Intermediate Algebra
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill、Nancy Hyde (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年05月01日)
Functions and Change: College Algebra
Bruce Crauder (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年05月)
Functions and Change: College Algebra
Bruce Crauder (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年05月)
Un Invito All'algebra (Unitext / La Matematica Per Il 3+2)
Stefano Leonesi、Carlo Toffalori、S. Leonesi (Springer 2006年05月)
Algebras, Rings And Their Representations: Proceedings Of The International Conference on Algebras, Modules and Rings, Lisbon, Portugal, 14-18 July 2003
(World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2006年04月30日)
Animal Physiology
(Alpha Science Intl Ltd 2006年04月30日)
Computer Algebra Recipes: An Introductory Guide to Mathematical Models of Science
Richard H. Enns、George C. McGuire (Springer 2006年04月30日)
Continued Fractions.
Doug Hensley (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2006年04月30日)
Introduction to Lie Algebras (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics)
Karin Erdmann、Mark J. Wildon (Springer 2006年04月30日)
501 Algebra Questions
Learningexpress (Learning Express Llc 2006年04月28日)
(WCS)College Algebra Binder Ready without Binder and Wiley Plus Set (Wiley Plus Products)
Cynthia Y. Young (John Wiley & Sons 2006年04月28日)
College Algebra
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年04月21日)
College Algebra, Concise
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年04月21日)
Introduction to Theoretical Neurobiology: Volume 1, Linear Cable Theory and Dendritic Structure (Cambridge Studies in Mathematical Biology)
Henry C. Tuckwell (Cambridge University Press 2006年04月20日)
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年04月18日)
Operator Theory And Indefinite Inner Product Spaces (Operator Theory Advances and Applications)
(Birkhauser (Architectural) 2006年04月15日)
Introductory and Intermediate Algebra with MathZone
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill、Nancy Hyde (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年04月13日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
Michael Sullivan III、Katherine R. Struve、Janet Mazzarella (Prentice Hall 2006年04月06日)
Singularities and Computer Algebra (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
(Cambridge University Press 2006年04月06日)
Serway and Vuille's Essentials of College Physics
John R. Gordon、Charles Teague (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年04月05日)
Serway and Vuille's Essentials of College Physics
John R. Gordon、Charles Teague (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年04月05日)
Algebra - Introductory and Intermediate: Instructional DVD
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年04月03日)
The Monodromy Group (Monografie Matematyczne)
Henryk Zoladek、Henryk Zoadek (Birkhauser 2006年04月03日)
A Student Solutions Manual for Graphical Approach to Algebra and Trigonometry
Norma James、John Hornsby、Margaret L. Lial、Gary K. Rockswold (Addison Wesley 2006年04月02日)
Functions and Change: College Algebra
Bruce Crauder (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年03月24日)
Wiley Plus Stand-Alone to accompany College Algebra (eGrade products)
Cynthia Y. Young (John Wiley & Sons 2006年03月24日)
Intermediate Algebra (2nd Edition) (Carson Developmental Mathematics Series)
Tom Carson、Bill E. Jordan (Addison Wesley 2006年03月23日)
Functions and Change: College Algebra
Bruce Crauder (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年03月22日)
Beginning Algebra: Custom Edition
Margaret L. Lial (Prentice Hall College Div 2006年03月21日)
College Algebra 1st Edition with Digital Videos Set
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2006年03月21日)
College Algebra 1st Edition with Wiley Plus Set (Wiley Plus Products)
Cynthia Y. Young (John Wiley & Sons 2006年03月21日)
College Algebra, Textbook and Student Solutions Manual
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2006年03月21日)
Precalculus (3rd Edition)
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2006年03月19日)
Experiencing Introductory and Intermediate Algebra Through Functions and Graphs (3rd Edition)
JoAnne Thomasson、Robert Pesut (Prentice Hall 2006年03月18日)
Semi-Simple Lie Algebras and Their Representations (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Robert N. Cahn (Dover Publications 2006年03月17日)
Van Dyke/Rogers/adam's Fundamentals of Mathematics
James Van Dyke、James Rogers、Hollis Adams (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年03月16日)
Functions and Change: College Algebra
Bruce Crauder (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年03月15日)
Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associative Algebras (AMS Chelsea Publishing)
(American Mathematical Society 2006年03月15日)
General Theory of Algebraic Equations
Etienne Bezout (Princeton Univ Pr 2006年03月13日)
Student Solutions Manual to accompany College Algebra
John Coburn (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年03月13日)
Precalculus: Concepts Through Functions, A Right Triangle Approach to Trigonometry
Michael Sullivan、Michael Sullivan III (Prentice Hall 2006年03月12日)
Basic College Mathematics
John Garlow (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年03月10日)
College Algebra: Student Solutions Guide
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年03月10日)
Elementary Algebra
Michael Sullivan、Katherine R. Struve、Janet Mazzarella (Prentice Hall 2006年03月09日)
Introductory Algebra plus MyMathLab Student Starter Kit (10th Edition)
Marvin L. Bittinger (Addison Wesley 2006年03月09日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry (4th Edition) (Dugopolski Series)
Mark Dugopolski (Addison Wesley 2006年03月04日)
Invariant Subspaces of Matrices with Applications (Classics in Applied Mathematics)
Israel Gohberg、Peter Lancaster、Leiba Rodman (Society for Industrial Mathematics 2006年03月01日)
Algebra (Springer-Lehrbuch)
Siegfried Bosch (Springer 2006年03月)
Algebra and Trigonometry
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年03月)
Algebra and Trigonometry
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年03月)
Algebraic Programming With Magma I: An Introduction to the Magma Language
John Cannon、Catherine Playoust (Springer-Verlag New York Inc (C) 2006年03月)
Angewandte Mathematik Mit MathCAD Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch: Band 3: Differential- Und Integralrechnung
Josef Trvl_、Josef Trc6lc、Josef Trl (Springer 2006年03月)
Computeralgebra: Eine Algorithmisch Orientierte Einfuhrung (Springer-Lehrbuch Masterclass)
Wolfram Koepf (Springer 2006年03月)
Introduction and Intermediate Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年03月)
Lineare Algebra: Und Ihre Anwendungen
Herbert J. Muthsam (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag 2006年03月)
Pre-algebra and Introductory Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年03月)
Pre-algebra and Introductory Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年03月)
Studies in Lie Theory (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
(Birkhauser 2006年03月)
Modeling With Mathematics: A Bridge to Algebra II
Gary Cosenza、Paul Gray、Julie Horn、Sharon Benson、Roland Cheney (W H Freeman & Co (Sd) 2006年02月28日)
Standards-driven Power Algebra II
Nathaniel Max Rock (Nathaniel Max Rock 2006年02月28日)
Algebra A Combined Approach (Hardcover) (3rd Edition)
Elayn Martin-Gay (Prentice Hall 2006年02月25日)
Algebra and Trigonometry (3rd Edition)
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2006年02月23日)
Physics: Concepts & Connections (4th Edition)
Art Hobson (Benjamin Cummings 2006年02月23日)
Introductory and Intermediate Algebra (3rd Edition) (Bittinger Developmental Mathematics Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger、Judith A. Beecher (Addison Wesley 2006年02月20日)
Algebra: A Combined Approach (3rd Edition) (Martin-Gay Developmental Math Series)
Elayn Martin-Gay (Prentice Hall 2006年02月19日)
Algebra: Introductory and Intermediate
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年02月17日)
Functions and Change: A Modeling Approach to College Algebra
Bruce Crauder (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年02月17日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra (2nd Edition) (Carson Developmental Mathematics Series)
Tom Carson、Bill E. Jordan (Addison Wesley 2006年02月16日)
Infinite Groups: Geometric, Combinatorial And Dynamical Aspects (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
(Birkhauser (Architectural) 2006年02月16日)
College Algebra: Concepts Through Functions
Michael Sullivan (Prentice Hall 2006年02月13日)
Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras: Volume 1: Techniques of Representation Theory (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)
Ibrahim Assem、Andrzej Skowronski、Daniel Simson (Cambridge University Press 2006年02月13日)
Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras: Volume 1: Techniques of Representation Theory (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)
Ibrahim Assem、Andrzej Skowronski、Daniel Simson (Cambridge University Press 2006年02月13日)
Graphical Approach to Algebra and Trigonometry, A (4th Edition) (Hornsby/Lial/Rockswold Series)
John Hornsby、Margaret L. Lial、Gary K. Rockswold (Addison Wesley 2006年02月13日)
Serre's Problem On Projective Modules (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
T. Y. Lam (Springer-Verlag 2006年02月13日)
Algebra (Springer-Lehrbuch)
Jens Carsten Jantzen、Joachim Schwermer (Springer 2006年02月10日)
Algebra and Trigonometry: An Early Functions Approach
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2006年02月10日)
College Algebra/Algebra and Trigonometry: Set 1 (Mathematics Instructional DVD Series)
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年02月10日)
Essentials of College Physics
Raymond A. Serway、Chris Vuille (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年02月10日)
Essentials of College Physics
Raymond A. Serway、Chris Vuille (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年02月10日)
SSM t/a Introductory Algebra 1e
Julie Miller (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年02月10日)
College Algebra Essentials (2nd Edition) (Blitzer Algebra)
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2006年02月04日)
Basic College Mathematics: A Text/workbook (Non-media Version)
Charles P. McKeague (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年02月03日)
Intermediate Algebra (softcover)
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill、Nancy Hyde (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年02月03日)
SSM t/a Intermediate Algebra, The Language and Symbolism of Mathematics
James Hall、Brian Mercer (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年02月03日)
Introductory Algebra
Molly O'Neill、Nancy Hyde、Julie Miller (McGraw Hill Higher Education 2006年02月01日)
Basic College Mathematics
Charles P. McKeague (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年02月)
Formulas y Tablas de Matematica Aplicada
Lorenzo Abellanas Rapun、Murray R. Spiegel (McGraw-Hill Interamericana 2006年02月)
M-solid Varieties of Algebras (Advances in Mathematics)
J. Koppitz (Springer-Verlag New York Inc (C) 2006年02月)
Real-time Image Processing 2006 (Proceedings of SPIE)
(Society of Photo Optical 2006年02月)
Galois Theory (Universitext)
Steven H. Weintraub (Springer-Verlag 2006年01月31日)
Introductory Algebra
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill、Nancy Hyde (Mcgraw-Hill College 2006年01月31日)
Automorphic Forms And Zeta Functions: Proceedings of the Conference in Memory of Tsuneo Arakawa Rikkyo University, Japan 4-7 September 2004
(World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2006年01月30日)
Geometric Problems On Maxima And Minima
Titu Andreescu、Oleg Mushkarov、Luchezar N. Stoyanov (Springer 2006年01月30日)
Introductory Algebra
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison-Wesley 2006年01月30日)
Simple Mathematics Using Student Editions of Matlab
Gunnar Backstrom (GB Publishing 2006年01月30日)
Intermediate Algebra (3rd Edition) (Martin-Gay Developmental Math Series)
Elayn Martin-Gay (Prentice Hall 2006年01月28日)
Abelian Groups, Rings, Modules, and Homological Algebra (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
(Chapman and Hall/CRC 2006年01月27日)
Fundamentals of Mathematics
James Van Dyke、James Rogers、Hollis Adams (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年01月27日)
Fundamentals of Mathematics
James Van Dyke、James Rogers、Hollis Adams (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年01月27日)
Intermediate Algebra
James Hall、Brian Mercer (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年01月25日)
Intermediate Algebra, The Language and Symbolism of Mathematics
James W. Hall、Brian A. Mercer (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年01月25日)
Graphing Calculator Manual to accompany Explorations in College Algebra
Beverly K. Michael (Wiley 2006年01月24日)
Basic College Mathematics: A Text/Workbook
Charles P. McKeague (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年01月23日)
Physics, Volume I (3rd Edition)
James S. Walker (Benjamin Cummings 2006年01月23日)
College Algebra in Context with Applications for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences (2nd Edition)
Ronald J. Harshbarger、Lisa S. Yocco (Addison Wesley 2006年01月22日)
Precalculus: Concepts Through Functions, A Unit Circle Approach to Trigonometry
Michael Sullivan、Michael Sullivan III (Prentice Hall 2006年01月21日)
Groups, Rings and Group Rings (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
(Chapman and Hall/CRC 2006年01月20日)
Intermediate Algebra (10th Edition) (Bittinger Developmental Mathematics Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger (Addison Wesley 2006年01月20日)
Algebra, Introductory and Intermediate
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年01月17日)
College Algebra, Student Solutions Manual
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2006年01月17日)
Pre-Algebra and Introductory Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年01月17日)
College Algebra And Trigonometry: A Contemporary Approach
David Dwyer、Mark Gruenwald (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年01月15日)
College Algebra: A Contemporary Approach
David Dwyer、Mark Gruenwald (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年01月15日)
Elementary Algebra (2nd Edition) (Carson Developmental Mathematics Series)
Tom Carson、Bill E. Jordan (Addison Wesley 2006年01月15日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
George Woodbury (Addison Wesley 2006年01月15日)
Getting Started With MuPAD
Miroslaw Majewski (Springer 2006年01月15日)
Intermediate Algebra
Michael Sullivan、Katherine R. Struve (Prentice Hall 2006年01月15日)
Introductory Algebra (10th Edition) (Bittinger Developmental Mathematics Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger (Addison Wesley 2006年01月14日)
Algebra Introductory And Intermediate
Richard N. Aufmann、Vernon C. Baker、Joanne S. Lockwood (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年01月13日)
Contemporary Precalculus + Media Update + CD-ROM + PrecalulusNOW + ILRN + Tutorial + Personal Tutor + Access Card: A Graphing Approach
Thomas W. Hungerford (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年01月13日)
Graphical Approach to College Algebra, A (4th Edition) (Hornsby/Lial/Rockswold Series)
John Hornsby、Margaret L. Lial、Gary K. Rockswold (Addison Wesley 2006年01月13日)
Non-Associative Algebra and Its Applications (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
(Chapman and Hall/CRC 2006年01月13日)
Non-Unique Factorizations: Algebraic, Combinatorial and Analytic Theory (Chapman & Hall/CRC Pure and Applied Mathematics)
Alfred Geroldinger、Franz Halter-Koch (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2006年01月13日)
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年01月13日)
Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann、Joanne Lockwood (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年01月13日)
Algebra And Trigonometry
James Stewart、Lothar Redlin、Saleem Watson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年01月12日)
Van Dyke/Rogers/adam's Fundamentals of Mathematics: Video Skillbuilder
James Van Dyke、James Rogers、Hollis Adams (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年01月11日)
Introductory Algebra (3rd Edition) (Martin-Gay Developmental Math Series)
Elayn Martin-Gay (Prentice Hall 2006年01月09日)
College Algebra (4th Edition)
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2006年01月08日)
College Algebra: An Early Functions Approach (Blitzer Algebra)
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2006年01月08日)
Introductory Algebra (softcover)
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill、Nancy Hyde (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年01月06日)
Abstract Algebra
John A. Beachy、William D. Blair (Waveland Pr Inc 2006年01月05日)
Algebra 2, Grades 9-12: Mcdougal Littell High School Math
(Mcdougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin 2006年01月05日)
College Algebra
John W. Coburn (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年01月05日)
College Algebra
John W. Coburn (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2006年01月05日)
College Algebra
Ron Larson、Robert P. Hostetler (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年01月05日)
Functions and Change: A Modeling Approach to College Algebra
Bruce Crauder、Benny Evans、Alan Noell (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2006年01月05日)
The Algebra of Logic (Phoenix Edition)
Louis Couturat (Dover Publications 2006年01月03日)
College Algebra
R. David Gustafson、Peter D. Frisk (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年01月03日)
Algebra And Trigonometry
Lothar Redlin、Saleem Watson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年01月02日)
Calculo/ Calculus: Conceptos y contextos/ Concepts And Contexts
James Stewart ( 2006年01月02日)
College Algebra (Gustafson/Frisk)
R. David Gustafson、Peter D. Frisk (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年01月02日)
College Algebra: Basic Select
R. David Gustafson、Peter D. Frisk (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2006年01月02日)
Algebra & Trigonometry with CDROM and Other
(Addison Wesley Publishing Company 2006年01月)
Algebra 1
Paul A. Foerster (Scott Foresman & Co 2006年01月)
Beginng Alg SSP MML Pkg
(Addison Wesley Publishing Company 2006年01月)
Beginning Algebra [With CDROM and Mymathlab]
John Tobey、Jeffrey Slater (Addison Wesley Publishing Company 2006年01月)
Introductory Algebra: An Interactive Approach: For McDaniel College
Linda Pulsinelli、Patricia Hooper (Addison Wesley Longman 2006年01月)
Numeri E Crittografia (Unitext / La Matematica Per Il 3+2)
Carlo Toffalori、Stefano Leonesi (Springer 2006年01月)
Precalculus Essentials: Enhanced with Graphing Utilities
Michael Sullivan (Pearson Prentice Hall 2006年01月)
Principal Structures And Methods of Representation Theory (Translations of Mathematical Monographs)
D. Zhelobenko (Amer Mathematical Society 2006年01月)
Quantum Algebras and Posson Geometry In Mathematical Physics (American Mathematical Society Translations Series 2)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2006年01月)
Valued Fields (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
Antonio J. Engler、A. Prestel (Springer-Verlag 2006年01月)
West Virginia Holt Science Spectrum: Physical Science Test Preparation Workbook
(Holt McDougal 2006年01月)
Advances in Ring Theory
(World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2005年12月30日)
Famous Flights: Understanding and Using Variables (Powermath)
Greg Roza (Rosen Classroom 2005年12月30日)
College Algebra (4th Edition) (Dugopolski Series)
Mark Dugopolski (Addison Wesley 2005年12月29日)
Intermediate Algebra with MathZone
James W. Hall、Brian A. Mercer (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年12月23日)
SSG t/a Intermediate Algebra, The Language and Symbolism of Mathematics
James W. Hall、Brian A. Mercer (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年12月23日)
Modular Representations of Finite Groups of Lie Type (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
James E. Humphreys (Cambridge University Press 2005年12月22日)
Categories And Sheaves (Grundlehren Der Mathematischen Wissenschaften)
Masaki Kashiwara、Pierre Schapira (Springer-Verlag 2005年12月16日)
Idempotent Matrices over Complex Group Algebras (Universitext)
Ioannis Emmanouil (Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2005年12月16日)
Schaum's Outline of College Algebra, 3/e (Schaum's Outline Series)
Murray Spiegel、Robert Moyer (McGraw-Hill 2005年12月14日)
Introduction to Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年12月13日)
Algebra Connections (Connections in Mathematics Course for Teachers)
Ira J. Papick、UMO University of Missouri (Prentice Hall 2005年12月12日)
The Congruences of a Finite Lattices: A Proof-by-Picture Approach
George Gr„tzer (Birkhauser 2005年12月05日)
Essentials of College Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年12月05日)
Basic Mathematics for College Students (Tussy and Gustafson)
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年12月02日)
Algebra: Fields And Galois Theory (Universitext)
Falko Lorenz (Springer New York 2005年12月)
Algebraic Numbers And Algebraic Functions (AMS Chelsea Publishing)
Emil Artin (Chelsea Pub Co 2005年12月)
Angewandte Mathematik Mit MathCAD, Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch: Band 2: Komplexe Zahlen Und Funktionen, Vektoralgebra Und Analytische Geometrie, Matrizenrec
Josef Trvl_、Josef Trc6lc、Josef Trl (Springer 2005年12月)
Automorphic Representations of Low Rank Groups
Yuval Z. Flicker (Birkhauser 2005年12月)
College Algebra + Study Guide/Solutions Manual + Math Space Cd 5th Ed
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年12月)
College Algebra With Cd + Smarthinking + Wrap 6th Ed
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年12月)
Commutative Algebra And Algebraic Geometry: Joint International Meeting of the American Mathematical Society And the Indian Mathematical Society on Commutative Algebra And Algebraic Geometry, Ba (Contemporary Mathematics)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2005年12月)
Elementary + Intermediate Algebra 4th Ed + Smarthinking
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年12月)
Elementary + Intermediate Algebra: Discovery + Visualization + Student Solutions Manual, 3rd Ed + Smarthinking
Elaine Hubbard (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年12月)
Geometry And Dynamics: International Conference in Honor of the 60th Anniversary of Alberto Verjovsky, Cuernavaca, Mexico, January 6-11, 2003 (Contemporary Mathematics)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2005年12月)
Intermediate Algebra
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill、Nancy Hyde (Mcgraw-Hill College 2005年12月)
Algebra + Trigonometry a Graphing Approach 4th Ed + Graphing Technology Guide
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年11月30日)
Algebra + Trigonometry With Cd + Cd Rom 6th Ed
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年11月30日)
Algebra + Trigonometry:a Graphing Approach + Dvd 4th Ed
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年11月30日)
College Algebra With Cd-rom + Dvd 6th Ed
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年11月30日)
College Algebra:a Graphing Approach + Mathspace Cd 4th Ed + Eduspace One Semester
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年11月30日)
Elementary + Intermediate Algebra 4th Ed + Eduspace Two Semester
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年11月30日)
Elementary Algebra Discovery + Visualization With Hm Cubed Cd + Dvd 3rd Ed
Elaine Hubbard (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年11月30日)
Elementary Algebra:discovery + Visualization + Hm3 Cd + Study + Solutions Manual 3rd Ed + Nolting Math Study Skills Workbook 2nd Ed
Elaine Hubbard (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年11月30日)
Fields And Galois Theory (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics)
John M. Howie (Springer London 2005年11月30日)
Functions + Change: College Algebra + Graphing Calculator Keystroke Guide
Benny Evans (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年11月30日)
Functions + Change: College Algebra + Graphing Guide + Smarthinking
Benny Evans (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年11月30日)
The Geometry of Syzygies (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
David Eisenbud (Springer 2005年11月30日)
Mathematics for Liberal Arts
Fred Richman、Robert J. Wisner、Carol L. Walker、James W. Brewer (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2005年11月30日)
Prealgebra (Streeter Series in Mathematics)
Donald Hutchison、Barry Bergman、Stefan Baratto (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年11月30日)
Algebra:beginning and Intermediate + Study and Solutions Manual + Eduspace 2
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年11月29日)
College Algebra
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2005年11月29日)
Student's Solutions Manual for use with Prealgebra (The Streeter Series)
Donald Hutchison、James Streeter、Barry Bergman、Stefan Baratto、Laurel Technical Services (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年11月29日)
Handbook Of K-Theory
(Springer-Verlag 2005年11月26日)
Algebra :introductory and Intermediate With Houghton Mifflin Cubed + Study and Solutions Manual 3rd Ed + Eduspace/Blackboard
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年11月23日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry 5th Ed + Eduspace 2
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年11月22日)
Classical and Quantum Orthogonal Polynomials in One Variable (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
Mourad E. H. Ismail (Cambridge University Press 2005年11月21日)
Algebra + Trigonometry With Cd 6th Ed + Student Solutions Guide + Dvd
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年11月18日)
Field Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Steven Roman (Springer 2005年11月18日)
Polycyclic Groups (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
Daniel Segal (Cambridge University Press 2005年11月17日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry + Mathspace Cd 5th Ed + Smarthinking
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年11月15日)
Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing: 8th International Workshop, CASC 2005, Kalamata, Greece, September 12 - 16, 2005, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
(Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2005年11月15日)
Handbook of Number Theory I
Dragoslav S. Mitrinovic、J. Sandor、B. Crstici (Springer-Verlag 2005年11月15日)
Algebra: Concepts and Applications, Volume 1, Student Edition (Glencoe Mathematics)
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005年11月12日)
Algebra: Concepts and Applications, Volume 2, Student Edition (Glencoe Mathematics)
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005年11月12日)
Beginning Algebra With Houghton Mifflin3 + Student Solutions Manual 6th Ed + Eduspace
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年11月10日)
Algebra, Quick Reference Guide (Quick Study Academic)
S. B. Kizlik (Barcharts Inc 2005年11月08日)
Algebra Introductory and Intermediate With Houghton Mifflin Three + Student Solutions Manual + Dvd 3rd Ed
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年11月07日)
College Algebra + Study Guide 5th Ed + Smarthinking
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年11月07日)
Max Plus at Work: Modeling And Analysis of Synchronized Systems: a Course on Max-plus Algebra And Its Applications (Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics)
Bernd Heidergott、Geert Jan Olsder、Jacob Van Der Woude (Princeton Univ Pr 2005年11月07日)
Negative Math: How Mathematical Rules Can Be Positively Bent
Alberto A. Martinez (Princeton Univ Pr 2005年11月07日)
Integrable Hamiltonian Systems on Complex Lie Groups (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)
V. Jurdjevic (Amer Mathematical Society 2005年11月)
Polynomial Identities And Asymptotic Methods (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs)
Antonio Giambruno、Mikhail Zaicev (Amer Mathematical Society 2005年11月)
Prealgebra + Math Space Cd 4th Ed + Smarthinking
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年11月)
The Unity of Mathematics: In Honor of the Ninetieth Birthday of I.M. Gelfand (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
(Birkhauser 2005年11月)
J. Aurelio Baldor (Patria Editorial 2005年10月30日)
Algebra + Triginometry With Cd + Study + Solutions Guide 6th Ed + Eduspace
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年10月29日)
Algebra for College Students Eduspace Ebook
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年10月29日)
College Algebra Concepts + Models + Mathspace Cd 5th Ed + Smarthinking
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年10月29日)
Lie Algebras of Finite and Affine Type (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)
Roger Carter (Cambridge University Press 2005年10月27日)
Smart Starters Pre-algebra: Motivational Exercises to Stimulate the Brain
Marjorie Frank (Incentive Pubns 2005年10月25日)
College Algebra: Concise + Concise Student Solutions Guide + Concepts + Models Concise Dvd 5th Ed
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年10月24日)
Complex Numbers from A To... Z
Titu Andreescu、Dorin Andrica (Birkhauser 2005年10月24日)
Introductory Algebra (Blair Developmental Mathematics Series)
Richelle M. Blair (Addison Wesley 2005年10月20日)
Representations and Characters of Groups
Gordon James、Martin Liebeck (Cambridge University Press 2005年10月19日)
Structural Theory of Automata, Semigroups, And Universal Algebra (Nato Science Series II Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry)
(Kluwer Academic Pub 2005年10月16日)
Structural Theory of Automata, Semigroups, And Universal Algebra (Nato Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry)
(Springer Netherlands 2005年10月16日)
Geometric Topology: Localization, Periodicity And Galois Symmetry; The 1970 MIT Notes (K-Monographs in Mathematics)
Dennis P. Sullivan (Springer 2005年10月15日)
Essentials of College Algebra: Interactive Video Skillbuider
Michael Holtfrerich、Jack Haughn (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年10月14日)
College Algebra (Ams Chelsea Publishing)
Henry Burchard Fine (Chelsea Pub Co 2005年10月12日)
Algebra Skills Workbook
Joshua Yarmish、Rachel Sturm (Prentice Hall 2005年10月10日)
First Course in Abstract Algebra, A (3rd Edition)
Joseph J. Rotman (Prentice Hall 2005年10月08日)
College Algebra: Concepts and Models
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年10月05日)
Algebraic And Topological Dynamics: Algebraic And Topological Dynamics, May 1-july 31, 2004, Max-planck-institut Fur Mathematik, Bonn, Germany (Contemporary Mathematics)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2005年10月)
Angewandte Mathematik Mit MathCAD, Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch: Band 1: Einfa1/4hrung in MathCAD
Josef Trvl_、Josef Trc6lc、Josef Trl (Springer 2005年10月)
Automorphic Representations, L-Functions And Applications: Progress And Prospects (Ohio State University Mathematical Research Institute Publications)
(Walter De Gruyter Inc 2005年10月)
College Algebra (Barron's Ez-101 Study Keys)
Lawrence S. Leff (Barrons Educational Series Inc 2005年10月)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra Eduspace Ebook
Craine (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年10月)
Fundamental Algebraic Geometry: Grothendieck's Fga Explained (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs)
Lothar Gottsche、Luc Illusie、Steven L. Kleiman、Nitin Nitsure、Angelo Vistoli (Amer Mathematical Society 2005年10月)
Graph Algebras (Cbms Regional Conference Series in Mathematics)
Iain Raeburn (Amer Mathematical Society 2005年10月)
Infinite-dimensional Aspects of Representation Theory And Applications: International Conference on Infinite-dimensional Aspects of Representation Theory And Applications, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia (Contemporary Mathematics)
International Conference on Infinite-dimensional Aspects of Representa、International Conference on Infinite-dim、Stephen Berman (Amer Mathematical Society 2005年10月)
Partial Algebras And Their Theories (Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics)
Hans-Jurgen Hoehnke、Jurgen Schreckenberger (Springer-Verlag New York Inc (C) 2005年10月)
Automorphic Forms And Shimura Varieties of PGSp(2)
Yuval Z. Flicker (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2005年09月30日)
Essential Algebra: A Workbook Approach
Elaine Previte (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2005年09月30日)
Introduction To Plane Algebraic Curves
Ernst Kunz (Birkhaeuser Boston 2005年09月30日)
Topological Algebras with Involution, Volume 200 (North-Holland Mathematics Studies)
M. Fragoulopoulou (North Holland 2005年09月29日)
College Algebra, With Study Guide/Student Manual, With Mathspace Cd, With Dvd, 5th Ed + Eduspace 1
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年09月22日)
Algebra and Trigonometry Textbook + Student Solutions Guide + Dvd: A Graphing Approach
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年09月20日)
Quadrangular Algebras (Mathematical Notes)
Richard M. Weiss (Princeton Univ Pr 2005年09月19日)
College Algebra Textbook + Dvd + Student Solutions Guide: Concepts and Models
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年09月16日)
Computational Commutative Algebra 2
Martin Kreuzer、Lorenzo Robbiano (Springer 2005年09月15日)
Computer Viruses: From Theory to Applications (Collection Iris)
Eric Filiol (Springer 2005年09月15日)
Algebra and Trigonometry a Graphing Approach Eduspace Ebook 4th Ed
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年09月14日)
College Algebra a Graphing Approach Eduspace Ebook 4th Ed
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年09月14日)
Applied College Algebra + Student Solutions Manual
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年09月09日)
Noncommutative Rings (Mathematical Association of America Textbooks)
I. N. Herstein (The Mathematical Association of America 2005年09月08日)
Essentials College Algebra + Dvd
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年09月06日)
Essentials College Algebra + Student Solutions Manual
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年09月06日)
Introductory Algebra Paperback + Mathspace Cd 7th Ed + Smarthinking
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年09月06日)
Larson's College Algebra Concise + Student Solution Guide + Mathspace Cd
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年09月06日)
Linear Algebra and Its Applications with CD-ROM, Update (3rd Edition)
David C. Lay (Addison Wesley 2005年09月01日)
Noncommutative Algebra and Geometry (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
(Chapman and Hall/CRC 2005年09月01日)
Algebra And Trigonometry With Analytic Geometry: Classic Edition
Earl William Swokowski、Jeffery A. Cole (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年09月)
Beginning Algebra With Student Houghton Mifflin3 Cd, With Student Solution Manual, With Dvd, 6th Ed
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年09月)
Holtfrerich/haughn's College Algebra
Holtfrerich (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年09月)
How To Prepare For The Tennessee Gateway High School Exit Exam In Algebra (Barron's How to Prepare for the Tennessee Gateway High Algerba)
Cathy Jahr (Barrons Educational Series Inc 2005年09月)
Mathematics Is Not a Spectator Sport
George M. Phillips (Springer 2005年09月)
Mengen - Zahlen - Zahlbereiche: Eine Elementare Einfuhrung in Die Mathematik (Mathematik Primar- Und Sekundarstufe)
Kristina Appell、Ja1/4rgen Appell、Jurgen Appell (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag 2005年09月)
Quadratic Algebras (University Lecture Series)
Alexander Polishchuk、Leonid Positselski (Amer Mathematical Society 2005年09月)
Logic and Its Applications (Contemporary Mathematics)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2005年08月31日)
Beginning Algebra
Kathleen M. Chadick、Kathy R. Autrey (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2005年08月30日)
College Algebra
Lonnie Hass、Larry Taylor (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2005年08月30日)
College Algebra: a Graphing Approach + Study + Solutions Guide 4th Ed
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年08月30日)
College Algebra:concepts + Models 5th Ed + Smarthinking
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年08月30日)
Elliptic And Parabolic Problems: A Special Tribute to the Work of Haim Brezis (Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications)
Michel Chipot、Jean-Michel Coron、Carlo Sbordone、Giorgio Vergara (DRT) Caffarelli (Birkhauser (Architectural) 2005年08月30日)
Geometry of Principal Sheaves (Mathematics and Its Applications (Kluwer ))
Efstathios Vassiliou (Springer 2005年08月30日)
Infinite Dimensional Algebras And Quantum Integrable Systems (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
(Birkhauser (Architectural) 2005年08月30日)
Prealgebra and Word Problem Applications
Anna Fisher (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2005年08月30日)
Standards-driven Math Vocabulary Ranking Intervention Protocol (Vrip): Pre-algebra Through Geometry
Nathaniel Max Rock (Nathaniel Max Rock 2005年08月30日)
Standards-driven Power Algebra I: Textbook and Classroom Supplement
Nathaniel Max Rock (Nathaniel Max Rock 2005年08月30日)
Topics In Factorization Of Abelian Groups
Sandor Szabo (Birkhauser (Architectural) 2005年08月30日)
The Essentials of College Algebra + Eduspace
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年08月29日)
Beginning Algebra With Houghton Mifflin 3 6th Ed + Math Study Skills Workbook 2nd Ed + Smarthinking
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年08月26日)
Computational Aspects of Algebraic Curves (Lecture Notes Series on Computing)
(World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2005年08月24日)
Introduction to Octonion and Other Non-Associative Algebras in Physics (Montroll Memorial Lecture Series in Mathematical Physics)
Susumo Okubo (Cambridge University Press 2005年08月22日)
Algebraic Coding Theory And Information Theory: Dimacs Workshop, Algebraic Coding Theory And Information Theory, December 15-18, 2003, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey (Dimacs Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2005年08月19日)
Tussy/gustafson's Developmental Mathematics for College Students
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年08月19日)
Poincaré Duality Algebras, Macaulay's Dual Systems, and Steenrod Operations (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
Dagmar M. Meyer、Larry Smith (Cambridge University Press 2005年08月18日)
Algebra: Introductory And Intermediate
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年08月17日)
College Algebra Sampler
Cynthia Y. Young (Wiley 2005年08月17日)
Algebra Preuniversitaria / Preuniversity Algebra
Adriana Lazo Quintanilla ( 2005年08月15日)
Commutative Algebra: Geometric, Homological, Combinatorial and Computational Aspects (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
(CRC Press 2005年08月15日)
Generative Complexity In Algebra (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)
Joel Berman、Pawe Idziak (Amer Mathematical Society 2005年08月15日)
Theory of Complex Homogeneous Bounded Domains (Mathematics and Its Applications (Kluwer Academic Pub) Soviet Series)
Yichao Xu (Kluwer Academic Pub 2005年08月15日)
Pre-algebra, Custom Publication
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年08月11日)
College Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年08月10日)
College Algebra Eduspace Ebook Webcard 5th Ed
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年08月09日)
Prealgebra + Mathspace Cd + Study and Solutions Guide 4th Ed + Smarthinking
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年08月09日)
Precalculus Essentials: Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (4th Edition)
Michael Sullivan、Michael SullivanIII (Prentice Hall 2005年08月06日)
Introductory Algebra + Mathspace Cd + Student Solutions Manual 7th Ed + Great Source Algebra to Go
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年08月05日)
Larson's College Algebra Concepts and Models + Student Solutions Guide + Mathspace Cd + Eduspace
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年08月05日)
Introductory Algebra: An Applied Approach 7th Ed + Mathspace CD + DVD + Student Solutions Manual 7th Ed
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年08月04日)
(WCS)College Algebra 3rd Edition with Trig Functions Set
Linda Almgren Kime (John Wiley & Sons 2005年08月03日)
Exploring Elementry and Intermediate Algebra + Eduspace
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年08月02日)
Prealgebra Digital Video Tutor
Margaret Lial、Diana Hestwood (Addison-Wesley 2005年08月02日)
Climbing Mount Everest: Understanding Communitive, Associative, And Distrubutive Properties (Powermath)
Therese Shea (Powerkids Pr 2005年08月)
Kyoodoz Algebra Solutions Book
Yvonne Low ( 2005年08月)
Suplemento del Calculo 2
Spinadel (Nueva Libreria 2005年08月)
Algebra Success In 20 Minutes A Day (Skill Builders)
(Learning Express Llc 2005年07月31日)
Applied Algebra And Trigonometry
Joseph Witkowski、Eileen Phillips (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2005年07月30日)
College Algebra With Applications Resource Manual
Jacqueline Stone (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2005年07月30日)
College Algebra With Cd 6th Ed + Study + Solutions Guide 6th Ed + Smarthinking
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年07月30日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, 2nd Ed With H M Cubed + Student Solutions Manual + Smart Thinking
Elaine Hubbard (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年07月30日)
Introduccion Al Algebra/introduction to Algebra
Jose Diaz ( 2005年07月30日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry + Study Guide/Student Manual 5th Ed + Eduspace 2
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年07月29日)
College Algebra Concepts + Models + Student Study Guide 5th Ed
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年07月19日)
Contemporary Trigonometry: A Graphing Approach, Interactive Video Skillbuilder Cd-rom
Thomas W. Hungerford (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年07月19日)
Essentials of College Algebra: Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (4th Edition)
Michael Sullivan、Michael SullivanIII (Prentice Hall 2005年07月16日)
Lie Algebras And Algebraic Groups (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
Patrice Tauvel、Rupert W. T. Yu (Springer 2005年07月16日)
Solving Polynomial Equations: Foundations, Algorithms, And Applications (Algorithms and Combinatorics)
(Springer 2005年07月16日)
Integral Closure: Rees Algebras, Multiplicities, Algorithms (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
Wolmer Vsconcelos (Springer 2005年07月15日)
College Algebra Concise + College Algebra Concepts + Models Mathspace Cd 5th Ed
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年07月13日)
College Algebra, Custom Publication
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年07月13日)
College Algebra:concepts + Models + Mathspace Cd + Study + Solutions Guide 5th Ed
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年07月13日)
Glencoe Pre-Algebra, IL Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005年07月12日)
Algebra & Trigonometry: Enhanced With Graphing Utilities
Michael Sullivan (Prentice Hall College Div 2005年07月11日)
College Algebra, Custom Publication
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年07月08日)
Margaret L. Lial (Addison Wesley 2005年07月08日)
Student Solutions Manual for Introductory Algebra
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison Wesley 2005年07月08日)
Beginning Algebra Student Study Pack
John Tobey (Prentice Hall 2005年07月07日)
Functions And Change: A Modeling Approach To College Algebra
Bruce Crauder、Benny Evans、Alan Noell (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年07月06日)
Functions And Change: A Modeling Approach To College Algebra
Benny Evans (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年07月06日)
SSM f/u w/ Bello, Intermediate Algebra
Ignacio Bello、Fran Hopf (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年07月06日)
College Algebra Textbook + Mathspace Cd + Eduspace: Concepts and Models
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年07月05日)
Additional Skill and Drill Manual for Introductory Algebra
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison Wesley 2005年07月03日)
Aie Dev Mth F/Col STD-CD 2e
GUSTAFSON、TUSSY (Brooks/Cole 2005年07月01日)
Beginning Algebra, the Language and Symbolism of Mathematics. James Hall & Brian Mercer
James W. Hall (McGraw-Hill Higher Education 2005年07月)
College Algebra
Michael Holtfrerich、Jack Haughn (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年07月)
Developmental Mathematics For College Students
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年07月)
Dualisability: Unary Algebras And Beyond (Advances in Mathematics)
Jane Pitkethly、B. A. Davey (Springer 2005年07月)
Essentials of College Algebra
Michael Holtfrerich、Jack Haughn (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年07月)
Essentials of College Algebra Video/Dvd Series
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年07月)
Intro Alg & Student Study Pkg
Blitzer (Pearson Publications Company 2005年07月)
Introductory Algebra, Custom Publication
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年07月)
Algebra superior/ Superior Algebra
Araceli Reyes Guerrero ( 2005年06月30日)
Circo matematico / Mathematical Circus (El Libro De Bolsillo (Lb))
Martin Gardner (Alianza Editorial Sa 2005年06月30日)
Combinatorial Commutative Algebra (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Ezra Miller、Bernd Sturmfels (Springer 2005年06月30日)
Introduccion al calculo y al analisis matematico II / Introduction To Calculus and Analysis, Volume II
Richard Courant (Limusa 2005年06月30日)
Linear and Projective Representations of Symmetric Groups (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
Alexander Kleshchev (Cambridge University Press 2005年06月30日)
Nearrings And Nearfields: Proceedings Of The Conference On Nearrings And Nearfierlds, Hamburg, Germany, July 27-August 3, 2003
Hubert Kiechle、Alexander Kreuzer、Momme Johs Thomsen、Germany) Conference on Near-rings and Near-fields (2003 : Hamburg (Springer 2005年06月30日)
Power Basics: American Government Classroom Kit
Taggart、Walch (J Weston Walch Pub 2005年06月30日)
Power Basics: Basic English Classroom Kit
Taggart、Walch (J Weston Walch Pub 2005年06月30日)
Proceedings Of The Conference On Applied Mathematics And Scientific Computing
Zlatko Drmac、Miljenko Marusic、Zvonimir Tutek、Croatia) Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing (3rd : 2003 : Brijuni (Springer 2005年06月30日)
Teoria De Ecuaciones/ Theory of Equations
James Victor Uspensky ( 2005年06月30日)
Introductory Algebra + Mathspace Cd + Student Solutions Manual 7th Ed + Nolting Work Study Skills 2nd Ed + Eduspace
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年06月28日)
Introductory Algebra + Dvd + Mathspace Cd and Eduspace
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年06月27日)
Introductory Algebra, Custom Publication
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年06月27日)
Pre-algebra, Custom Publication
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年06月24日)
Algebra y Geometria/ Algebra and Geometry
Adalberto Garcia Maynez、Ruben Mancio T ( 2005年06月15日)
Basic Notions of Algebra (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences)
I. R. Shafarevich (Springer 2005年06月15日)
Basic Mathematics for College Students
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年06月10日)
Student Solutions Manual for Prealgebra
Margaret L. Lial、Diana Hestwood (Addison Wesley 2005年06月10日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry
Richard N. Aufmann、Vernon C. Barker、Richard D. Nation (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年06月08日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra + Study and Study Guide + Eduspace
Craine (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年06月08日)
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年06月07日)
Algebra and Trigonometry Textbook + Mathspace Cd + Dvd + Eduspace: A Graphing Approach
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年06月06日)
Algebra Workbook For Dummies
Mary Jane Sterling (For Dummies 2005年06月03日)
College Algebra Instructional Dvd Series
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年06月03日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra + Dvd
Craine (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年06月02日)
Algebra Lineal - 2b: Edicion
Rafael Bru (Alfaomega Grupo Editor 2005年06月)
Lie Groups and Invariant Theory (American Mathematical Society Translations Series 2)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2005年06月)
Uniform Algebras (AMS Chelsea Publishing)
Theodore W. Gamelin (Amer Mathematical Society 2005年06月)
Essentials College Algebra, Custom Publication
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年05月31日)
Explorations in College Algebra 3rd Edition with Graphing Calculator Manual and eGrade Plus (Wiley Plus Products)
Linda Almgren Kime、Judith Clark、Beverly K. Michael (John Wiley & Sons 2005年05月31日)
Aprendo a sumar, restar, multiplicar y dividir/ I learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide
Esteban H. Lofret (La Grulla 2005年05月30日)
Teaching College Algebra: Reversing The Effects Of Social Promotion
Sherman N. Miller (Scarecrow Pr 2005年05月30日)
College Algebra Concepts Instructional Video Series
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年05月26日)
(WCS)College Algebra 3rd Edition with Trig Supplement Set
Linda Almgren Kime (John Wiley & Sons 2005年05月24日)
Elementary Intermediate Algebra, Custom Publication
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年05月23日)
Trigonometry Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (4th Edition)
Michael Sullivan、Michael SullivanIII (Prentice Hall 2005年05月21日)
Introductory Algebra plus MyMathLab Student Access Kit (8th Edition)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison Wesley 2005年05月19日)
Prealgebra + Mathspace Cd + Dvd 4th Ed
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年05月19日)
Multiplicative Invariant Theory (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences)
Martin Lorenz (Springer 2005年05月16日)
Lattices And Ordered Algebraic Structures (Universitext)
T. S. Blyth (Springer 2005年05月15日)
Beginning Algebra With Houghton Mifflin3 Cd + Study and Solutions Manual + Dvd 6th Ed + Eduspace
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年05月13日)
Just-In-Time Algebra and Trigonometry for Early Transcendentals Calculus (3rd Edition)
Guntram Mueller、Ronald I. Brent (Addison Wesley 2005年05月13日)
Algebra and Geometry
Alan F. Beardon (Cambridge University Press 2005年05月12日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry + Mathspace Cd 5th Ed
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年05月11日)
Beginning Algebra With Houghton Mifflin3 6th Ed + Math Study Skills Workbook 2nd Ed + Eduspace
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年05月05日)
Solving Polynomial Equation Systems II: Macaulay's Paradigm and Groebner Technology (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
Teo Mora (Cambridge University Press 2005年05月05日)
Introductory Algebra + Study and Solution Manual 7th Ed
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年05月03日)
Group Theoretical Methods in Physics: Proceedings of the XXV International Colloqium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Cocoyoc, Mexico, 2-6 August, 2004 (Institute of Physics Conference Series)
(Taylor & Francis 2005年05月01日)
Geometria Analitica
Elena de Oteyza (Pearson Educacion 2005年05月)
Representation Type Of Commutative Noetherian Rings Iii: Global Wildness And Tameness (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)
Lee Klinger、Lawrence S. Levy、Lee Klingler (Amer Mathematical Society 2005年05月)
Algebra: Basic Algebra Explained (In-Focus - a Studymates Series)
Graham Lawler (Studymates Ltd 2005年04月30日)
Basic Mathematics For College Students
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年04月29日)
College Algebra + Mathspace Cd + Study Guide and Solutions Manual 5th Ed + Excel Cd + Eduspace
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年04月29日)
eGrade Plus Stand-alone Access for College Algebra 3rd Edition (1-Term) (eGrade products)
Linda Almgren Kime (John Wiley & Sons 2005年04月29日)
eGrade Plus Stand-alone Access for College Algebra 3rd Edition (1-Term) (eGrade products)
Linda Almgren Kime (John Wiley & Sons 2005年04月29日)
Student Solutions Manual for Beginng Algebra for Beginning Algebra
John Tobey (Prentice Hall 2005年04月29日)
College Algebra + Mathspace Cd + Study Guide and Solutions Manual 5th Ed + Smarthinkinkg
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年04月28日)
A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra
Victor Shoup (Cambridge University Press 2005年04月28日)
Introductory Algebra + Mathspace Cd + Study and Solutions Manual 7th Ed + Smarthinking
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年04月28日)
Actions and Invariants of Algebraic Groups (Chapman & Hall/CRC Pure and Applied Mathematics)
Walter Ferrer Santos、Alvaro Rittatore (CRC Press 2005年04月26日)
Representations of Algebras and Related Topics (Fields Institute Communications)
Introductory Algebra (Digital Video Tutor)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison-Wesley 2005年04月25日)
Bitopological Spaces: Theory, Relations with Generalized Algebraic Structures and Applications, Volume 199 (North-Holland Mathematics Studies)
Badri Dvalishvili (North Holland 2005年04月22日)
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年04月22日)
Introductory Algebra, Custom Publication
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年04月21日)
Elementary + Intermediate Algebra + Study + Solutions Guide 4th Ed + Eduspace
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年04月20日)
MI Algebra 2, StudentWorks CD-ROM
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005年04月20日)
Introductory Algebra + Mathspace Cd 7th Ed + Eduspace
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年04月19日)
Introductory Algebra an Applied Approach Houghton Mifflin Instructional Dvds
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年04月18日)
Algebra And Trigonometry: With Analytic Geometry
Earl W. Swokowski、Jeffery A. Cole (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年04月15日)
Algebra: Concepts and Applications, StudentWorks CD-ROM
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005年04月15日)
OH Algebra 2, StudentWorks CD-ROM
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005年04月15日)
College Algebra With Cd-rom + Web 3.0 6th Ed
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年04月11日)
College Algebra: a Concise Course Student Study Guide
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年04月08日)
eGrade Plus Stand-alone Access for College Algebra 3rd Edition (1-Term) (eGrade products)
Linda Almgren Kime (John Wiley & Sons 2005年04月08日)
College Algebra Concepts and Models Student Study Guide
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年04月06日)
Essentials of Introductory and Intermediate Algebra for College Students
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2005年04月04日)
Beginning Algebra: Early Graphing (Tobey/Slater Wortext Series)
John Tobey、Jeffrey Slater、Jamie Blair (Prentice Hall 2005年04月03日)
Precalculus Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (4th Edition)
Michael Sullivan、Michael SullivanIII (Prentice Hall 2005年04月03日)
Introductory and Intermediate Algebra (3rd Edition)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison Wesley 2005年04月01日)
On the Study and Difficulties of Mathematics (Dover Phoenix Editions)
Augustus De Morgan (Dover Publications 2005年04月01日)
Prealgebra (Streeter Series)
Donald Hutchison、Barry Bergman、Stefan Baratto (McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. 2005年04月01日)
Algebraic Structures And Their Representations: Xv Coloquio Latinoamericano De Algebra, Cocoyoc, Morelos, Mexico, July 20-26, 2003 (Contemporary Mathematics)
Mexico) Coloquio Latinoamericano De Algebra 2003 (Cocoyoc、Jose Antonio De LA Pena、Ernesto Vallejo、Natig M. Atakishiyev (Amer Mathematical Society 2005年04月)
College Algebra With Cd + Study + Solutions Guide + Student Success Organizer + Interactive 3.0 Cd 6th Ed + Eduspace
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年04月)
Contemporary Trigonometry: A Graphing Approach
Thomas W. Hungerford (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年04月)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: Concepts and Applications (4th Edition) (Bittinger Developmental Mathematics Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen、Barbara L. Johnson (Addison Wesley 2005年03月31日)
Algebra, Custom Publication: Introductory and Intermediate
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年03月30日)
The Facts On File Algebra Handbook (Facts on File Science Library)
Deborah Todd (Checkmark Books 2005年03月30日)
The Geometry Of Syzygies: A Second Course In Commutative Algebra And Algebraic Geometry (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
David Eisenbud (Springer 2005年03月30日)
Nonfiction Writing Prompts for Algebra (Write to Know)
Center for Performance Assessment (Advanced Learning Press 2005年03月30日)
Undergraduate Algebra (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
Serge Lang (Springer 2005年03月30日)
MathZone CD-ROM to accompany Prealgebra
Daniel Bach、Patricia Leitner (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年03月29日)
Algebra for College Students (5th Edition)
Robert F Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2005年03月27日)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra (2nd Edition) (Tobey/Slater Wortext Series)
John Tobey、Jeffrey Slater、Jamie Blair (Prentice Hall 2005年03月26日)
Student's Solutions Manual for use with Prealgebra
Daniel Bach、Patricia Leitner (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年03月25日)
Essentials of Intermediate Algebra for College Students (Blitzer Hardback Series)
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2005年03月24日)
Introductory and Intermediate Algebra (2nd Edition)
Robert F Blitzer、Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2005年03月24日)
Brauer Type Embedding Problems (Fields Institute Monographs)
Arne Ledet (Amer Mathematical Society 2005年03月23日)
Algebra: Concepts and Applications, Noteables: Interactive Study Notebook with Foldables
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005年03月22日)
Double Affine Hecke Algebras (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
Ivan Cherednik (Cambridge University Press 2005年03月21日)
Explorations in College Algebra 3rd Edition with Graphing Calculator Manual Set
Linda Almgren Kime、Judith Clark、Beverly K. Michael (Wiley 2005年03月21日)
Geometric Linear Algebra
I-Hsiung Lin、Yixiong Lin (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2005年03月21日)
Geometric Linear Algebra
I-Hsiung Lin、Yixiong Lin (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2005年03月21日)
Algebra and Trigonometry with Modeling and Visualization (3rd Edition) (Rockswold Series)
Gary K. Rockswold (Addison Wesley 2005年03月19日)
Elementary + Intermediate Algebra + Study + Solutions Guide 4th Ed + Eduspace
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年03月18日)
Introductory Algebra + Study and Solutions Manual + Mathspace Cd 7th Ed
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年03月17日)
Developing Thinking in Algebra (Published in association with The Open University)
Professor John Mason、Alan Graham、Sue Johnston-Wilder (Sage Publications Ltd 2005年03月15日)
Developing Thinking in Algebra (Published in association with The Open University)
Professor John Mason、Alan Graham、Sue Johnston-Wilder (Sage Publications Ltd 2005年03月15日)
Algebra Beginning and Intermediate Houghton Mifflin Mathematics Instructional Video Series
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年03月14日)
College Algebra: Concepts and Models
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年03月10日)
Intermediate Algebra (8th Edition)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison Wesley 2005年03月10日)
Introductory Algebra 7th Ed + Eduspace
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年03月10日)
Larson's Elementary Algebra + Eduspace
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年03月09日)
College Algebra: Concepts & Models, 5th Ed + Eduspace
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年03月08日)
Essentials of College Algebra + Houghton Mifflin Mathspace Student Cd-rom
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年03月08日)
Introductory Algebra
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年03月04日)
Precalculus: Graphs and Models
Bittinger、Beecher (Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc 2005年03月04日)
Prealgebra Skills Workbook
Joshua Yarmish、Rachel Sturm (Prentice Hall 2005年03月03日)
Arithmetical Properties of Commutative Rings and Monoids (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
(CRC Press 2005年03月01日)
MI Pre-Algebra, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005年03月01日)
Algebra And Trigonometry: Graphs And Models
(Addison-Wesley 2005年03月)
Ordered Sets (Advances in Mathematics)
Egbert Harzheim (Springer 2005年02月28日)
Rings, Modules, and the Total (Frontiers in Mathematics)
Friedrich Kasch、Adolf Mader (Birkhauser (Architectural) 2005年02月28日)
Intermediate Algebra: Concepts and Applications (7th Edition) (Bittinger Developmental Mathematics Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen (Addison Wesley 2005年02月25日)
MI Algebra 1, Student Edition (Glencoe Mathematics)
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005年02月25日)
Student's Solutions Manual for use with Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
Julie Miller (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年02月25日)
Computational Aspects of Polynomial Identities (Research Notes in Mathematics)
Alexei Kanel-Belov、Louis Halle Rowen (A K Peters/CRC Press 2005年02月22日)
Prealgebra (2nd Edition)
Tom Carson (Addison Wesley 2005年02月20日)
Algebra and Trigonometry Enhanced With Graphing Utilities (4th Edition)
Michael Sullivan、Michael SullivanIII (Prentice Hall 2005年02月19日)
Applications of Process Algebra (Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science)
(Cambridge University Press 2005年02月17日)
College Algebra, With Study Guide/Study Manual, With Dvd, 5th Ed
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年02月17日)
Larson's Algebra for College Students + Intermediate Algebra Student Solution Guide (4th Edition)
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年02月16日)
Ideals And Reality: Projective Modules And Number Of Generators Of Ideals (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
Friedrich Ischebeck、Ravi A. Rao (Springer 2005年02月15日)
Intermediate Algebra
Ignacio Bello、Fran Hopf (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年02月15日)
Intermediate Algebra
Ignacio Bello (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年02月15日)
Intermediate Algebra (5th Edition) (Tobey/Slater Wortext Series)
John Jr Tobey、Jeffrey Slater (Prentice Hall 2005年02月13日)
Algebra: Concepts and Applications, Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005年02月12日)
Elementary Algebra with Early Systems of Equations (Carson Developmental Mathematics Series)
Tom Carson、Ellyn Gillespie (Addison Wesley 2005年02月12日)
Prealgebra (3rd Edition) (Tobey/Slater Developmental Math Series)
Jamie Blair、John Jr Tobey、Jeffrey Slater (Prentice Hall 2005年02月12日)
Elementary And Intermediate Algebra with Infotrac: A Combined Approach
Jerome E. Kaufmann、Karen L. Schwitters (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年02月11日)
SSM/Elem & Interm Algebra
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年02月10日)
College Algebra: A Concise Course
Anne V. Hodgkins、Ron Larson、Robert P. Hostetler (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年02月02日)
SSM f/u w/ Bello, Introductory Algebra
Ignacio Bello (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年02月01日)
Algebra 2, Louisiana Edition (Glencoe Mathematics)
(McGraw-Hill/Glencoe 2005年02月)
Fourier Transforms Of Invariant Functions On Finite Reductive Lie Algebras (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Emmanuel Letellier (Springer 2005年02月)
Freedom B/W Version: College Algebra (with CD-ROM, Bca Tutorial, and Infotrac )
David Cohen (Thomson Brooks/Cole 2005年02月)
Freedom B/W Version: Prealgebra (with CD-ROM and Ilrna[ Tutorial)
Charles P. McKeague (Thomson Brooks/Cole 2005年02月)
Freedom LL Version: Prealgebra (with CD-ROM and Ilrna[ Tutorial)
Charles P. McKeague (Thomson Brooks/Cole 2005年02月)
Arnold's Problems
(Springer 2005年01月31日)
Combinatorial Commutative Algebra (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Ezra Miller、Bernd Sturmfels (Springer 2005年01月31日)
From Vectors To Tensors (Universitext)
Juan Ramon Ruiz-Tolosa、Enrique Castillo (Springer 2005年01月31日)
Probability and Computing: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis
Michael Mitzenmacher、Eli Upfal (Cambridge University Press 2005年01月31日)
Solving Algebraic Computational Problems In Geodesy And Geoinformatics: The Answers To Modern Challenges
Joseph L. Awange、Erik W. Grafarend (Springer 2005年01月31日)
A3 & His Algebra: How A Boy From Chicago's West Side Became A Force In American Mathematics
Nancy E. Albert (Iuniverse Inc 2005年01月30日)
Elementary Algebra Instructional Dvd Series
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年01月30日)
Intermediate Algebra (4th Edition)
Robert F Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2005年01月30日)
Progress In Galois Theory: Proceedings Of John Thompson's 70th Birthday Conference (Developments in Mathematics, V. 12)
(Springer 2005年01月30日)
Resolution Of Curve And Surface Singularities: In Characteristic Zero (Algebras and Applications)
KARL-HEINZ KIYEK、J. L. Vicente、Jose Luis Vicente Cordoba (Springer 2005年01月30日)
College Algebra: Graphs and Models Graphing Calculator Manual Package (3rd Edition)
Marvin L. Bittinger、Judith A. Beecher、David J. Ellenbogen、Judith A. Penna (Addison Wesley 2005年01月28日)
Elementary + Intermediate Algebra Eduspace With Ebook 4th Ed
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年01月28日)
Introductory Algebra (8th Edition) (Lial Developmental Mathematics Paperback)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison Wesley 2005年01月28日)
The Learning Equation Labs for Tussy/gustafson's Basic Mathematics for College
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年01月28日)
The Learning Equation Labs for Tussy/gustafson's Prealgebra
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年01月28日)
A First Course in Abstract Algebra: Rings, Groups and Fields, Second Edition
Marlow Anderson、Todd Feil (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2005年01月27日)
Algebra for College Students
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年01月26日)
College Algebra Concepts and Models
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年01月26日)
Larson's College Algebra + Student Study Guide + Mathspace Cd + Eduspace 1: A Graphing Approach
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年01月26日)
Student's Solutions Manual for use with Intermediate Algebra
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年01月26日)
Introductory Algebra (4th Edition)
Robert F Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2005年01月24日)
College Algebra Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (4th Edition)
Michael Sullivan、Michael SullivanIII (Prentice Hall 2005年01月21日)
Intermediate Algebra through Applications
Geoffrey Akst、Sadie Bragg (Addison Wesley 2005年01月20日)
Algebra:beginning and Intermediate + Eduspace 2
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年01月19日)
Explorations in College Algebra
Linda Almgren Kime、Judith Clark、Beverly K. Michael (Wiley 2005年01月19日)
Video Notebook for Mckeague's Prealgebra
Charles P. McKeague (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年01月19日)
Arithmetic and Algebra Again, 2/e: Leaving Math Anxiety Behind Forever
Brita Immergut、Jean Burr-Smith (McGraw-Hill 2005年01月18日)
Linear Algebra Laminated Reference Guide (Quickstudy: Academic)
(Barcharts Inc 2005年01月18日)
Prealgebra (3rd Edition)
Margaret L. Lial、Diana L. Hestwood (Addison Wesley 2005年01月17日)
Swokowski/cole's Algebra And Trigonometry With Analytic Geometry
Earl William Swokowski、Jeffery A. Cole (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年01月17日)
Elementary Algebra: Concepts and Applications (7th Edition) (Bittinger Developmental Mathematics Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen (Addison Wesley 2005年01月16日)
Algebra: Concepts and Applications, Skills Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005年01月15日)
Algebra: Concepts and Applications, Study Guide Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005年01月15日)
Algebras, Rings And Modules (Mathematics and Its Applications)
Michiel Hazewinkel、Nadiya Gubareni、Vladimir V. Kirichenko (Springer 2005年01月15日)
Geometry: Concepts and Applications, Study Guide Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005年01月15日)
Intermediate Algebra, an Applied Approach: Student Solutions Manual
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年01月14日)
Introductory Algebra, an Applied Approach: Student Solutions Manual
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年01月14日)
Student's Solutions Manual for use with Elementary Algebra
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年01月14日)
Handbook of Computational Group Theory (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
Derek F. Holt、Bettina Eick、Eamonn A. O'Brien (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2005年01月13日)
Video Notebook for Mckeague's Basic Mathematics
Charles P. McKeague (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年01月12日)
Essentials of College Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann、Richard D. Nation (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年01月11日)
Essentials of Precalculus
Richard N. Aufmann、Richard D. Nation (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年01月11日)
Course in Business Statistics, A (4th Edition) (Pearson Custom Business Resources)
David F. Groebner、Patrick W. Shannon、Phillip C Fry、Kent D. Smith (Prentice Hall 2005年01月09日)
Glencoe Pre-Algebra, Student Edition (Glencoe Mathematics)
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005年01月09日)
OH Pre-Algebra, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005年01月09日)
Essential Algebra For Chemistry Students
David W. Ball (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年01月07日)
Intermediate Algebra
DUGOPOLSKI (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年01月07日)
Intermediate Algebra w/MathZone
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年01月07日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra Instructional Dvd Series
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2005年01月05日)
Elementary Algebra
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年01月04日)
Elementary Algebra w/MathZone
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年01月04日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年01月04日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2005年01月04日)
Fundamentals of Algebraic Modeling: An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling with Algebra and Statistics
Daniel L. Timmons、Catherine W. Johnson、Sonya M. McCook (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2005年01月03日)
Beginning Algebra (6th Edition) (Tobey/Slater Wortext Series)
John Tobey、Jeffrey Slater (Prentice Hall 2005年01月02日)
Glencoe Algebra 1, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005年01月01日)
Algebra Concepts and Applications: Teacher's Wraparound Edition (Glencoe)
Cummins (Glencoe/Mcgraw-Hill 2005年01月)
Begin Alg & Ssm & MML Kit Pk
(Addison Wesley Publishing Company 2005年01月)
Climbing Mount Everest: Understanding Commutative, Associative, and Distributive Properties (Powermath)
Therese Shea (Rosen Publishing Group 2005年01月)
Field Arithmetic (Ergebnisse Der Mathematik Und Ihrer Grenzgebiete 3 Folge)
Michael D. Fried、Moshe Jarden (Springer-Verlag 2005年01月)
Geometria analitica/Analytic Geometry
Charles H. Lehmann (Limusa 2005年01月)
NM Test Prep Wkbk HS&T 2005 A-E
Holt Rinehart & Winston (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2005年01月)
NM Test Prep Wkbk HS&T 2005 F-J
Holt Rinehart & Winston (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2005年01月)
NM Test Prep Wkbk HS&T 2005 K-O
Holt Rinehart & Winston (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2005年01月)
Pre Algebra: Teachers Wraparound Edition
Carol Malloy (Glencoe/Mcgraw-Hill 2005年01月)
Algebra And Trigonometry With Analytic Geometry
Earl W. Swokowski、Jeffery A. Cole (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年12月31日)
Algebra Beginning Intermediate Eduspace Ebook
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年12月31日)
103 Trigonometry Problems: From the Training of the USA Imo Team
Titu Andreescu、Zuming Feng (Springer 2004年12月30日)
Algebra and Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry
Jeffery Cole、Earl William Swokowski (Brooks/Cole 2004年12月30日)
College Algebra:a Graphing Approach + Study + Solutions Guide + Mathspace Cd Plud Dvd 4th Ed + Smarthinking
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年12月30日)
Symbolic Integration I: Transcendental Functions (Algorithms and Combinatorics)
Manuel Bronstein (Springer 2004年12月30日)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
Julie Miller (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年12月29日)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年12月29日)
Prealgebra: Mathematics for a Variable World
Daniel Bach、Patricia Leitner (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年12月29日)
Prealgebra: Mathematics for a Variable World w/ MathZone Student Access Code
Daniel Bach、Patricia Leitner (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年12月29日)
Introductory Algebra
Ignacio Bello (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年12月28日)
Introductory Algebra
Ignacio Bello (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年12月28日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, 1st Ed + Eduspace 1
Craine (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年12月27日)
Using Cases to Transform Mathematics Teaching And Learning: Improving Instruction in Algebra
Margaret Schwan Smith、Edward A. Silver、Mary Kay Stein、Melissa Boston、Marjorie A. Henningsen (Teachers College Pr 2004年12月23日)
Intermediate Algebra
Ron Larson (Mcdougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin 2004年12月22日)
Charles P. McKeague (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年12月19日)
Precalculus + CD-Rom + Access Card: A Problems-oriented Approach
David Cohen、Theodore B. Lee、David Sklar (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年12月17日)
Treatise on Algebra, Volume I: Arithmetical Algebra (Dover Pheonix Editions)
George Peacock (Dover Publications 2004年12月17日)
A Treatise on Algebra, Volume II: On Symbolical Algebra, and Its Applications to the Geometry of Position (Dover Pheonix Editions)
George Peacock (Dover Publications 2004年12月17日)
Resolution Of Curve And Surface Singularities: In Characteristic Zero (Algebras and Applications)
KARL-HEINZ KIYEK (Kluwer Academic Pub 2004年12月16日)
Contemporary Abstract Algebra.
Joseph A. Gallian (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年12月15日)
Lie Algebras And Locally Compact Groups
Irving Kaplansky (Polygonal Pub House 2004年12月15日)
Beg Alg&Mathxl12mo&Sm Pk (5th Edition)
TOBEY (Prentice Hall 2004年12月14日)
Trends in Commutative Algebra (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications)
(Cambridge University Press 2004年12月13日)
Basic Mathematics With iLrn Tutorial
Charles P. McKeague (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年12月10日)
Precalculus: Functions And Graphs
Earl W. Swokowski、Jeffery A. Cole (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年12月10日)
Intermediate Algebra
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年12月07日)
Elementary And Intermediate Algebra
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年12月03日)
Exploring Elementary And Intermediate Algebra: Eduspace
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年12月02日)
Algebraic Theory of Automata Networks: A Introduction (Monographs on Discrete Mathematics and Applications)
Pál Dõmõsi、Chrystopher L. Nehaniv (Society for Industrial Mathematics 2004年12月01日)
Algebra For College Students
Mark Dugopolski (Mcgraw-Hill College 2004年12月)
College Algebra and Trigonometry Edupace 2 Semester Ebook Webcard 5th Ed
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年12月)
Does This Line Ever More?: Everyday Applications Of Operations Research
K. R. Chelst (Key Curriculum Pr 2004年12月)
Functional Integration And Quantum Physics (AMS Chelsea Publishing)
Barry Simon (Chelsea Pub Co 2004年12月)
Geometric Methods In Algebra And Number Theory (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
(Birkhauser 2004年12月)
Locally Finite Root Systems (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)
Ottmar Loos、Erhard Neher (Amer Mathematical Society 2004年12月)
Aie Alg/Trig W/Anl Geom 11e
COLE、SWOKOWSKI (Brooks/Cole 2004年11月30日)
Arnold's Problems
(Springer-Verlag 2004年11月30日)
Economics Of Information Security (Advances in Information Security)
(Springer 2004年11月30日)
Elementary Algebra + Study + Solutions Guide 4th Ed + Eduspace One Semester
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年11月30日)
Elementary Algebra: Eduspace
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年11月30日)
Fundamentals of College Algebra
Earl W. Swokowski、Jeffery A. Cole (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年11月30日)
An Introduction To Commutative Algebra: From The Viewpoint Of Normalization
Li HUISHI (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2004年11月30日)
P-Adic Deterministic And Random Dynamics (Mathematics and Its Applications)
Andrei Yu Khrennikov (Springer 2004年11月30日)
College Algebra With iLrn Tutorial
Jerome E. Kaufmann、Karen L. Schwitters (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年11月29日)
Structured Ring Spectra (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
(Cambridge University Press 2004年11月18日)
Intermediate Algebra (MathXL Tutorials on CD Series)
Tom Carson、Ellyn Gillespie、Bill E. Jordan (Addison Wesley 2004年11月15日)
Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Chapters 7-9 (Elements of Mathematics)
Nicolas Bourbaki (Springer 2004年11月15日)
The Valuative Tree (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Charles Favre、Mattias Jonsson (Springer 2004年11月15日)
Skillbuilder Swokowski/cole's Algebra And Trigonometry With Analytic Geometry
Earl William Swokowski (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年11月11日)
Singular Points of Plane Curves (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)
C. T. C. Wall (Cambridge University Press 2004年11月08日)
Algebra: Concepts and Applications, Student Edition (Glencoe Mathematics)
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2004年11月03日)
College Algebra: A Graphical Approach (Mathematics Series)
Jordan (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年11月)
College Algebra: A Graphing Approach
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年11月)
A Course In Business Statistics: Business Statistics
(Prentice Hall College Div 2004年11月)
Essays In Constructive Mathematics
Harold M. Edwards (Springer 2004年11月)
Tabla de Derivadas E Integrales
Libreria Nueva (Nueva Libreria 2004年11月)
A Field Guide To Algebra (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
Antoine Chambert-Loir (Springer 2004年10月30日)
Topics in Applied Abstract Algebra (Brooks/Cole Series in Advanced Mathematics)
S. R. Nagpaul、S. K. Jain (Amer Mathematical Society 2004年10月29日)
Elementary Algebra: Graphs & Models (Bittinger Developmental Mathematics Graphs & Models Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen、Barbara L. Johnson (Addison Wesley 2004年10月28日)
Forms Of Fermat Equations And Their Zeta Functions
Lars Brunjes (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2004年10月28日)
Representations Of Finite And Lie Groups
Charles B. Thomas (World Scientific Publishing Company 2004年10月28日)
Beginning Algebra with Applications and Visualization
Gary K. Rockswold、Terry A. Krieger (Addison Wesley 2004年10月23日)
The Theory of Infinite Soluble Groups (Oxford Mathematical Monographs)
John C. Lennox、Derek J. S. Robinson (Oxford Univ Pr on Demand 2004年10月21日)
OH Pre-Algebra, StudentWorks CD-ROM
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2004年10月20日)
College Algebra (Exam File)
Eric M. Lederer (Real Estate Education Co 2004年10月15日)
Combinatorics And Commutative Algebra (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
Richard P. Stanley (Springer 2004年10月15日)
Contemporary College Algebra And Trigonometry: A Graphing Approach
Thomas W. Hungerford (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年10月15日)
Noncommutative Rings (Mathematical Association of America Textbooks)
I. N. Herstein (The Mathematical Association of America 2004年10月14日)
Exploratory Galois Theory
John Swallow (Cambridge University Press 2004年10月11日)
Exploratory Galois Theory
John Swallow (Cambridge University Press 2004年10月11日)
College Algebra: Concepts And Models, Macintosh Edition
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年10月05日)
Just-In-Time Algebra and Trigonometry for Students of Calculus (3rd Edition)
Guntram Mueller、Ronald I. Brent (Addison Wesley 2004年10月03日)
Approximation Theory Using Positive Linear Operators
Radu Paltanea (Birkhauser 2004年10月)
The Future Of The Teaching And Learning Of Algebra: The 12th ICMI Study (New Icmi Study Series)
(Springer 2004年10月)
The Lie Algebras Su(N), an Introduction
Walter Pfeifer (Birkhauser 2004年10月)
Mathxl Stdnt CD Prealg
(Prentice Hall 2004年10月)
Mirror Geometry Of Lie Algebras, Lie Groups And Homogeneous Spaces (Mathematics and Its Applications (Kluwer ))
Lev V. Sabinin (Springer 2004年10月)
Problems In Algebraic Number Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Maruti Ram Murty、Jody Esmonde (Springer 2004年10月)
Analytic Number Theory: An Introductory Course
Paul T. Bateman、Harold G. Diamond (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2004年09月30日)
Analytic Number Theory: An Introductory Course
Paul T. Bateman、Harold G. Diamond (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2004年09月30日)
Rings And Things And A Fine Array Of Twentieth Century Associative Algebra (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs)
Carl Clifton Faith (Amer Mathematical Society 2004年09月30日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry: Set 2 of 2
Richard N. Aufmann、Vernon C. Barker (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年09月29日)
A Course in Ring Theory (AMS Chelsea Publishing)
Donald S. Passman (Chelsea Pub Co 2004年09月28日)
Skills Intervention for Algebra: Diagnosis and Remediation, Spanish Student Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2004年09月28日)
Contemporary College Algebra: A Graphing Approach
Thomas W. Hungerford (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年09月24日)
Elaine Hubbard (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年09月24日)
Algebra: Concepts and Applications, Noteables: Interactive Study Notebook with Foldables (Glencoe Mathematics)
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2004年09月23日)
Galois Theory (Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Wiley Series of Texts, Monographs and Tracts)
David A. Cox (Wiley-Interscience 2004年09月21日)
Concepts In Abstract Algebra (Brooks/Cole Series in Advanced Mathematics)
Charles Lanski (Amer Mathematical Society 2004年09月17日)
OH Algebra 1, StudentWorks
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2004年09月16日)
College Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年09月14日)
Student Solutions Manual
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、David I. Schneider (Addison Wesley 2004年09月04日)
Algebraic Structures And Moduli Spaces: Workshop Proceedings, With Lectures By Manfred Lehn And By Hiraku Nakajima And Kota Yoshioka, July 14-20, 2003, Montreal, Canada (Crm Proceedings & Lecture Notes, V. 38)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2004年09月)
College Algebra
John Banks (Thomson Learning 2004年09月)
College Algebra + Mathspace Cd 5th Ed + Smarthinking
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年09月)
Computational Noncommutative Algebra And Applications: Proceedings Of The Nato Advanced Study Institute, Held At Il Ciocco, Italy, 6-19 July 2003 (Nato Science Series II Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry)
Jim Byrnes、Italy) NATO Advanced Study Institute on Computational Noncommutative Algebra and Applications (2003 : Il Ciocco (Kluwer Academic Pub 2004年09月)
Computational Noncommutative Algebra And Applications: Proceedings Of The Nato Advanced Study Institute, Held At Il Ciocco, Italy, 6-19 July 2003 (Nato Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry)
Jim Byrnes、Italy) NATO Advanced Study Institute on Computational Noncommutative Algebra and Applications (2003 : Il Ciocco (Springer 2004年09月)
Top Shelf advanced Algebra: Advanced Algebra (Top Shelf Math Series Ser)
Walch (J Weston Walch Pub 2004年09月)
Algebra 1: California Edition
Holliday (Glencoe/Mcgraw-Hill 2004年08月30日)
Algebra for Winners
Dorothy Johnson、Jeff Koleno (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2004年08月30日)
Algebra: Groups
I. S. Luthar (Narosa Pub House 2004年08月30日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry - Video Series: Used With Aufmann's College Algebra and Trigonometry
Dana Mosely、Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年08月30日)
College Algebra With Study Guide With Math Space Cd, 5th Ed + Eduspace 1
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年08月30日)
College Algebra:a Graphing Approach + Study + Solutions Guide 4th Ed + Eduspace Two
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年08月30日)
College Algebra:a Graphing Approach, With Student Solution Guide, With Math Space Cd, 4th Ed + Dvd, 6th Ed + Smarthinking
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年08月30日)
Elementary + Intermedate Algebra + Math Space Cd 4th Ed + Smarthinking
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年08月30日)
Elementary Algebra With Student Solution Guide, 4th Ed + Smarthinking
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年08月30日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra With Mathspace Cd, 4th Ed + Eduspace 2
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年08月30日)
Explorations In College Algebra And Trigonometry Using Ti-83/83 Plus/86
Deborah Jolly Cochener、Bonnie M. Hodge (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年08月30日)
Polynomials (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics)
V. V. Prasolov (Springer 2004年08月30日)
College Algebra with Trigonometry: Graphs and Models
Raymond A. Barnett、Michael R. Ziegler、Karl E. Byleen (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年08月27日)
College Algebra: Graphs and Models
BARNETT (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年08月27日)
Precalculus: Graphs and Models
Raymond A. Barnett、Michael R. Ziegler、Karl E. Byleen (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年08月27日)
Introductory Algebra, Custom Publication
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年08月25日)
Glencoe Algebra 1, Noteables: Interactive Study Notebook with Foldables
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2004年08月20日)
College Algebra And Trigonometry: A Graphing Approach - Online Edition
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年08月19日)
MP: Elementary Algebra with MathZone
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年08月18日)
Practice Makes Perfect: Pre-algebra Grade 3 (Practice Makes Perfect (Teacher Created Materials))
Robert Smith (Teacher Created Materials 2004年08月15日)
Practice Makes Perfect: Pre-algebra Grade 4 (Practice Makes Perfect (Teacher Created Materials))
Robert Smith (Teacher Created Materials 2004年08月15日)
Practice Makes Perfect: Pre-algebra Grade 5 (Practice Makes Perfect (Teacher Created Materials))
Robert Smith (Teacher Created Materials 2004年08月15日)
Precalculus Essentials (7th Edition)
Michael Sullivan (Prentice Hall 2004年08月13日)
Introductory Linear Algebra: An Applied First Course (8th Edition)
Bernard Kolman、David R. Hill (Prentice Hall 2004年08月12日)
Prealgebra with Mathzone
James Streeter、Donald Hutchison、Barry Bergman (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年08月12日)
Student's Solutions Manual for use with Beginning Algebra (Streeter)
Donald Hutchison、Barry Bergman、Louis Hoelzle、Stefan Baratto (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年08月12日)
Abrast Algebra 3rd Edition with Student Survey Set
I. N. Herstein (John Wiley & Sons 2004年08月11日)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra with SMART CD and MathZone
James W. Hall、Brian A. Mercer (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年08月11日)
Statistics with Microsoft Excel (3rd Edition)
Beverly Dretzke (Prentice Hall 2004年08月07日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, 1st Ed + Eduspace 2
Craine (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年08月06日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry, Custom Publication: A Graphing Approach
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年08月03日)
College Algebra Essentials (7th Edition)
Michael Sullivan (Prentice Hall 2004年08月02日)
Introduction to Mathematical Thinking: Algebra and Number Systems
Will J. Gilbert、Scott A. Vanstone (Prentice Hall 2004年08月01日)
Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Michael McConnell (Addison-Wesley Pub (Sd) 2004年08月)
A Mathematical Gift, II: The Interplay Between Topology, Functions, Geometry, and Algebra (Mathematical World)
Kenji Ueno、Koji Shiga、Shigeyuki Morita (Amer Mathematical Society 2004年08月)
Mathxl Stdnt CD B&i Alg
(Prentice Hall 2004年08月)
Supermanifolds and Supergroups: Basic Theory (Mathematics and Its Applications (Kluwer ))
G. M. Tuynman (Springer 2004年08月)
Algebra and Trigonometry:a Graphing Approach + Study Guide + Mathspace Cd 4th Ed + Smarthinking
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年07月30日)
Algebra and Trigonometry:a Graphing Approach 4th Ed + Eduspace Two
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年07月30日)
College Algebra a Graphing Approach + Math Space Cd 4th Edtion
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年07月30日)
College Algebra:a Graphing Approach + Study + Solutions Guide + Mathspace Cd 4th Ed + Smarthinking
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年07月30日)
Elementary Algebra + Study + Solutions Guide + Math Space Cd 4th Ed
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年07月30日)
Elementary Algebra With Ilrn Tutorial
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年07月30日)
Math Word Problems Demystified
Allan Bluman (McGraw-Hill Professional 2004年07月27日)
Nonsmooth Critical Point Theory and Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems (Mathematical Analysis and Applications)
Leszek Gasinski、Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2004年07月27日)
Algebra, Custom Publication: Beginning and Intermediate
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年07月22日)
Higher Operads, Higher Categories (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
Tom Leinster (Cambridge University Press 2004年07月22日)
Elementary And Intermediate Algebra: A Practical Approach
Timothy Craine (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年07月21日)
Elementary Algebra: Mathspace Student Tutorial
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年07月19日)
Introductory Algebra through Applications
Geoffrey Akst、Sadie Bragg (Addison Wesley 2004年07月16日)
Algebra: Beginning And Intermediate
Richard N. Aufmann (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年07月14日)
College Algebra And Trigonometry: Mathspace
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年07月14日)
College Algebra: A Graphing Approach
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年07月14日)
College Algebra: Mathspace
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年07月14日)
Elementary And Intermediate Algebra: A Combined Course - Mathspace Student Tutorial
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年07月14日)
Intermediate Algebra: Mathspace Student Tutorial
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年07月14日)
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年07月13日)
An Introduction to Noncommutative Noetherian Rings (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)
K. R. Goodearl、R. B. Warfield Jr (Cambridge University Press 2004年07月12日)
An Introduction to Noncommutative Noetherian Rings (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)
K. R. Goodearl、R. B. Warfield Jr (Cambridge University Press 2004年07月12日)
Elementary And Analytic Theory Of Algebraic Numbers (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
Wladyslaw Narkiewicz、Wadysaw Narkiewicz (Springer 2004年07月10日)
Beginning Algebra, With Houghton Mifflin3 With Dvd, 6th Ed
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年07月09日)
Polynomial Identity Rings (Advanced Courses in Mathematics - Crm Barcelona)
Vesselin S. Drensky、Edward Formanek (Birkhaeuser Basel 2004年07月09日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry + Study and Solutions Manual 5th Ed + Smarthinking
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年07月08日)
Linear Algebra with Applications (3rd Edition)
Otto Bretscher (Prentice Hall 2004年07月08日)
Unsolved Problems in Mathematical Systems and Control Theory
(Princeton Univ Pr 2004年07月06日)
Intermediate Algebra with MathZone
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年07月04日)
Beginning Algebra/Beginning Algebra Student Solutions Manual [With CDROM and Prentice Hall Math Tutor Center Access Code]
K. Elayn Martin-Gay (Pearson Publications Company 2004年07月)
Galois Connections and Applications (Mathematics and Its Applications (Kluwer ))
Marcel Erne、Shelly L. Wismath、Klaus Denecke (Springer 2004年07月)
Galois Theory, Hopf Algebras, And Semiabelian Categories (Fields Institute Communications, V. 43)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2004年07月)
How the Arabs Invented Algebra: The History of the Concept of Variables (Powermath)
Tika Downey (Powerkids Pr 2004年07月)
Intermediate Algebra/with Infotrac
R. David Gustafson、Peter D. Frisk (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年07月)
Prealgebra with CDROM and Book(s) and Other
K. Elayn Martin-Gay (Pearson Publications Company 2004年07月)
Advances in Analysis and Geometry: New Developments Using Clifford Algebras (Trends in Mathematics)
(Birkhauser 2004年06月30日)
Ags Algebra
(Ags Pub 2004年06月30日)
Ignacio Bello ( 2004年06月30日)
Algebra (Aprende Tu Solo)
Paul Abbott (Piramide Ediciones Sa 2004年06月30日)
Algebra and Trigonometry:a Graphing Approach + Study + Solutions Guide 4th Ed + Smarthinking
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年06月30日)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra: An Integrated Approach
R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年06月30日)
College Algebra With Student Cd With Study Guide With Dvd, 6th Ed + Eduspace
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年06月30日)
College Algebra:a Graphing Approach + Eduspace One Semester
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年06月30日)
Elementary Algebra:d&v With Hm3 With Student Solutions Manual With Dvd, 3rd Ed + Eduspace 1
Elaine Hubbard (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年06月30日)
K3 Projective Models in Scrolls (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Andreas L. Knutsen、Trygve Johnsen (Springer 2004年06月30日)
Lectures On Real Semisimple Lie Algebras And Their Representations (ESI Lectures in Mathematics & Physics)
Arkady L. Onishchik (Amer Mathematical Society 2004年06月30日)
Lie Groups (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Daniel Bump (Springer 2004年06月30日)
Palmprint Authentication (Kluwer International Series on Biometrics)
David D. Zhang (Springer 2004年06月30日)
(Ags Pub 2004年06月30日)
Series de Fourier y aplicaciones / Fourier Series and Applications: Un tratado elemental, con notas historicas y ejercicios resueltos / An Elementary Treatise, with Historical Notes and Solved Exercises (Ciencia Y Tecnica)
Antonio Canada Villar (Piramide Ediciones Sa 2004年06月30日)
Skills Intervention for Pre-Algebra: Diagnosis and Remediation, Spanish Student Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2004年06月30日)
Elementary Intermediate Algebra, Custom Publication
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年06月28日)
Passing the Algebra I Gateway: The Test Decoded
Taft H. Davis (Taft Davis 2004年06月28日)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra with Applications and Visualization
Gary K. Rockswold、Terry A. Krieger (Addison Wesley 2004年06月27日)
Pre-algebra, Custom Publication
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年06月22日)
Beginning Algebra With Houghton Mifflin Cubed Cd 6th Ed + Eduspace 1 Semester
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年06月21日)
Skills Intervention for Pre-Algebra: Diagnosis and Remediation, Student Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2004年06月15日)
Algebra: Concepts and Applications, Spanish Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2004年06月10日)
Algebraic Equations: An Introduction to the Theories of Lagrange and Galois (Dover Phoenix Editions)
Edgar Dehn (Dover Publications 2004年06月10日)
Algebraic Theories (Dover Phoenix Editions)
Leonard Dickson (Dover Publications 2004年06月10日)
Introduction to Higher Algebra (Dover Phoenix Editions)
Maxime Bocher (Dover Publications 2004年06月10日)
Algebra, Custom Publication: Introductory and Intermediate
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年06月09日)
Algebra for College Students
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年06月08日)
College Algebra, Custom Publication
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年06月08日)
Algebraic Automata Theory (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)
M. Holcombe (Cambridge University Press 2004年06月03日)
Finite Free Resolutions (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
D. G. Northcott (Cambridge University Press 2004年06月03日)
Hopf Algebras (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
Eiichi Abe (Cambridge University Press 2004年06月03日)
Topics in Ergodic Theory (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
William Parry (Cambridge University Press 2004年06月03日)
Economics of Information Security (Advances in Information Security)
(Springer-Verlag New York Inc. 2004年06月01日)
Algebra & Trigonometry (Your Student Study Pack)
Michael Sullivan (Prentice Hall College Div 2004年06月)
Applications of Fibonacci Numbers
Fredric T. Howard (Springer 2004年06月)
Basic Math, Algebra, and Geometry With Applications: Premium Website Access Card
Cheryl Cleaves、Margie Hobbs (Prentice Hall College Div 2004年06月)
Beginning Algebra: Mastering the Basics
Will Summers (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2004年06月)
Introduction To Mathematics With Maple
Pamela W. Adams、K. Smith、Rudolf Vyborny (WSPC 2004年06月)
Introduction To Mathematics With Maple
Pamela W. Adams、K. Smith、Rudolf Vyborny (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2004年06月)
Number Theory (Crm Proceedings & Lecture Notes, V. 36)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2004年06月)
Prealgebra & MyMathLab Pkg with CDROM and Other
K. Elayn Martin-Gay (Pearson Prentice Hall 2004年06月)
Representations of Real and P-Adic Groups (Lecture Notes)
(World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2004年06月)
Abel's Theorem In Problems And Solutions: Based on the lectures of Professor V.I.Arnold (the Kluwer International Series in Engineering & Computer Science)
V. B. Alekseev (Springer 2004年05月31日)
Abstract Algebra: Groups, Rings and Fields
Andrew Perry (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2004年05月30日)
Algebra With Trigonometry- A Guided Tour For The College-bound Student
C. A. Papanicolaou (Trafford 2004年05月30日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry + Study Guide 5th Ed
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年05月28日)
Modular Curves and Abelian Varieties (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
(Birkhauser 2004年05月27日)
Modern Algebra: An Introduction
John R. Durbin (Wiley 2004年05月20日)
College Algebra Demystified
Rhonda Huettenmueller (McGraw-Hill Professional 2004年05月18日)
Developmental Mathematics THEA Update Version (6th Edition)
Marvin L. Bittinger、Judith A. Beecher (Addison Wesley 2004年05月17日)
Algebraic Transformation Groups And Algebraic Varieties (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences)
(Springer 2004年05月14日)
Numbers, Groups and Codes
J. F. Humphreys、M. Y. Prest (Cambridge University Press 2004年05月13日)
College Algebra Concepts Models, Custom Publication
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年05月04日)
Mathematics in Action: Algebraic, Graphical, and Trigonometric Problem Solving (2nd Edition)
Consortium for Foundation Mathematics (Addison Wesley 2004年05月01日)
Numerical Polynomial Algebra
Hans J. Stetter (Society for Industrial Mathematics 2004年05月01日)
Algebra: Sets, Symbols, and the Language of Thought (History of Mathematics)
John Tabak (Facts on File (J) 2004年05月)
Beginning Algebra & MyMathLab Pkg [With CD-ROM and Mymathlab Student Access Kit]
K. Elayn Martin-Gay (Pearson Publications Company 2004年05月)
Calculus Concepts and Applications
Paul Foerster (Key Curriculum Pr 2004年05月)
Early Adventures in Algebra: Featuring Zero the Hero: Gems Teacher's Guide for Grades 1-2 (Gems Guides. Teacher's Guides)
Jaine Kopp (Gems 2004年05月)
Elementary Algebra
Mark Dugopolski (Mcgraw-Hill College 2004年05月)
Iterated Integrals and Cycles on Algebraic Maniforlds (Nankai Tracts in Mathematics)
Bruno Harris、K. T. Chen (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2004年05月)
Additional Skill and Drill Manual
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、David I. Schneider (Addison Wesley 2004年04月30日)
Progress On Cryptography: 25 Years Of Cryptography In China (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
(Springer 2004年04月30日)
College Algebra And Trigonometry
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年04月28日)
College Algebra And Trigonometry
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年04月28日)
Finite Fields and Applications: 7th International Conference, Fq7, Toulouse, France, May 5-9, 2003 : Revised Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Gary L. Mullen、Alain Poli、H. Stichtenoth、INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FINITE FIELD (Springer 2004年04月28日)
A Treatise on Algebraic Plane Curves (Dover Phoenix Editions)
Julian Lowell Coolidge (Dover Publications 2004年04月28日)
Pre-Algebra Demystified
Allan Bluman (McGraw-Hill Professional 2004年04月27日)
Abstract Algebra: A Comprehensive Treatment (Chapman & Hall/CRC Pure and Applied Mathematics)
Claudia Menini、Freddy Van Oystaeyen (CRC Press 2004年04月20日)
Abstract Algebra: A Comprehensive Treatment (Pure and Applied Mathematics)
Claudia Menini (Marcel Dekker Inc 2004年04月20日)
Elaine Hubbard (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年04月20日)
Algebra and Trigonometry (2nd Edition) (Beecher/Penna/Bittinger Series)
Judith A. Beecher、Judith A. Penna、Marvin L. Bittinger (Addison Wesley 2004年04月16日)
Precalculus (2nd Edition) (Beecher/Penna/Bittinger Series)
Judith A. Beecher、Judith A. Penna、Marvin L. Bittinger (Addison Wesley 2004年04月16日)
College Algebra + Study and Solutions Manual 5th Ed
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年04月14日)
Noncommutative Stationary Processes (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Rolf Gohm (Springer 2004年04月14日)
The American Journey Reconstruction to the Present, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2004年04月09日)
Groups: Topological, Combinatorial and Arithmetic Aspects (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
(Cambridge University Press 2004年04月08日)
Basic Technical Mathematics (8th Edition)
Allyn J. Washington (Addison Wesley 2004年04月04日)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Graphing Calculators: An Integrated Approach
Deborah Jolly Cochener、Bonnie Maclean Hodge、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年04月)
College Algebra
Deborah Hughes-Hallett、Eric Connally (John Wiley & Sons Inc 2004年04月)
College Algebra
Deborah Hughes-Hallett、Eric Connally (John Wiley & Sons Inc 2004年04月)
Domain Theory, Logic and Computation: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Domain Theory, Sichuan, China, October 2001 (Semantic Structures in Computation, V. 3)
J. Lawson、Ying-Ming Liu、M. K. Luo、Guo-Qiang Zhang、INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DOMAIN THEORY (Springer 2004年04月)
Matematica: Insegnamento E Computer Algebra
Michele Impedovo (Springer 2004年04月)
Methods of Graded Rings (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Constantin Nastasescu、Freddy Van Oystaeyen (Springer 2004年03月31日)
Algebra + Trigonometry a Graphing Approach 4th Ed + Smarthinking
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年03月30日)
Algebraic Functions (Dover Phoenix Editions)
Gilbert Ames Bliss (Dover Publications 2004年03月29日)
A First Graduate Course in Abstract Algebra (Chapman & Hall/CRC Pure and Applied Mathematics)
W.J. Wickless (CRC Press 2004年03月29日)
College Algebra and Trigonometry (3rd Edition) (Lial/Hornsby/Schneider Series)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、David I. Schneider (Addison Wesley 2004年03月26日)
Equivalence and Duality for Module Categories with Tilting and Cotilting for Rings (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
Robert R. Colby、Kent R. Fuller (Cambridge University Press 2004年03月22日)
Precalculus (7th Edition)
Michael Sullivan (Prentice Hall 2004年03月22日)
Student Solutions Manual for Dwyer/Gruenwald's Precalculus
David Dwyer、Mark E. Gruenwald (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年03月18日)
College Algebra + Study Guide and Solutions Manual 5th Ed + Eduspace
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年03月15日)
Prealgebra 4th Ed + Smarthinking
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年03月15日)
Essentials of Statistics (2nd Edition) (Triola Series)
Mario F. Triola (Addison Wesley 2004年03月13日)
Beginning Algebra with MathZone
Donald Hutchison、Barry Bergman、Louis Hoelzle、Stefan Baratto (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年03月12日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: A Unified Approach with MathZone
Donald Hutchison、Barry Bergman、Louis Hoelzle (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年03月12日)
Michael Sullivan (Prentice Hall College Div 2004年03月12日)
College Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann、Vernon C. Barker、Richard D. Nation、Christine S. Verity (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年03月11日)
Algebra for College Students with MathZone
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年03月10日)
Beginning Algebra (hardcover) with MathZone
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年03月10日)
Intermediate Algebra (hardcover) with MathZone
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年03月10日)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra: A Unified Worktext with MathZone
James Streeter、Donald Hutchison、Barry Bergman、Stefan Baratto (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年03月08日)
MP: Intermediate Algebra w/ MathZone
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年03月08日)
Algebra for College Students w/ MathZone
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年03月05日)
MP: Elementary Algebra w/ MathZone
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年03月05日)
College Algebra & Trigonometry, 5th Ed + Smarthinking
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年03月03日)
Algebra for College Students
R. David Gustafson、Peter D. Frisk (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年03月)
Kac-Moody Lie Algebras and Related Topics: Ramanujan International Symposium on Kac-Moody Lie Algebras and Applications, January 28-31, 2002, Ramanujan Institute for Advanced Study in (Contemporary Mathematics)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2004年03月)
Lie Theory: Lie Algebras and Representations (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
(Birkhauser 2004年03月)
Mal'Cev, Protomodular, Homological and Semi-Abelian Categories (Mathematics and Its Applications (Kluwer ))
Francis Borceux、Dominique Bourn (Springer 2004年03月)
Reasoning in Quantum Theory: Sharp and Unsharp Quantum Logics (Trends in Logic, V. 22)
M. Dalla Chiara、Roberto Giuntini、R. Greechie、Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara (Springer 2004年03月)
Algebra + Trigonometry With Cd 6th Ed + Eduspace/Blackboard
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年02月28日)
Elementary Algebra + Study + Solutions Guide 4th Ed
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年02月28日)
Intermediate Algebra with Applications and Visualization (2nd Edition)
Gary K. Rockswold、Terry A. Krieger (Addison Wesley 2004年02月28日)
Algebra 1: California Edition
Holliday (Glencoe/Mcgraw-Hill 2004年02月27日)
Applied College Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年02月27日)
Algebra Introductory And Intermediate
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年02月26日)
College Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年02月26日)
Beginning Algebra (Streeter)
Donald Hutchison (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年02月20日)
Exploring, Investigating and Discovering in Mathematics
Vasile Berinde (Birkhaeuser Basel 2004年02月20日)
Student Solutions Manual for use with Precalculus: Graphs and Models; Prepared by David Sobecki, Miami University
Raymond Barnett、Michael Ziegler、Karl Byleen (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年02月19日)
Applied College Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年02月18日)
Student Solutions Manual for use with College Algebra: Graphs and Models; Prepared by David Sobecki, Miami University
Raymond Barnett、Michael Ziegler、Karl Byleen (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年02月18日)
Algebra 1: California Edition
Glencoe、McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/Mcgraw-Hill 2004年02月17日)
Algebra: Begining And Intermediate
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年02月17日)
College Algebra 2nd Edition College Algebra GCM & SSM 2nd Edition eGrade v.1.5 Student Learning Guide
Linda Almgren Kime (Wiley 2004年02月16日)
College Algebra 2nd Edition with Student Learning Guide eGrade Set
Linda Almgren Kime (Wiley 2004年02月16日)
Explorations in College Algebra 2nd Edition Active Learning Edition with eGrade Student Learning Guide v1.5 Set (Wiley Plus Products)
Linda Almgren Kime、Judith Clark (Wiley 2004年02月16日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra (MathXL Tutorials on CD Series)
Tom Carson、Ellyn Gillespie、Bill E. Jordan (Addison Wesley 2004年02月13日)
Fundamental Mathematics through Applications (3rd Edition)
Geoffrey Akst、Sadie Bragg (Addison Wesley 2004年02月13日)
Basic Mathematics through Applications (3rd Edition) (Akst & Bragg Developmental Mathematics)
Geoffrey Akst、Sadie Bragg (Addison Wesley 2004年02月12日)
Introductory And Intermediate Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年02月11日)
College Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年02月09日)
Daily Warm-Ups For Algebra II (Daily Warm-Ups Math Series Ser)
Hope Martin (J Weston Walch Pub 2004年02月09日)
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年02月09日)
CliffsStudySolver Algebra II (Cliffsstudy Solver)
Mary Jane Sterling (Cliffs Notes 2004年02月06日)
College Algebra (7th Edition)
Michael Sullivan (Prentice Hall 2004年02月06日)
College Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann、Richard D. Nation、Vernon C. Barker (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年02月04日)
Richard N. Aufmann、Vernon C. Barker、Joanne S. Lockwood (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年02月02日)
Adventures in Mathematics
Martin A. Moskowitz (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2004年02月)
Algebraic Theory of Automata and Languages
Masami Ito (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2004年02月)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra: An Integrated Approach
R. David Gustafson、Peter D. Frisk (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年02月)
Categorical Decomposition Techniques in Algebraic Topology: International Conference in Algebraic Topology, Isle of Skye, Scotland, June 2001 (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
Gregory Arone、INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN ALGEBRAIC TO (Birkhauser (Architectural) 2004年02月)
Cohomology of Finite Groups (Grundlehren Der Mathematischen Wissenschaften)
Alejandro Adem、R. James Milgram、James R. Milgram (Springer 2004年02月)
College Algebra Through Functions and Models
Scott R. Herriott (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年02月)
College Algebra With InfoTrac: A Graphing Approach
Gareth Williams (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年02月)
How to Prepare for the Virginia Sol: High School Exit Exam in Algebra I (Barron's How to Prepare for the Virginia Sol: High School Exit)
Craig Herring、Lois S. Cohen (Barrons Educational Series Inc 2004年02月)
Multidimensional Systems Theory and Applications
N. K. Bose (Springer 2004年02月)
Representations of Finite Dimensional Algebras and Related Topics in Lie Theory and Geometry (Fields Institute Communications)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2004年02月)
Topological Algebras and Their Applications: Fourth International Conference on Topological Algebras and Their Applications, July 1-5, 2002, Oaxaca, Mexico (Contemporary Mathematics)
(Amer Mathematical Society 2004年02月)
Topology of Singular Spaces and Constructible Sheaves (Monografie Matematyczne, 63)
Jorg Schurmann (Birkhauser (Architectural) 2004年02月)
Glencoe Exclusive! Student Works: All-In-One Interactive Student edition and Studfent Resources : Indiana Edition
(Glencoe/Mcgraw-Hill 2004年01月31日)
Algebra (Core Skills)
Various (Steck-Vaughn Co 2004年01月30日)
College Algebra:a Graphing Approach + Study + Solutions Guide 4th Ed + Smarthinking
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年01月30日)
Elementary Algebra + Student Solution Guide + Dvd, 4th Ed + Eduspace 1
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年01月30日)
Introduction to Algebra
Kaseberg (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年01月30日)
Representation Theory of Finite Reductive Groups (New Mathematical Monographs)
Marc Cabanes、Michel Enguehard (Cambridge University Press 2004年01月29日)
Hopf Algebras (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
(CRC Press 2004年01月28日)
Rings, Modules, Algebras, and Abelian Groups (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
(CRC Press 2004年01月28日)
Beginning Algebra: With Arithmetic Review And Mathematics Modules
Alan Jacobs (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年01月23日)
College Algebra: A Graphing Approach
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年01月23日)
Elaine Hubbard、Ronald Robinson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年01月23日)
Math for the Anxious: Building Basic Skills
Rosanne Proga (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年01月21日)
College Algebra: A Graphing Approach
Bruce H. Edwards、Ron Larson、Robert P. Hostetler (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年01月16日)
Algebra & Trigonometry (7th Edition)
Michael Sullivan (Prentice Hall 2004年01月15日)
College Algebra: A Graphing Approach
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年01月15日)
Exploring Elementary And Intermediate Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年01月15日)
Precalculus a Graphing Approach: A Graphic Approach
Ron Larson、Robert P. Hostetler、Bruce H. Edwards、David C. Falvo (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年01月15日)
Elementary And Intermediate Algebra: A Combined Course
Ron Larson、Robert P. Hostetler (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年01月14日)
Exploring Elementary And Intermediate
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年01月14日)
Exploring Intermediate Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年01月14日)
Algebra 2: Teachers Wraparound Edition
Holliday (Glencoe/Mcgraw-Hill 2004年01月10日)
Mathematics In Action: An Introduction to Algebraic, Graphical, and Numerical Problem Solving (2nd Edition)
Consortium for Foundation Mathematics (Addison Wesley 2004年01月10日)
OH Algebra 1, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2004年01月10日)
Exploring Intermediate Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年01月09日)
Elementary And Intermediate Algebra: A Combined Course
Carolyn F. Neptune、Gerry C. Fitch (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年01月07日)
Algebra For College Students
Ron Larson、Robert Hostetler (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年01月06日)
Contemporary College Algebra: Data, Functions, Modeling (with CD)
Donald B. Small (McGraw-Hill Primis Custom Publishing 2004年01月06日)
Elementary Algebra
Ron Larson、Robert P. Hostetler (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年01月06日)
Algebra Concepts and Appllications: Teachers Annotated Edition
Cummins (Glencoe/Mcgraw-Hill 2004年01月02日)
College Algebra with Trigonometry: Graphs and Models with MathZone
Raymond A. Barnett、Michael R. Ziegler、Karl E. Byleen (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年01月02日)
College Algebra: Graphs and Models with MathZone
Raymond Barnett、Michael Ziegler、Karl Byleen (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年01月02日)
Impact Mathematics, Course 1: Vol B, Teachers Edition
(Glencoe/Mcgraw-Hill 2004年01月02日)
Impact Mathemetics, Course 1
(Glencoe/Mcgraw-Hill 2004年01月02日)
Precalculus: Graphs and Models with MathZone (Barnett, Ziegler, and Byleen's Precalculus Series)
Raymond Barnett、Michael Ziegler、Karl Byleen (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2004年01月02日)
Glencoe Algebra 2, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2004年01月01日)
Al Stnd Test Prep Wkbk Alg 1 2004
Holt Rinehart & Winston (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2004年01月)
Algebra 1 Florida (Glencoe Mathematics)
(McGraw-Hill 2004年01月)
Algebra and Trigonometry
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年01月)
Algebra and Trigonometry
(Houghton Mifflin College Div 2004年01月)
Algebra and Trigonometry: with Student Study Guide
Michael Sullivan (Prentice Hall College Div 2004年01月)
Algebra Lineal - Metodo
J. a. Barrios (Alfa Centauro 2004年01月)
Beginning Algebra
R. David Gustafson、Peter D. Frisk (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年01月)
Calculo diferencial e integral/ Differential and Integral Calculus
N. Piskunov (Limusa 2004年01月)
Compact Complex Surfaces (Ergebnisse Der Mathematik Und Ihrer Grenzgebiete 3 Folge)
Klaus Hulek、Chris A. M. Peters、Antonius Van De Ven、Wolf Barth (Springer 2004年01月)
Elementary Algebra
Dugpoplski (Mcgraw-Hill College 2004年01月)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
Tom Carson、Ellyn Gillespie、Bill E. Jordan (Addison-Wesley 2004年01月)
How the Arabs Invented Algebra: The History of the Concept of Variables (Powermath)
Tika Downey (Rosen Classroom 2004年01月)
Illinois Math Standardized Test Preparation Workbook: Help for PSAE Math
(Holt McDougal 2004年01月)
Integers, Polynomials, and Rings: A Course in Algebra (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
Ronald S. Irving (Springer 2004年01月)
Intermediate Algebra With Infotrac: A Just-In-Time Approach
Alice Kaseberg (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年01月)
Just in Time Algebra (Just in Time Series)
Colleen Schultz (Learning Express Llc 2004年01月)
La Test Prep Wkbk Alg 1 2004
Holt Rinehart & Winston (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2004年01月)
The Linear Algebra a Beginning Graduate Student Ought to Know (Kluwer Texts in the Mathematical Sciences, V. 27)
Jonathan S. Golan (Springer 2004年01月)
Matematicas para ninos y jovenes : Actividades faciles para aprender matematicas jugando / Math For Children and Teens: Actividades faciles para aprender matematicas jugando (Biblioteca Cientifica Para Ninos Y Jovenes)
Janice Pratt VanCleave (Limusa 2004年01月)
Math Course 3, Grade 8 Spanish Homework and Practice Workbook: Holt Mathematics
(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2004年01月)
Modern Algebra and the Rise of Mathematical Structures
Leo Corry (Springer 2004年01月)
North Carolina Test Prep Workbook, Holt Algebra I: Help for the EOC in Algebra I
(Holt McDougal 2004年01月)
Ok Tp Wkbk Alg 1 2004
Holt Rinehart & Winston (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2004年01月)
Pre-algebra, Grade 8: Holt Pre-algebra
(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2004年01月)
Problemas de Algebra Lineal Para La Economia
S. Morga (Alfa Centauro 2004年01月)
Solving Algebra Word Problems
Barclay (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2004年01月)
TN Test Prep Wkbk Alg 1 2004
Holt Rinehart & Winston (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2004年01月)
Va Test Prep Wkbk Alg 1 2004
Holt Rinehart & Winston (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2004年01月)
West Virginia Holt Algebra 1 Test Preparation Workbook: Help for WESTEST and End of Course Exam
(Holt McDougal 2004年01月)
Elementary Algebra
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年12月31日)
Intermediate Algebra
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年12月31日)
Intermediate Algebra: Functions and Authentic Applications
Jay Lehmann (Prentice Hall College Div 2003年12月31日)
College Algebra
Lonnie Hass、Larry Taylor (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2003年12月30日)
Functions + Change College Algebra, Withggraphing Guide, Study + Solutions Manual 2nd Ed, + Smarthinking
Benny Evans (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年12月30日)
Handbook of Graph Theory (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
(CRC Press 2003年12月29日)
Mathematics and Algebra for College Students
Tussy (Thomson Learning 2003年12月23日)
Intermediate Algebra
Charles P. McKeague (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年12月22日)
Elementary And Intermediate Algebra
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年12月19日)
Beginning Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年12月17日)
Linear Algebra for Engineers and Scientists Using Matlab®
Kenneth Hardy (Prentice Hall 2003年12月15日)
On Riemann's Theory of Algebraic Functions and Their Integrals: A Supplement to the Usual Treatises (Dover Phoenix Editions)
Felix Klein (Dover Publications 2003年12月15日)
Intermediate Algebra
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年12月12日)
Schaum's Outline of Elementary Algebra (Schaum's Outline Series)
Barnett Rich、Philip Schmidt (McGraw-Hill 2003年12月12日)
Introductory And Intermediate Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年12月10日)
Developmental Mathematics
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年12月08日)
Beginning And Intermediate Algebra
Charles P. McKeague (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年12月05日)
Intermediate Algebra: Concepts And Graphs
Charles P. McKeague (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年12月05日)
Schaum's Outline of Abstract Algebra (Schaum's Easy Outlines)
Lloyd Jaisingh、Frank Ayres (McGraw-Hill 2003年12月05日)
Basic Mathematics For College Students
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年12月04日)
Alan S. Tussy、R. David Gustafson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年12月04日)
Beginning Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年12月03日)
Latent Variable Models: An Introduction to Factor, Path, and Structural Equation Analysis
John C. Loehlin (Routledge Academic 2003年12月01日)
Advances in Algebra: Proceedings of the Icm Satellite Conference in Algebra and Related Topics
K. P. Shum、Icm Satellite Conference in Algebra And、Zhexian Wan、Jiping Zhang、B. H. Neumann (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2003年12月)
Algebra Lineal
S. Poole (I.T.P. Latin America 2003年12月)
Algebra y Trigonometria Con Geometria Analitica
Swokowski (I.T.P. Latin America 2003年12月)
Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry, With Applications: Papers from Shreeram S. Abhyankar's 70th Birthday Conference
Chris Christensen、Ganesh Sundaram、Avinash M. Sathaye、Chandrajit Bajaj (Springer 2003年12月)
Beginning Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年12月)
Beginning Algebra With Infotrac
Charles McKeague (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年12月)
College Algebra Non-Infotrac Version
R. David Gustafson、Peter D. Frisk (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年12月)
Concise Encyclopedia of Supersymmetry: And Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics
(Springer London 2003年12月)
Dynamic Reconfiguration: Architectures and Algorithms (Series in Computer Science)
Ramachandran Vaidyanathan、Jerry L. Trahan (Plenum Pub Corp 2003年12月)
Integers, Polynomials, and Rings: A Course in Algebra (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
Ronald S. Irving (Springer 2003年12月)
Introduccion Al Calculo Vectorial
Mena (I.T.P. Latin America 2003年12月)
Introduction to Vertex Operator Algebras and Their Representations (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
James Lepowsky、Haisheng Li (Birkhauser 2003年12月)
The Learning Equation Elementary Algebra: Version 3.5 Online
Acerra (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年12月)
The Learning Equation: Intermediate Algebra, Version 3.5
(Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年12月)
The Learning Equation: Prealgebra: Version 3.5
Acerra (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年12月)
GROUP 24: Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Symmetries: Proceedings of the 24th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Paris, 15-20 July 2002 (Institute of Physics Conference Series)
(Taylor & Francis 2003年11月30日)
Intermediate Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年11月24日)
Schubert Varieties (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
V. Lakshmibai、C. S. Seshadri (Birkhauser 2003年11月21日)
Radical Theory of Rings (Chapman & Hall/CRC Pure and Applied Mathematics)
J.W. Gardner、R. Wiegandt (CRC Press 2003年11月19日)
Algebra Introductory And Intermediate
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年11月18日)
Beginning Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年11月18日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: Graphs & Models (2nd Edition) (MathXL Tutorials on CD Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen、Barbara L. Johnson (Addison Wesley 2003年11月15日)
Elementary Linear Algebra, Third Edition
Stephen Andrilli、David Hecker (Academic Press 2003年11月14日)
Introduction to Banach Algebras, Operators, and Harmonic Analysis (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)
H. Garth Dales、Pietro Aiena、Joerg Eschmeier、Kjeld Laursen、George A. Willis (Cambridge University Press 2003年11月13日)
Algebra 1, Grade 9 Eedition: Mcdougal Littell High School Math
(Mcdougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin 2003年11月12日)
Algebra Out Loud: Learning Mathematics Through Reading and Writing Activities
Pat Mower Ph.D. (Jossey-Bass 2003年11月11日)
Kleinian Groups and Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds: Proceedings of the Warwick Workshop, September 11–14, 2001 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
(Cambridge University Press 2003年11月10日)
Beginning Algebra: With Arithmetic Review
Scott Adamson、Paula Cheslik、Anne Dudley、David Dudley、Teri Glaess (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年11月06日)
Groups St Andrews 2001 in Oxford: Volume 1 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
(Cambridge University Press 2003年11月06日)
Groups St Andrews 2001 in Oxford: Volume 2 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
(Cambridge University Press 2003年11月06日)
Explorations in College Algebra 2nd Edition with Graphing Calculator & Student Solutions Manual and Student Survey Set
Linda Almgren Kime (John Wiley & Sons 2003年11月05日)
Modern Algebra with Applications (Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Wiley Series of Texts, Monographs and Tracts)
William J. Gilbert、W. Keith Nicholson (Wiley-Interscience 2003年11月05日)
Categorical Foundations: Special Topics in Order, Topology, Algebra, and Sheaf Theory (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
(Cambridge University Press 2003年11月03日)
Algebra (Springer-Lehrbuch)
Siegfried Bosch (Springer 2003年11月)
Beginning Algebra
M. A. Munem、C. M. West (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2003年11月)
College Algebra With Infotrac
James Stewart、Lothar Redlin、Saleem Watson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年11月)
College Algebra: Understanding Functions: A Graphing Approach
Arthur Goodman、Lewis Hirsch (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年11月)
Grobner Bases and the Computation of Group Cohomology (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
David J. Green (Springer 2003年11月)
Lectures on Clifford (Geometric) Algebras and Applications
Rafal Ablamowicz、Garret Sobczyk (Springer 2003年11月)
Number Theory and Modular Forms: Papers in Memory of Robert A. Rankin (Developments in Mathematics, V. 10)
(Kluwer Academic Pub 2003年11月)
Oeuvres - Collected Papers: Volume 1: 1949-1959; Volume 2: 1960-1971; Volume 3: 1972-1984; Volume 4: 1985-1998
Jean-Pierre Serre (Springer 2003年11月)
Algebra + Trigonometry With Cd + Study + Solutions Guide 6th Ed + Smarthinking
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年10月30日)
Algebra Introductory And Intermediate
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年10月30日)
Beginning Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年10月30日)
College Algebra With Cd-rom 6th Ed + Smarthinking
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年10月30日)
Intermediate Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年10月30日)
College Algebra in Context with Applications for the Managerial, Life and Social Sciences
Ronald J. Harshbarger、Lisa S. Yocco (Addison Wesley 2003年10月22日)
Concrete Abstract Algebra: From Numbers to Groebner Bases
Niels Lauritzen (Cambridge University Press 2003年10月16日)
Concrete Abstract Algebra: From Numbers to Groebner Bases
Niels Lauritzen (Cambridge University Press 2003年10月16日)
SMART CD, Algebra for College Students
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2003年10月14日)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: A Unified Approach
Donald Hutchison、Barry Bergman、Louis Hoelzle (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2003年10月10日)
MP: Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: A Unified Approach w/ OLC Bind-In Card
Donald Hutchison、Barry Bergman、Louis Hoelzle (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2003年10月10日)
Student Solutions Manual for use with College Algebra with Trigonometry: Graphs and Models; Prepared by David Sobecki, Miami University
Raymond Barnett、Michael Ziegler、Karl Byleen (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2003年10月10日)
Nature Problem Solving Algebra
Smith (Brooks/Cole 2003年10月09日)
Student Solutions Manual for use with Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
Donald Hutchison、Barry Bergman、Louis Hoelzle (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2003年10月03日)
College Algebra with Trigonometry: With Smart CD (Windows)
Raymond A. Barnett、Michael R. Ziegler、Karl E. Byleen (McGraw Hill Higher Education 2003年10月01日)
Algebra : Volume I
B. L. Van Der Waerden (Springer 2003年10月)
Algebra : Volume II
B. L. Van Der Waerden (Springer 2003年10月)
Almost Ring Theory (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Ofer Gabber、Lorenzo Ramero (Springer 2003年10月)
C-Differentiable Spaces (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Juan A. Navarro Gonzalez、Juan B. Sancho De Salas (Springer 2003年10月)
College Algebra
Stewart、Redlin、Watson (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年10月)
Commutative Algebra, Singularities and Computer Algebra (Nato Science Series II Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry)
Jurgen Herzog、Victor Vuletescu、Ukraine) NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon Nanomaterials (8th : 2003 : Sudak (Kluwer Academic Pub 2003年10月)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: A Combined Course
Charles P. McKeague (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年10月)
From Combinatorics to Dynamical Systems: Journees De Calcul Formel, Strasbourg, March 22-23, 2002 (Irma Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, 3)
(Walter De Gruyter Inc 2003年10月)
Galois Theory and Modular Forms (Developments in Mathematics)
(Kluwer Academic Pub 2003年10月)
Groups, Rings and Galois Theory
Victor P. Snaith (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2003年10月)
Groups, Rings and Galois Theory
Victor P. Snaith (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2003年10月)
Introductory Algebra: A Just-in-Time Approach
Alice Kaseberg (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年10月)
Lectures on Finite Fields and Galois Rings
Zhe-Xian Wan (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2003年10月)
Lie Algebras Su(N): An Introduction
Walter Pfeifer (Springer 2003年10月)
Mpj's Ultimate Math Lessons
Chris Shore (Math Projects Journal 2003年10月)
Polynomials (Problem Books in Mathematics)
Edward J. Barbeau (Springer 2003年10月)
The Problem of Integrable Discretizatoin: Hamiltonian Approach (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
Yuri B. Suris (Birkhauser (Architectural) 2003年10月)
Student's Solution Manual for Algebra
Margaret L. Lial (Addison-Wesley 2003年10月)
Understanding Business - Statistics Made Easy
Robert Dransfield (Nelson Thornes 2003年10月)
Video CD-ROMs for use with Prealgebra
James Streeter (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2003年09月26日)
College Algebra Essentials
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2003年09月24日)
Basic Abstract Algebra South Asia Edition
P.B. Bhattacharya、S.R. Nagpaul (Camb.U.P. 2003年09月22日)
SMART CD-ROM to accompany Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
Donald Hutchison、Barry Bergman、Louis Hoelzle (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2003年09月19日)
Analytic Pro-P Groups (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)
J. D. Dixon、M. P. F. Du Sautoy、A. Mann、D. Segal (Cambridge University Press 2003年09月18日)
Finite Automata
Mark V. Lawson (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2003年09月17日)
Precalculus Essentials
Robert F. Blitzer (Prentice Hall 2003年09月17日)
Corings and Comodules (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
Tomasz Brzezinski、Robert Wisbauer (Cambridge University Press 2003年09月15日)
Algebra for College Students
Julie Miller (Mcgraw-Hill College 2003年09月12日)
Stable Modules and the D(2)-Problem (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
F. E. A. Johnson (Cambridge University Press 2003年09月11日)
Elementary And Intermediate Algebra: A Practical Approach
Timothy Craine (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年09月09日)
Quasi-Frobenius Rings (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
W. K. Nicholson、M. F. Yousif (Cambridge University Press 2003年09月08日)
Video Series on CD-ROM for use with Beginning Algebra
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2003年09月04日)
Applied College Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年09月03日)
Introduccion Al Calculo Y Al Algebra/ an Introduction to Calculus and Algebra
Open University ( 2003年09月03日)
Modern Computer Algebra
Joachim von zur Gathen、Juergen Gerhard (Cambridge University Press 2003年09月01日)
Schaum's Easy Outline Intermediate Algebra
Ray Steege、Kerry Bailey (McGraw-Hill 2003年09月01日)
Algebra from a Different Angle
Suzanne Austin (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2003年09月)
Algebraic Combinatorics and Quantum Groups
(World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2003年09月)
Algorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics, V. 10)
Saugata Basu、Richard Pollack、Marie-Francoise Roy (Springer 2003年09月)
As Use of Maths: Algebra & Graphs
June Haighton、Anne Haworth (Nelson Thornes 2003年09月)
The Facts on File Algebra Handbook (Science Handbook)
Deborah Todd (Facts on File (J) 2003年09月)
Forgotten Algebra: A Self-Teaching Refresher Course (And the Optional Use of the Graphing Calculator)
Barbara Lee, Ph.D. Bleau (Barrons Educational Series Inc 2003年09月)
Introduccion A La Teoria De Las Funciones Algebraicas (Seccion de Obras de Ciencia y Tecnologia)
Gabriel Daniel Villa Salvador (Fondo De Cultura Economica USA 2003年09月)
The Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Maps (Lecture Notes in Physics)
Mirko Degli Esposti、Sandro Graffi (Springer 2003年09月)
Mo Stnd Test Prep Alg 1 2004
Holt Rinehart & Winston (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 2003年09月)
The Nature of Problem Solving in Algebra: A Liberal Arts Approach With Infotrac
Karl J. Smith (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年09月)
Precalculus With Infotrac
David Dwyer、Mark Gruenwald (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年09月)
Proper Group Actions and the Baum-Connes Conjecture (Advanced Courses in Mathematics - Crm Barcelona)
Guido Mislin、G. Misin、Alain Valette (Birkhauser (Architectural) 2003年09月)
Tirbute to C.S. Seshadri: A Collection of Articles on Geometry & Representation Theory (Trends in Mathematics)
(Birkhauser (Architectural) 2003年09月)
Applying Algebraic Thinking to Data: Concepts and Processes for the Intermediate Algebra Student
Phil Demarois、Mercedes Mcgowen、Darlene Whitkanack (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2003年08月30日)
College Algebra
Kristin Umland (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2003年08月30日)
Graphing Calculator Manual
Phil Demarois、Mercedes Mcgowan、Darlene Whitkanack (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2003年08月30日)
Mathematical Investigations
Phil Demarois、Mercedes Mcgowan、Darlene Whitkanack (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2003年08月30日)
Student's Solution Manual for Applying Algebraic Thinking to Data
Phil Demarois、Mercedes Mcgowan、Darlene Whitkanack (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2003年08月30日)
Student's Solution Manual for Mathematical Investigations
Phil Demarois、Mercedes Mcgowan、Darlene Whitkanack (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2003年08月30日)
Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen (Addison Wesley 2003年08月28日)
Elementary And Intermediate Algebra: A Practical Approach
Timothy Craine、Jeffrey Mcgowan、Thomas Ruben (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年08月19日)
SMART CD-ROM tutorial to accompany Algebra for College Students
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2003年08月19日)
Lectures on Invariant Theory (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
Igor Dolgachev (Cambridge University Press 2003年08月07日)
Algebra For College Students (2nd Edition) (Angel Hardback Series)
Allen R. Angel (Prentice Hall 2003年08月06日)
Beginning Algebra And Prealgebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年08月04日)
Dr. Math Gets You Ready for Algebra: Learning Pre-Algebra Is Easy! Just Ask Dr. Math!
The Math Forum (Jossey-Bass 2003年08月01日)
Elementary Algebra (MathXL Tutorials on CD Series)
Tom Carson、Ellyn Gillespie (Addison Wesley 2003年08月01日)
Algebra for College Students
Julie Miller、Molly O'Neill (Mcgraw-Hill (Tx) 2003年08月)
Algebra II: Chapters 4-7 (Elements of Mathematics)
Nicolas Bourbaki (Springer 2003年08月)
The Algebra Tutor: Algebra I and Algebra II
Willie L. Thomas (P J Thomas Book Co 2003年08月)
The Algebra Tutor: Trigonometry and College Algebra
Willie L. Thomas (P J Thomas Book Co 2003年08月)
Beginning Algebra
Kathleen Chadick (Kendall Hunt Pub Co 2003年08月)
College Algebra
Chris Vancil (Custom Pub. Co. 2003年08月)
Discovering Algebra: Teacher Resources on Cd
(Key Curriculum Pr 2003年08月)
Dr. Math Gets You Ready For Algebra: Learning Pre-algebra Is Easy! Just Ask Dr.
(Turtleback Books 2003年08月)
Elementary Algebra
Tom Carson、Ellyn Gillespie (Addison-Wesley 2003年08月)
Endomorphism Rings of Abelian Groups (Algebras and Applications, V. 2)
Piotr A. Krylov、Aleksandr Vasilevich Mikhalev、Askar A. Tuganbaev (Kluwer Academic Pub 2003年08月)
Lectures on Finite Fields and Galois Rings
Zhe-Xian Wan (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2003年08月)
Mathematic: Fur Physiker Und Mathematiker. Reelle Analysis Und Lineare Algebra
Rainer Wust (Vch Verlagsgesellschaft Mbh 2003年08月)
Principles of Microeconomics
Richard W. Tresch (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年08月)
Proceedings of the Third International Algebra Conference: June 16-July 1, 2002, Chang Jung Christian University, Tainan, Taiwan
Taiwan) International Conference on Algebra and Their Related Topics (3rd : 2001 : Tai-nan shih、Long-Sheng Shiao、Efim Zelmanov (Kluwer Academic Pub 2003年08月)
Real Operator Algebras
Bingren Li (World Scientific Pub Co Inc 2003年08月)
How the Arabs Invented Algebra: The History of the Concept of Variables (Math for the Real World)
Tika Downey (Rosen Publishing Group 2003年07月30日)
Manifolds, Lie Groups: Inhon.of Yozo Matsushima (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
Jun-Ichi Hano (Springer-Verlag 2003年07月30日)
Galois Theory, Third Edition (Chapman Hall/CRC Mathematics Series)
Ian Stewart (Chapman and Hall/CRC 2003年07月29日)
Exploring Intermediate Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年07月28日)
SMART CD-ROM to accompany Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
James Streeter、Donald Hutchison、Barry Bergman、Stefan Baratto (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2003年07月28日)
Basic Math, Algebra and Geometry with Applications & Premium Web Card Package
Cheryl Cleaves、Margie Hobbs (Prentice Hall 2003年07月25日)
College Mathematics for Technology (6th Edition)
Cheryl Cleaves、Margie Hobbs (Prentice Hall 2003年07月25日)
Teach Yourself Algebra (Teach Yourself: Math & Science)
P. Abbott、Hugh Neill (McGraw-Hill 2003年07月25日)
Basic Math, Algebra and Geometry with Applications
Cheryl Cleaves、Margie Hobbs (Prentice Hall 2003年07月24日)
Intermediate Algebra: Graphs & Models (2nd Edition) (MathXL Tutorials on CD Series)
Marvin L. Bittinger、David J. Ellenbogen、Barbara L. Johnson (Addison Wesley 2003年07月24日)
Algebra for College Students (5th Edition) (MathXL Tutorials on CD Series)
Margaret L. Lial、John Hornsby、Terry McGinnis (Addison Wesley 2003年07月23日)
Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications)
(Cambridge University Press 2003年07月21日)
Exploring Elementary And Intermediate Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年07月18日)
Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Representations: An Elementary Introduction (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Brian C. Hall (Springer 2003年07月18日)
Math Excursions
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年07月15日)
Abstract Algebra (Ise Edition)
David S. Dummit、Richard M. Foote (Wiley 2003年07月14日)
Exploring Elementary And Intermediate Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年07月14日)
Exploring Intermediate Algebra: A Graphing Approach
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年07月14日)
Pre-Algebra, Reading to Learn Mathematics Workbook
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2003年07月14日)
Geometry Supplement (6th Edition)
Marvin L. Bittinger、Judith A. Beecher (Addison Wesley 2003年07月13日)
Algebra for College Students
Jerome E. Kaufmann、Karen L. Schwitters (Brooks/Cole Pub Co 2003年07月11日)
Subgroup Growth (Progress in Mathematics, 212)
Alexander Lubotzky、Dan Segal、Akexabder Lubotzky (Birkhauser (Architectural) 2003年07月11日)
Developmental Mathematics plus MyMathLab Student Starter Kit (6th Edition)
Marvin L. Bittinger、Judith A. Beecher (Addison Wesley 2003年07月10日)
SMART Tutorial CD ROM to accompany Intermediate Algebra
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2003年07月10日)
MP: Elementary & Intermediate Algebra w/ SMART CD
Mark Dugopolski (McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 2003年07月09日)
Intermediate Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann、Vernon C. Barker、Joanne S. Lockwood (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年07月08日)
Algebra: Concepts and Applications, Volume 2, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2003年07月05日)
Exploring Intermediate Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年07月02日)
Applied College Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年07月)
Applied College Algebra
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年07月)
College Algebra: Concepts and Models
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年07月)
Coxeter Matroids (Progress in Mathematics (Birkhauser Boston))
Alexandre Borovik、I. M. Gelfand (Birkhauser 2003年07月)
Exploring Elementary And Intermediate Algebra: A Graphing Approach
Richard N. Aufmann、Joanne Lockwood、Laurie Boswell (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年07月)
A Guide to Classical and Modern Model Theory (Trends in Logic, V. 19)
Annalisa Marcja、Carlo Toffalori (Springer 2003年07月)
Prealgebra Plus Mymathlab Starter Kit
Bittinger、Ellenbogen (Addison-Wesley 2003年07月)
Proper Group Actions and the Baum-Connes Conjecture (Advanced Courses in Mathematics, Crm Barcelona)
Guido Mislin、Alain Valette (Springer-Verlag 2003年07月)
The Selected Works of Phillip A. Griffiths With Commentary:Part3 (Collected Works S.)
Phillip Griffiths (Amer Mathematical Society 2003年07月)
Technical Mathematics: With Applications in Electronics and Photonics
Srini V. Vasan (Trafford 2003年07月)
Theory of Invariants - Monograph in Mathematics
Oliver Edwards Glenn (Wexford College Pr 2003年07月)
College Algebra With Cd-rom + Student Solutions Guide 6th Ed
Ron Larson (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年06月30日)
Discovering Advanced Algebra: An Investigative Approach
(Key Curriculum Pr 2003年06月30日)
Intermediate Algebra With Applications: Hm3 Cd (Software)
Richard N. Aufmann (Houghton Mifflin College Div 2003年06月30日)
Mathematics Applied To Electronics (6th Edition)
James H. Harter、Wallace D. Beitzel (Prentice Hall 2003年06月30日)
Trigonometria plana y esferica / Plane and Spherical Trigonometry: Con Tablas Trigonometricas / and Four-Place Tables of Logarithms
Anthony Granville (Limusa 2003年06月30日)
Algebra I: Indiana Ed
Holliday (Glencoe/Mcgraw-Hill 2003年06月27日)